I hope everyone had a nice day, yesterday. We usually start the first round of feasting around noon and I crashed hard afterwards, so never got around to wishing everyone a Happy American Thanksgiving.
The dunkel I picked up for the weekend may have had something to do with that. I rarely drink anymore, but I do enjoy a good beer on occasion. It hits me a lot harder now, though.
Our Holiday season really starts the second week of November. My son's birthday is the week of Thanksgiving and traditionally, he gets a birthday party with friends and classmates the week before and a second one the day after Thanksgiving, as family comes up to Montevallo to celebrate Turkey Day and Brisco's day. We're also blessed with the company of our friends, Lee and Noel and their family on Thanksgiving. So, we have a house full of family this week. Christmas is much quieter, with just Jillena, Brisco, my dad and myself. We can usually look forward to Lee and Noel dropping by on Christmas as well.
Once we get my father past the chemo/radiation round, coming up, I hope to finally get my game going. Lee and I had a really good gaming conversation before the Eat & Crash session. I showed him my latest OSR acquisitions, he told me about the WoD game he's playing in and we discussed my upcoming campaign. Lee wants to play a Paladin and seems rather psyched about it. Cool!
So, I've got Jillena and Lee, I'm planning on skyping in Darren, then there's about three other possible players, who I'll set about confirming once I have a definite date of some kind.
I hope everyone has a great holiday! I plan on being extremely lazy this morning.