While hunting around the house for something else, I ran across my cigar box,
which holds my back-up and extra dice. Lo, and behold, I do indeed have some 30 sided dice, as seen in the photo on the right. The very dark blue one is a typical 30 sider. The white one, is numbered from –0 to +0. Not sure what that one’s for. I don’t remember, exactly, where I got these. Someone gave them to me, or left them at my house, or something, several years ago. So, as this has been a week of inductions, for myself and The Underdark Gazette, I’ve decided to also induct myself into the Order of the d30. After checking Amazon and seeing that used copies of The Armory’s 30 Sided Dice Gaming Tables, are running over $80, you can look forward to a few tables from myself, sometime in the near future. I’ve added the Order’s Coat of Arms to my right hand column. As my page becomes busier and busier, it’s becoming something of a chore, to add and arrange new stuff to the columns.
The white one brings to mind my favorite d20. It’s orange and like the weird, white d30 in the picture, utilizes a + sign, in the place of the usual tens digits. I’ve had it for almost as long as I’ve been DMing and it’s never failed to do me right. Then, there’s the magic, Character Killer d20. These white and red d20’s, came packaged with the 3e Chainmail Starter Sets. I thought they looked cool, so, I added them to my
official collection. One of them, became rather famous, by defying all laws of probability in it’s penchant for rolling very high. At one point, my player’s actually stole the thing, forcing me to game without the new object of their ire. Without missing a beat, I picked up old orange +0 and proceeded to kick their ass.
When placing them for the photo, I rolled the pair onto the box. A 17 and 19 came up, so, I’m not sure, which of the two are the Magic d20. Maybe they both are.
I would imagine, that a lot of my male readers have a dice collection/storage system, not too dissimilar from my own. Chicks, on the other hand, really dig dice.
This is how my wife rolls.
The storage devices are made by Stanley and are meant for holding screws, nuts, bolts, and such. My wife searched for months, before finally finding the perfect container for her precious polyhedrals.
On a side note, the first Newsletter of the Labyrinth Lord Society went out today! It’s good stuff! I believe, you may still avoid being Flayed, if you don’t dawdle and follow this link!