Showing posts with label Great Escape Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Escape Games. Show all posts

Friday, 6 January 2023

Dead Man's Hand characters

These figures are from Great Escape Games. I don't think the sculpts quite catch the attitudes of their inspirations, but have made me consider getting back into Old West gaming. Both figures were undercoated black, drybrushed white, and then a variety of techniques to add colour.

'Maeve Newton' and 'Dolores Wood'

I used GW Sigvald Burgundy Contrast for Maeve's dress and lipstick, it was a perfect colour match. I like the red in her hair accessory.

Maeve Newton

A little something hidden away.

I like the colour palette Dolores has.

'Dolores Wood'

Friday, 25 February 2022

Space Cowboys

I kitbashed the new-ish plastic gunfighters from Great Escape Games with some spare 40K weapons I had lying around:

I'm happiest with the cigar-chomping gunner, who has a backpack on as well. The others lack a je ne sais quois. I think they aren't quite grimdark sci-fi enough. They need a bit more greebling, and could probably lose the hats. I do have another five to fiddle with.

I do love the idea of the space western, and will continue in this realm. Here are some 3D prints from Anvil Industry:

They are a smidgen more sci-fi, and I should print some more.

Friday, 4 February 2022


Just a quick one today. I improved the biodiversity of my battlefields with some cacti from two sources. The first was Pegasus Hobbies. I picked up two sets on special, and mounted them on 40mm MDF. Some basing, a quick overspray in green and sand, and done. I was pretty happy with them.

Pegasus Hobbies cacti

The second batch are resin 3D prints from Vae Victis, painted and based the same. These are stylistically a bit chunkier than the Pegasus ones, but you don't really notice. You can scale them up and down to add as much variety as you want. I'm a big fan.

Vae Victis cacti.
The skull is from Great Escape Games.

They're all on 40mm MDF bases. I have thoughts of doing sabot area bases. I'm also recalling the classic 40K styrofoam balls with red cocktail sticks... 

Cacti patches side by side.

Friday, 22 January 2021

Ned Kelly and The Kelly Gang

Ned Kelly is the most (in)famous Australian bushranger. Starting with petty crime, his career progressed through horse theft and cattle rustling and on to murdering police and robbing banks. His gang fashioned armour out of ploughshares in a bush forge, and wore it for a shootout with police at Glenrowan in 1880. Forewarned of ambush by young teacher Thomas Curnow (an under-recognized hero), the police prevailed. Kelly was executed and his last words were, "Such is life." He was 25.

His iconic armour weighed 40kg and significantly impaired movement and vision, but sustained multiple hits without penetration.

Ned wore a grey coat at his final shootout

He has become part of Australian history, either as an idolised Robin Hood figure or a disaffected terrorist- Geoffrey Robertson scornfully calls him 'Jihad Ned'. If you have a "Such is life" tattoo, then I will judge you.

These figures are from Great Escape Games. I painted the armour with Army Painter Gunmetal, then a wash of AP Dark Tone, then a thin wash of Vallejo 73.204 Flesh Wash for a subtle rust effect. The final touch is a 2B pencil for edge highlighting and scratches.

Recommended reading: True Girt