Completing my WW1 French, these are soft plastic figures from PSC. My painting technique was heavily influenced by James White's lovely Peter Pig French. I've based them on 15mm washers and used Vallejo Dark Earth Paste with a VJ US Tan drybrush.
First, les poilus.
Squad supports: Elites, grenadiers, marksmen, and Chauchat LMGs.
Hotchkiss MG teams on 25mm washers. I redid the front tripod legs using green stuff and 1mm plastic rod, as the original sculpts just had a flat triangle.
Crapouillot ("Little Toad") 58mm Trench Mortar teams.
Flamethrower! I hadn't done this before- I soaked some foam foliage in black paint and PVA, then drybrushed white/ yellow/ orange/ red.
Ammunition handler and engineer.
Officers and spotters.
Staff Officer- this is a metal figure from PSC's original Kickstarter. I based him on General Foch, and think he came out well!
75mm artillery- two white metal pieces from Battlefront on 40mm bases.
On ne passe pas!
First, les poilus.
Squad supports: Elites, grenadiers, marksmen, and Chauchat LMGs.
Hotchkiss MG teams on 25mm washers. I redid the front tripod legs using green stuff and 1mm plastic rod, as the original sculpts just had a flat triangle.
Crapouillot ("Little Toad") 58mm Trench Mortar teams.
Flamethrower! I hadn't done this before- I soaked some foam foliage in black paint and PVA, then drybrushed white/ yellow/ orange/ red.
Ammunition handler and engineer.
Officers and spotters.
Staff Officer- this is a metal figure from PSC's original Kickstarter. I based him on General Foch, and think he came out well!
75mm artillery- two white metal pieces from Battlefront on 40mm bases.
On ne passe pas!