Showing posts with label Cast n Play. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cast n Play. Show all posts

Friday, 3 September 2021

Five Parsecs from Home- starting crew

I'm excited to commence a Five Parsecs from Home campaign. I actually have the first edition, but the very nicely presented new third edition has inspired me to really get into this science fiction game. FPfH is a solo campaign game from Nordic Weasel. You have a small crew who undergo skirmishes and get experience, credits, and gear. The game is as much about the firefights as it is about the events that happen between games. You can gain recurring opponents or have to flee invasions. The combat system is simple, and the campaign possibilities are vast, driven by D100s and dozens of tables.

The vibe is Firefly with alien cultures, Star Wars without The Force, Rogue Trader rather than Kill Team. It is in this 40K setting that I have rolled up my starting crew. I rolled the dice for six characters, getting a scent of their background and motivations. I used a name generator as well. I cast my gaze over my toy collection and let the ideas coalesce...

We find ourselves on Necromunda. The captain is Gallius Marbic, a disaffected merchant who wants to make it big and feels he is being held back by the power of the Guilds. He wants to build up some cash reserves before taking his crew out into more dangerous territories and becoming an accredited Rogue Trader. He has acquired a small battered freighter, The Innominate, that he will have to pay off.

Gallius Marbic, aspiring Rogue Trader

3D print from HeresyLab.

He is accompanied by Lady Heldycryn de Quenaal, a diplomat's daughter who is keen to get offworld and experience adventure.

Lady Heldycryn

Lightly converted 3D print from Cast n Play

Somehow, EF-733 has become attached to the crew. This strange acolyte wants to become famous within the Mechanicus, either by cataloguing xenos species or discovering lost artefacts. His bizarre affectations are tolerated by his companions because of his mechanical abilities and connections.


They have hired Konrad Rathgir, a street-smart outrunner. If he's as useful as he claims to be, then he will indeed be an asset. But is he as good as he thinks he is?

Konrad Rathgir

3D print from Imitation of Life. I really like the aesthetics of this sculptor's growing range.

For protection, they have also taken onboard Julio Rybeck and Roma Jyan as muscle. These star-cross'd gangers have upset their clans and also want to get offworld. Their original gangs are after them...



I'm planning for this to be a slow burn. I'm going to roll with the punches and see where the system takes the crew. I'm looking to fire up my 3D printer for various enemies and characters as I roll the encounters, and selectively delve into my backlog. The gangers and AdMech were useful as test schemes for more in the future.

Crew of The Innominate

Skull-o-meter™: 5