I'm in LA! On Monday I went to some outlets in SD for some pretty good makeup/clothes hauling with my fam. After that, we drove to LA to check into our hotel, eat, etc. My mom, sister, and I also explored Downtown Disney..
Look at this fabulous villain! Perfect for the upcoming Venomous Villains collection. MAC, why did you not include her?? I'd love a seashell compact..
Sephora! I try to visit every and any Sephora that's nearby when I'm on vacation. I like to compare them to see how they differ and whatnot. This store was pretty big -they had LORAC which many Sephora stores have stopped carrying. I have to say that I didn't think their service was all that great. When I walk into a Sephora (or any store for that matter), I expect to be greeted, to be asked if I need help, and to be treated like royalty!! (JK about the last one.. sort of.)
Anyways, they didn't greet me OR ask for help after I was literally wandering the store looking/asking for help for 10 minutes. I finally did get some help.. but she didn't seem very knowledgeable. eh.. I walked out with nothing simply because I was disappointed by their customer service. However, I just might go back because this one LORAC blush was calling my name!!
This was in Studio Disney 365. It was one of those places with a bunch of really girly (kid) stuff. They do makeovers and photo shoots. Aren't these mirrors and chairs adorable??
Check out the fanciest kid's dressing room ever!!
These were really cute.. Inside the Kitson Kids store.
I love these! Agh so cute.
I've always wanted a boombox bag -but minus the speakers. I just want something that looks like a boombox.
Mini gumball machine..
Glitter and jewels!
HUGE lego giraffe at the Lego Store. I hear that they're the 2nd best store (Arizona has the #1 store.) I was a little disappointed though that it's made of the medium sized legos ..not the tiny ones like most the Legoland figures.
Luke, I am your father..
Huge Build A Bear.
I didn't know that you could now make a Hello Kitty doll.. I also want the Dimples bear.
Hello Kitty gear!
And chair (or couch if you put Barbies on it.)
Reminded me of my boy.
Inside World of Disney. I love how they're all baby versions.
Star Wars Muppets style.
My sister likes this stuff.. It's pretty but I'm too scared of breaking it.
I used to wear these all the time!
And later on that night, we were back at the hotel when we heard something like fireworks. We looked outside and they WERE fireworks!! I tried my best to get decent pics but my camera lags so much. It doesn't just take the dang picture when I click the button.. it lags so much. =(
The End.