
Showing posts with the label symerton

CMAP Publishes Comments on the Proposed Illiana Expressway

CMAP--The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning--has released public comment CMAP received regarding the proposed Illiana Expressway. CMAP received 965 comments on the Illiana.  169 comments supported including the Illiana Expressway in CMAP's GOTO2040 plan.  796 comments were opposed to the Illiana Expressway being included by CMAP in the GOTO2040 plan. Read all public comments submitted to CMAP here (this is a large document and will take a few minutes to load).

Illiana Tollway Protest

Opponents of the Peotone Airport and the Illiana Expressway met to protest plans for the Illiana Expressway, calling it "Illiana Neosprawl".  In October 2012, the Illiana Planning Team announced corridor "B3" and a "No Build" option would continue forward for further study.  The B3 corridor travels from near Lowell, Indiana to Wilmington, Illinois and passes through a mapped "South Suburban Airport".    The protest took place outside State Senator Toi Hutchinson's office in Olympia Fields.  Hutchinson introduced legislation allowing for quick take eminent domain for a public-private Illiana Expressway. Protest Against the Peotone Airport and the Illiana Expressway Symerton landowner whose farm would be affected by the Illiana B3 Anthony Rayson of STAND then gave a statement condemning the proposed Illiana as an engine of sprawl in Southern and Eastern Will County:

Enjoy the Beautiful Fall Colors in Will County!

Now is a great time to head outdoors and enjoy beautiful fall colors in Will County! Two great places to enjoy the warm colors of autumn are the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie and the Wauponsee Glacial Trail . Here are some photos taken from the Wauponsee Glacial Trail between Manhattan and Symerton, Illinois:  Wauponsee Glacial Trail, between Manhattan and Symerton, Illinois  Fall Colors along the Wauponsee Glacial Trail Fall colors along the Wauponsee Glacial Trail, bridge over Prairie Creek near Manhattan, Illinois The Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie is also a great resource for Will County.  Many hiking and biking trails are currently open to the public. Photos from the Bailey Bridge Trail inside the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie:  Bailey Bridge Trail, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie   Klingler Cemetery gate inside the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie Hedge apple on the Bailey Bridge Trail in the Midewin National Tallgr...