So, I figure out what's going on with the ToEE (more on that tomorrow) and, temporarily done with Greyhawk, Gamer ADD Strikes! Typical.
It's intensified by my thinking about OpenQuest, lately. This started a few days ago, when I decided to fix what was bugging me about the d100 system.
When I roll a "to hit" in D&D, it feels like I'm making an attack. In d100, it felt like I was checking probabilities, to see if I hit. It's just tied in to the way I think about percentages. I was putting an emphasis on the idea of the equation, and de-emphasizing the action of rolling the dice and trying to kill something imaginary. More cerebral, but not the gut feeling I want in an attack roll. It works best for me when both of those ideas are more or less, equal. So, I tweaked my mental equations about d100 resolution, so it would feel more visceral.
The new idea checks out ok, but now I want to run the game, so I can use it in action and smooth out my results.
Mongoose Games, isn't helping matters. They're selling some of their old backstock on ebay, under the seller name oop_games. New copies. The other day, I noticed several interesting items ending and picked up a HC copy of Lankhmar for Runequest. Hope it doesn't suck! With shipping, it was $6.00! Their latest batch of auctions ended on Friday, but if you're interested in picking up things like their Eternal Champion books and modules, I'd check back and see if they relist and/or list more items. A buncha Hawkmoon stuff didn't sell and they started all those auctions at $1.00. I don't have Mongoose's Runequest but it's gotta be compatible enough with OpenQuest to make conversion a breeze! I hope they list some more cheap goodies!
And since I was on a roll, I snagged a cheap, shrinkwrapped 4th printing copy of Snake Pipe Hollow, earlier this evening. With shipping, it was $10.50
I mention prices, when I talk about this stuff, mainly to give folks an idea of what goes on, market wise, on rpg items. Especially about the kind of deals, you can get nowadays. Yeah, sometimes I'm being pleased with myself, but if that was all there was, I wouldn't bother. Usually.
Not as cool as an earlier printing, but I'm told that the text isn't substantially changed and shrinkwrap counts for a lot, in an old rpg product! Not that I won't open it, because I will, but I like the reasonable expectation of getting a nice copy!
So, I'm gonna force myself to go back to Greyhawk work, today or tomorrow. Otherwise, I might get seriously distracted.