
Showing posts with the label "will county" illinois

Will County Early Voting Information

 Information on early voting for Will County, Illinois from the Will County Clerk's page:

Braidwood Illinois Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade

Braidwood, Illinois will celebrate the holiday season with "Old Fashioned Christmas" activities sponsored by the Braidwood Chamber of Commerce and Fossil Ridge Library on December 3, 2011. The Tree Lighting Ceremony will be December 3rd at 4:50 p.m. at City Hall.  Immediately after the tree lighting, the parade will begin and head from City Hall to the library. There will be festivities at the library after the parade for the kids and the kid at heart!

Manhattan American Legion, Manhattan Fire Department, and Manhattan Boy Scouts Hold Flag Retirement Ceremony

Member of Manhattan American Legion Post 935, the Manhattan Fire Department, and Manhattan Boy Scouts held a ceremony today to retire worn American flags collected from the community.  The Manhattan American Legion has two collection boxes where people can deposit their worn flags to be properly retired.  There is one collection box at State Street Auto and one outside James Tromp's office by Berkots. Members of the Manhattan American Legion, Manhattan Fire Department, and Manhattan Boy Scouts honorably retire worn US flags Members of the Manhattan American Legion, Manhattan Fire Department, and Manhattan Boy Scouts honorably retire worn US flags Members of the Manhattan American Legion, Manhattan Fire Department, and Manhattan Boy Scouts honorably retire worn US flags

Interview with the Rev. Craig Purchase of Joliet Illinois regarding warehouse work in Will County

At the Warehouse Workers for Justice Press Conference in August of 2010, Will County News had the opportunity to interview the Rev. Craig Purchase--pastor of Mt. Zion Full Gospel Tabernacle and also recent president of the local Rainbow Push Coalition--regarding how he learned about the group Warehouse Workers for Justice and the issue of temp work in Will County Warehouses. I also asked how warehouse work affects the people in his congregation and whether warehouse workers utilized the food pantry he ran.  Watch the interview below: If you would like more information, read the Warehouse Worker's Full Report, " Bad Jobs in Goods Movement: Warehouse Work in Will County, Illinois ." Also, following the release of this report by local media, John Grueling, President and CEO of the Will County Center for Economic Development wrote a September 10, 2010 letter to the editor of the Joliet Herald News in which he wrote: " The logistics industry is a gro...

Turtle Pond and Turtle Pond Trail in the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie

The Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie is the largest tallgrass prairie east of the Mississippi River.  It is also one of the largest one-space prairies in Northeastern Illinois. Midewin has a variety of trails open to the public.  There are several picnic areas.  There are flush toilets at the Midewin Welcome Center on Rt. 53 and port-a-potties along major trails.  Check out the Midewin Trail Map Page for more info.   On our hike, we did not see any drinking fountains or other source of water, so you should make sure you bring plenty of water with you. Willcountynews recently hiked out to Turtle Pond, parking at the Hoff Road Trailhead and walking down the Old Chicago Road to get to Turtle Pond.  Here's what we saw! Old Chicago Road in the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie Field of winter wheat in the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie Old fire hydrant in the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie on Old Chicago Road.  When the Prai...

It's Harvest Time in Will County, Be Careful Driving Near Farm Implements

Harvest colors in rural Will County near Wilton Center, Illinois It is now harvest season in Will County.  Farmers are at work harvesting corn and soybean crops.  With more tractors, wagons, and grain trucks on the road, it is important for everyone to slow down and share the road safely with farm equipment. When you see the slow moving vehicle sign, slow down and give the vehicle plenty of room.  Also be careful to stay out of the way when the vehicle makes turns, as the turns may be wide. Slow moving vehicle sign on the back of a piece of farm equipment Wagons carrying grain such as the one pictured above sometimes obscure the view of the person driving the tractor or truck carrying the wagon, therefore make sure you do not assume the driver can see you. Since the housing boom bust in Will County, there are several areas of land where heavy residential and retail development exists alongside farm fields.  Especially in areas such as New Lenox, Manhattan, F...