UPDATE 2: April 2013 Public Meetings on Tier Two of the Illiana Corridor Study UPDATE: The Illiana Corridor Planning Team has proposed two additional corridors alternatives,one of which passes just south of Manhattan, Monee, and University Park, Illinois. This A3S2 alignment, below in red, also passes north of Elwood, Illinois and Beecher, Illinois. There is a public meeting regarding which alignment will be chose on JULY 31, 2012 at Peotone High School : View Recommended Corridors A3S2, B3, B4 Interactive Map in a larger map These 2 new corridors, along with the originally recommended B3, above in green, will be studied by the planning team. The public may submit comments to the Illiana Planning Team here . The first public meeting in Illinois on the Illiana Corridor since Route B3 was advanced as the preliminary recommendation was held tonight, February 23, 2012. Representatives from the Illinois Department of Transportion, the Indiana Department of T...