Showing posts with label Bitching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bitching. Show all posts

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Everything Sucks and Get Off My Lawn

Opinions are Like Assholes

I don't like 4e. I don't like WotC's latest scheme to add a CCG pay to play element to an rpg. It's not only my right to choose what I do and don't like, it's my right to speak my mind and write what I think on this blog. I'll damn sure continue to do so! However, not being a total dick about it, I will not do any of the following:
  1. Tell you that you suck for playing a game I don't like. 
  2. Think any less of someone for what they play.
  3. Go to your blog, where you talk about 4e and what you enjoy, then spam up your comments with my bullshit.
A very tiny percentage of this blog's content is devoted to mentioning WotC era games. I foresee that holding true in 2011. By and large, I don't give a rat's ass what WotC does, but if they do something I think is fucked-up, I might say a thing or two about it. 

I Do Not Want WotC to go Bankrupt, out of business or otherwise to go down in flames. I don't buy into the idea that if WotC sinks they'll take everyone else with them. That may have been true at one time, but I don't think it's true today. I don't want to see it happen. But not all of the ill-will towards the company, both within and without their current customer base, is unjustified and that's something WotC and their supporters are going to have to address.