Showing posts with label Knockspell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knockspell. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Knockspell # 3 is Out - And a Few Odds & Ends


I am really digging Peter Mullen's art!

Just in case any of these ramblings might be construed as a review, no one has asked, bribed, paid, coerced, or otherwise enticed me to write any of the following. I purchased pdf’s of all three Knockspells over the past week from Black Blade Publishing. Go thou, and do likewise! The PDF’s are $4.00 each. A saddle stiched print version of # 3 is available for $10. I had trouble using Google Chrome to download from Black Blade, so, I pulled up Explorer (ugh!) and it worked just fine. I didn’t check Firefox, as I haven’t yet reloaded it after having to reformat my laptop a couple of weeks ago.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably very familiar with the Old School blogoverse and the more famous denizens thereof. So, you’re already well aquainted with the writings of many of the contributors and already know if Knockspell is up your alley or not. It’s up mine and I’ll be purchasing future issues.

That reminds me, Philotomy's OD&D Musings site has disappeared. Fortunately,  a version of his oft quoted essay, “The Dungeon as Mythic Underworld” appears in Knockspell # 2.

My links section is shaping up nicely. I’m trying to provide the best, content rich collection of links I can, serving as a truly useful resource for my readers, 51KMRVJNSSL._SL500_AA240_ (1)as well as myself. If you know of anything that should be listed, please leave a comment. Recent additions include The Motherload of Greyhawk maps, The Motherload of Mystara maps, and The Isomage's House, which doesn’t have a whole lot of content, but, does feature a very nice color hexmap that will please fans of Joel Rosenberg’s The Guardians of the Flame series. Also, Jason Vey has produced a Hyborian Age OD&D Supplement, which can be downloaded in pdf form at his Classic Edition Fantasy Resources site. I haven’t read it yet, but, it looks quite nice and is formatted in the style of the old TSR publications. Thank you, Mr. Vey.

And a very special thanks to the folks who have added me to their blogroll.