Interview with AJ Wilhelmi
by ann baskerville Willcountynews interviewed State Senator AJ Wilhelmi , a Democrat who represents the 43rd State Senate District. Wilhelmi is facing Republican Cedra Crenshaw in the November election. Issue 1:What is Wilhelmi most proud of achieving as a State Senator I asked Wilhelmi what 3 things he was most proud of accomplishing as a State Senator so far. First, Wilhelmi said he was proud to have "had the honor of sponsoring the " Let Them Rest in Peace Act " in 2006 which prohibits hate groups from harassing families who are burying their loved one who died while serving our country in the military. The bill was necessary because groups were protesting US military policy by showing up at service members' funerals and causing a disruption to the grieving family, protesting at a "completely and totally inappropriate time," Wilhelmi said. The bill passed with overwhelming support and as he stood on the floor of the State Senate as the bi...