Showing posts with label The Scene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Scene. Show all posts

Saturday, 12 July 2014

15mm Zombie Hunters

A lady in red... this is 'Suzie, Zombie Hunter', from Rebel Minis, sculpted by Rod Campbell. Just the thing to knock over quickly and get me out of a painting rut!

Here are some more Zombie Hunters I painted a while ago. These are also from Rebel Minis, with their Civilian Zombie Hunters pack.
And here are some Zombie Hunters from The Scene.
Bring on the Zombpocalypse!

Sunday, 2 December 2012

We're a rescue team, not assassins

Another change of pace…
We move, five metre spread, no sound.

Dillon, you son of a bitch!

Old Painless is waiting...


What the hell are you?

The more I see Predator, the more I love it. The Scene’sUS SF were another impulse purchase, perfectly matched by Khurasan’s VacationAlien.

I did enjoy Predators; I thought it paid suitable homage to the original without being cheesy like the AvP films were. I’d like to see a figure range to complement Predators.

As a treat, here’s a very catchy musical:

Sunday, 7 October 2012

The truth is out there...

These are great 15mm minis from The Scene. I need some greys and some Chevy Suburbans...
Nothing to see here
Special Agents Sculder and Mully
And yes, I did try to paint 'FBI' on the badge...