Monday, May 30, 2011

OSR News from the Underdark Gazette - Monday, May 30, 2011

The New Printing of Swords & Wizardry Core is Now Available in Print

Swords & Wizardry: Core Rules by Matthew J. Finch. Fourth Printing. Available in Hardcover for $24.99 and in Softcover for $15.00. The PDF is Free! 144 pages. (You can currently snag the print copies for a dollar off and if you haven't taken advantage of Lulu's 25% discount code CYBERMAY305, you're running out of time to do so!)
The fourth printing! Swords & Wizardry is an OGL retro-clone of the original fantasy roleplaying game created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. The Core Rules also contain some selected material from the supplements (1974-1978). With a thriving internet community and tons of support products, Swords & Wizardry is bringing back a lost style of fantasy roleplaying. Forget huge rulebooks - this book and imagination (and dice) are all you need! If you can imagine it, you can do it in Swords & Wizardry. The rules are simple and quick to learn, and they are infinitely flexible and expandable. Take the basic framework and “Imagine the hell out of it!
The Final Version of Mystery Men! is Now Available

Mystery Men! by John Stater. Art by Joel Carroll. Available as a free PDF download. A print version will be available, shortly. 74 pages.
Mystery Men! is a rules-lite role playing game based on the original fantasy rpg that lets you play out comic book adventures. Includes a sample setting and scenario.
Cold Text Files

scottsz posted the latest in his series, exploring The Hidden Shrine of TamoachanC1-10: Water, A Snail Lord, And Tamoanchan(s)

It Would be Really Cool, to See More of This Sort of Thing

Beasts, Men & Gods, Revised 2nd Edition by Bill Underwood. Available in Print for $19.95. 158 pages.
Beasts, Men & Gods Revised 2nd Edition is a limited edition reprint of a fantasy role play game first published in 1980. It's a paper and pencil RPG from the era of Dungeons & Dragons, Tunnels & Trolls and Runequest.
A Few months ago, Vault Keeper, whose new blog may be found here, set about to convince the author of Beasts, Men & Gods to re-issue the game. He succeeded and the game is once again, available for purchase! An old review, posted by Vault Keeper can be found, here. A pdf preview of the game itself, can be found, here. The picture on the right is of the earlier edtion. As near as I can tell, the cover picture of the new edition is almost identical, but I didn't have a decent scan.

Punch Your DM in the Face!

Visit Dungeon Bastard: The Official Dojo of Bill Cavalier, Adventure Coach! 

So, the Next Time Your Players Start Griping that You Should Start them at 2nd Level...

Whip out this pdf by ckutalik of Hill Cantons: Rules for 0-Level Play.

Haldane Updated

Christian has updated his Freecity of Haldane document. Visit Destination Unknown for the new file. 

The Pegasus Rider

Alexis of The Tao of D&D has a new blog, about being a better writer: The Pegasus Rider: In the Interest of Writing Better. 

You Kids and Your Newfangled Machines...

Usherwood Publishing has made available an eBook version of OSRIC, currently in Beta.

Game Knight Reviews

Fitz of Game Knight Reviews runs a site, casting a broader net than that of the Gazette. Head over for news, reviews and more.

The RPG Blog Alliance

From their faq:
The RPGBA is collection of Role Playing Game related websites that opt-in to be aggreated. Member benefit from having a relationship to each other and by having a unifed place for people to look for RPG material. The RPGBA does not include the entire source material but rather includes the first 100 words and links back to the original source. In this way members get traffic to their respective sites while still getting the benefit of belonging to the Alliance.
SHINOBICOW of The Dump Stat posted a nice, informative blog on the Alliance and since he's far more clued in on the subject than myself, I'll direct you to his post.

The RPGBA looks promising. They have a forum, a wiki and members can sign in and update their profile. Requirements, from the faq:
The Website in question is owned by you. The Website needs to have an RSS or Atom Feed. The Website needs to be related to Role Playing Games. The RPGBA has the right to refuse any site that does not meet these requirements or which the Adminstrators think is bad taste.
Let's Check in with Dyson Logos

Reposted from Dyson's This Week at a Character For Every Game thread, at
David Trampier

Josh of Grimmhaus posted a student newspaper article, which you may have heard of, about a cab driver named David Trampier.

 She's a Witch!

JB of B/X Blackrazor has a preview of his upcoming The Complete B/X Adventurer supplement: B/X Witch & a preview of the Spell List. Both are PDF's.

Basic Fantasy Updates

Basic Fantasy Questing.

Advertise in Oubliette #6!

Info, Here. 

Advertise in Knockspell!

Info, Here.

Podcasts, Videos and Such

All Games Considered talks with James Raggi, Zak S., Mandy Morbid, Kimberly Kane, and Satine Phoenix. 
Save or Die Podcast Adventure #33: The B/X Companion. JB sits in for an interview in this episode.

Win Some $$$

Mark of the Mithril & Mages website is in need of a cover page for his Treasure Book Utility. I reported on this site and the Treasure Book a few weeks ago. I compiles a random list of treasure for each LL Hoard Class, up to 100 entries per Class. Then pdf's it for you! Artist wishing to win some cash and/or prizes, go here, for the low-down. 


Matthew of Silver Blade Adventures has a review of The Seven Shrines of Nav'k-Qar.

Tenkar has some more to say about the Grindhouse Edition, posts some first impressions about Vornheim, posts Part II of his review of the Grindhouse Edition, does a Mini-Review of The Chronicles of Amherth and continues his Draconic Archaeologist series.

Needles of Swords & Stitchery has a Humanspace Empires play report. 

Wrathofzombie continues playing with Vornheim. 

James Maliszewski of Grognardia reviews LotFP WFRP Grindhouse Edition. Also, he reviews Red Tide. 

...and the sky full of dust has more reviews of the Grindhouse Edition, as well. Tutorial Book Read-Through and Rules & Magic Read-Through.

JOETHELAWYER reviews Vornheim. 

Mike Monaco of Swords & Dorkery posted Part II of his review of the Grindhouse Edition.


John Laviolette of The Nine and Thirty Kingdoms continues geomorph work.

Zak of Playing D&D With Porn Stars has been working on a dungeon mapping idea. More examples, here. And a Starbox.

John L of The Tales of Kaelaross has a map of the Kaynor Islands.

Stonewerks has a pdf & jpeg which combines his vertical geomorphs. 

Il Male of The Yaqqothl Grimoire posted his Tower of Zordaz Sketch and Level 1. And also posted a map of the dungeon's Surrounding Wilderlands. 

Thomas Denmark of Original Edition Fantasy has some more geomorphs. 

What I'm Pimping this Week

Swords & Wizardry: Core Rules by Matthew J. Finch. Available in Hardcover for $24.99 and in Softcover for $15.00. The PDF is Free! 144 pages. (You can currently snag the print copies for a dollar off and if you haven't taken advantage of Lulu's 25% discount code CYBERMAY305, you're running out of time to do so!)
The fourth printing! Swords & Wizardry is an OGL retro-clone of the original fantasy roleplaying game created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. The Core Rules also contain some selected material from the supplements (1974-1978). With a thriving internet community and tons of support products, Swords & Wizardry is bringing back a lost style of fantasy roleplaying. Forget huge rulebooks - this book and imagination (and dice) are all you need! If you can imagine it, you can do it in Swords & Wizardry. The rules are simple and quick to learn, and they are infinitely flexible and expandable. Take the basic framework and “Imagine the hell out of it!
I think the 4th printing of S&W Core is my favorite version of the game, yet! So, now that the print copies are available, it's What I'm Pimping This Week!
About The News
Unless otherwise noted, all links to products and files are to the individual authors sites, pertinent posts, or sales pages. I don’t link directly to files, unless that is the only link available. The OSR News is produced as a service to the community and is entirely a non-commercial endeavor on my part. I have received no remuneration for advertising or reporting on any of the items appearing herein. Occasionally, the News might feature an item, which the author has sent me a complimentary copy of, for purposes of writing a review.
As always, the What I’m Pimping This Week section of the OSR News and its accompanying blog widget, feature products which I have purchased (or items which are available for free download) and wish to support. At times, the item I'm pimping may be one which I received a complimentary review copy of, from the author or publisher. No one has asked me to spotlight their material in this section and I have received no payment of any kind for doing so.
Please feel free to send me information on any new releases, events, or other items of interest, which you would like to see mentioned

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cheesecake (NSFW)

Lest someone think my rant from the other day, was meant to be anti-cheesecake.

Westeros and the Cheap DM

The Cheap DM is back and this time, he sets his sights on Westeros! So, are there enough free resources on the web, to provide the basic info we need to run a campaign set in this world? Without resorting to out-and-out piracy? Between the fact that I'm posting this and the new HBO series, firing things up, there's really no doubt that the answer is yes!

Sure, you can just go out and buy that expensive newfangled rpg (which is actually reasonably priced for the print version, but I'm trying to stay in character, here). Or, read the books and pull out the info for yourself. But, they may not be practical, desirable or doable, for all sorts of reasons! Besides, many of my reader's will have no use for the d20 game info, so why pay for all of that? We can do our own stats. We just need setting. That's why the Cheap DM is here!

We need maps, ones that are good enough, so that they'll at least look ok, printed out. A Gazetteer, so that when the players point to a location on the map and say "what's that?", we'll at least have some sort of an answer. Some history. The gods. And, considering the setting, as much NPC info as we can get! Whatever other info we can find, to help out, as well.

It's been a while since I've done one of these, so let's take a quick look back at previous entries in the series:
  • Conan and the Cheap DM provided everything we needed to put together a campaign set in Hyboria. Indeed, there was so much useful stuff out there, that I posted a part II. (The title of the post was a reference to some of the Tor Pastich books, "Conan and the Grim Grey God," etc. I kept the joke going, for the follow-up entries in the series.)
  • Prof. Tolkien and the Cheap DM was no sweat, at all! There's a ton of awesome material for us to plunder! Much more than enough, to make running a campaign set in Middle-Earth, easy!
  • Zagyg and the Cheap DM was, thanks to all the wonderful Greyhawk devotees on the web, a piece of cake!
  • Elminster and the Cheap DM was a bit tougher! The vast majority of the Forgotten Realms sites, which were once so numerous, are gone. But, thanks to a few, comprehensive sources, we were good to go!
Now, let's get started on Westeros!

Warning! You may encounter spoilers, so, if you aren't up to date on the novels, you might want to be careful.

Allright! I'll admit it! I chose an easy target, this time. I had another one in mind, which, while doable, was just barely so and left me unsatisfied. I might go back and see what else I can dig up for that one.

A Game of From the about page:
Game of Thrones.NET is a persistent role playing game world built upon the Neverwinter Nights 2 engine that is based upon the best selling novel, A Game of Thrones, by George R. R. Martin. It is a permadeath world in which players play a preeminent role in the evolution of the world through the actions of their characters.
Ok. What matters to us here, is that it's got a ton of info and maps! Really, everything we need and then some! Click on the various sections and then, most of the listings have more pages, nested within. I mention this because the pages are brown on brown and an eyesore! Pretty much every word that you have to nose up to your monitor to read, is a link to more detailed info! The whole thing is quite thorough, though I can't vouch for how accurate it all is. The author(s) state their devotion to adhering to canon, so there you go. There's gazetteer info, maps, npc's, religion, culture, etc., etc., etc! Someones put a shitload of work into this site! I love gamers, I really do! Nice, huge, expandable maps! For the d20 players, there's game mechanics, prestige classes and what not.

Now, we can declare victory right here, but let's go for the overkill! We might find some better, cooler, stuff. Or, at the least, have some more fun!

Ooh! Look at this. Westeros: The Song of Ice and Fire Domain. A Wiki, a Concordance (for more in-depth coverage of topics), Heraldry, Maps. Plenty of stuff to scarf up.

A hexmap, is called for. John at Campaign Mastery did a review of Hexographer. Featured in his article, is a hexmap of Westeros done with the program. Click and expand. It's huge. No number labels, though.

The Song of Ice and Fire Animated Timeline Map site may be of use. If you go to the faq, there's a link to download the really nice map used.

The Illustrated Guide to Houses & Character Relationships will help you keep all those damn npc's straight!

As you might expect, HBO has some material available. Including this downloadable viewer's guide. Some pretty pictures and a nice map.

Granted, the thrust of this post is telling Green Ronin to suck it (no offense, GR,) but you might find their A Song of Ice and Fire free quick-start, useful.

And, as you might expect, Wikipedia has some nice overview info.

I'm sure there's more out there, but this will suffice to run a campaign and let you devote your hard earned cash, where information is more scarce. Like Tekumel, or something. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

A Game of Thrones

As long as my bloody page is, it's possible you've never seen the bottom. I've replaced my closing pic:

With this:


By simply stumbling upon a scene like this, a party could make a dangerous enemy! Especially if they, like, snicker. :)

Regarding the New Pirates Movie, Which I Haven't Seen and Tim Powers, Whom I Haven't Read

I haven't read any of Mr. Powers works, but he's very well regarded and I do own one of his books, which I've been saving for a rainy day. His 1987 novel, On Stranger Tides, was adapted for the new Pirates movie.

Here's some blurbage from Amazon, along with a pic of the first ppb edition:
Starred Review. World Fantasy Award–winner Powers (Three Days to Never) demonstrates a precise control of complex narratives in this reprint of his rollicking and enchanting 1987 novel. Puppeteer John Chandagnac, bound for Jamaica to recover stolen money from his uncle, becomes Jack Shandy after pirates attack his ship and force him to join their crew. Shandy's struggle to accept his new life grounds the story for readers, even as Blackbeard and vodun magicians whisk everyone away to dreamlike lands where the Fountain of Youth itself awaits. The chaotic sea battles sing, though at times key events happen so quickly that they get lost in the shuffle as Jack tries to comprehend where he's going and what's at stake. This dark fantasy tale will appeal not just to pirate fans but also to anyone who appreciates Powers's talent for blending the most unlikely elements into a brilliantly cohesive whole. (Apr.)
So, I'm almost curious enough to pick up the book, which has been reprinted and watch the movie. You know, to see how badly Hollywood fucked with Mr. Power's tale.

The book I own by Tim Powers is The Anubis Gates. A very, well regarded novel:
Author Tim Powers evokes 17th-century England with a combination of meticulously researched historic detail and imaginative flights in this sci-fi tale of time travel. Winner of the 1984 Philip K. Dick Award for best original science fiction paperback, this 1989 edition of the book that took the fantasy world by storm is the first hardcover version to be published in the United States. In his brief introduction, Ramsey Campbell sets The Anubis Gates in an adventure context, citing Powers's achievement of "extraordinary scenes of underground horror, of comedy both high and grotesque, of bizarre menace, of poetic fantasy."
The colonization of Egypt by western European powers is the launch point for power plays and machinations. Steeping together in this time-warp stew are such characters as an unassuming Coleridge scholar, ancient gods, wizards, the Knights Templar, werewolves, and other quasi-mortals, all wrapped in the organizing fabric of Egyptian mythology. In the best of fantasy traditions, the reluctant heroes fight for survival against an evil that lurks beneath the surface of their everyday lives.
Time Travel, ancient Egyptian Wizards, Werewolves, the Knights Templar... that's quite a heady mix! I must read this soon! I picked up the SFBC 50th Anniversary Edition (the ann. was the SFBC's) a few years ago, after reading a ton of fantastic reviews!

So, now I'm all, like, as well received as Mr. Powers' work has been, it's kind of a shame that when Hollywood does discover the fellow, they take his book and shoehorn it into one of their franchise efforts. Ok, pirates and supernatural goings on are involved in both said franchise and the novel. And such an effort could be accomplished with respect and style. But, it's Hollywood and that's not to be expected. I didn't see the second and third Pirates flick. I heard so much bad press about them and while that's not enough to keep me away, especially since I really enjoyed the first movie, it did dampen my enthusiasm enough that I just never bothered to find the time to watch the 2nd and 3rd installments. I think I have them. But, like the many books I haven't gotten around to reading, there's many DVD's, I haven't found time for. I rarely buy DVD's, anymore.

So, if you see the new movie, let us know what you think. And if you've read Mr. Powers' novel, I'd be very interested in your thoughts.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

OSR News from the Underdark Gazette - Sunday, May 22, 2011

Let's Kick Things off, With a Review!
Charles was kind enough to send me a copy of Old-School Magic for review. So, let's see what it's all about!
Old-School Magic by Charles Rice. Art by Dave Peterson and Cerebus. Vigilance Press. Available in PDF for $1.99. 29 pages. 
Old School Magic is the definitive resource for adding a personal touch to the magic of your old-school fantasy games!
Old School Magic features alternate rules of magic and advice for adapting your game into a low, medium or high magic setting.
It also includes 9 new classes, many of which are specifically tailored for low-magic settings, including the Alchemist, Artificer, Holy Man and Naturalist.
Other new classes include new specialist magic-users suitable for traditional old-school games, each with their own spell list, including the Conjurer, Elementalist and Seer.
Finally Old School Magic contains over 30 new spells, created for its specialist classes but available to traditional Clerics, Druids and Magic-Users as well.
The supplement starts out with an overview of what the author is setting out to accomplish, discussion of magic in AD&D/OSRIC and  the ways it might be utilized in individual campaigns. High, medium and low magic games are discussed, as is indicated in the blurbage above. Various ideas for tweaking magic, like introducing astrological factors, are given. Taking all three approaches to the campaign's level of magic into consideration, the supplement provides new MU sub-classes, to help the DM realize the one she's chosen. For the more traditional type of spellcasting, new spells are provided.

Nine new classes are included: The Alchemist, The Artificer, The Conjurer, The Elementalist, The Hermit, The Holy Man, The Naturalist, The Sage, and The Seer. There are 31 new spells, with spell-levels for both the usual type of caster and the nine new ones, save for a few cases where the spell is listed as only being available to the latter sort of mage. The new classes, or Archetypes as the supplement names them, which utilize spells, have lists which range from Level 1 to Level 7, as opposed to the usual Magic-User high-end of 9th Level. Spells within the new Archetypes' area of expertise are often available earlier than they are to their vanilla counterparts.

Five of the new Archetypes don't use spells at all, but have other powers at their disposal. These are rather specialized and are put forth for use in Low Magic campaigns. They would also make good NPC classes for more traditional milieu's.

The material is well crafted and I particularly enjoyed the new spells, many of which I would bring into my game. I'd also let a player try one of the new, spell-using Archetypes. I think the Seer would have problems hanging with a more traditional dungeon-delving team and the Hermit, which is really more of a Cleric sub-class, really doesn't make a good fit with the typical adventuring group, but the Conjurer and Elementalist would do well. I think they'd be fun and effective to play and not outshine their vanilla counterparts, but by their very nature, they are more limited in scope, so a PC caster would be foregoing quite a bit of his versatility. In the end, it's up to players, whether or not the fun of playing those Archetypes, combined with the special powers granted to the classes in question, is worth the trade-off.

Those running a real, low-magic type game, where a magic-guy without spells in the traditional sense would fit in, will find a lot of helpful thoughts and ideas. There's plenty of material for DM's running campaigns with a more typical level of magical power, as well.

The lay-out is two-columned. I recall one editing gaff. My only complaint here, is the stat-blocks for the classes. They're black on a totally grey background, which looked fine in PDF but was a bit of a strain on my middle-aged eyes, when reading from my printed copy.

Any other nits to pick?

I like the Conjuration Spells Mr. Rice wrote for Old-School Magic, a lot, but would have liked to have seen some more. The Conjurer's spell list is on the sparse side and I'd probably want to bring in a few of the Conjuration spells from the UA; Spiritwrack in particular.

There's a lot of fun and useful ideas in Old-School Magic. I can definitely recommend it and for  $1.99, it's a steal!

The Cold Text Files

Scottsz, whose awesome Cold Text Series has been running at Lord of the Green Dragons, now has a blog dedicated to the Cold Text Files. His analyses of WG4 and C1 are up and he's posted some information on his upcoming plans. For purely selfish reasons, I'd ask you to head over and encourage him to continue his research! It's bloody awesome!

The Latest from Small Niche Games

The Chronicles of Amherth by Peter C. Spahn. Art by Johnathan Bingham and Tony Mullins. Small Niche Games. Available in PDF for $4.95. 77 pages.
The Chronicles of Amherth is a Labyrinth LordTM campaign setting designed to provide new Labyrinth Lords with a ready-made, and most of all, manageable fantasy setting from which to quickly launch a new campaign. World history, backstory, timeline, and metaplot have all been kept to a minimum in order to help facilitate this goal. Amherth accommodates most of the well-known fantasy tropes including wizards, elves, dragons, dwarves, and many others. Veteran fantasy gamers will find much of the material contained within is easily adapted for use with existing campaigns.
Note to SNG customers: All future Small Niche Games adventures will be set in the world of Amherth, but still be generic enough to drop into any existing campaign world.
The people of Amherth are descendants of a long-extinct race of godlike beings known only as the Ancients. Humanity is the dominant force in the Known World, while most of the nonhuman races have retreated from public view. The wilderness is a dark and dangerous place, filled with monsters and other perils, and the threat of war is ever present, with civilization constantly hanging on the brink of collapse. With its bleak world history, apathetic gods, and evil magics resurfacing from the past, the Chronicles of Amherth lends itself towards a darker fantasy style of play.
-The Gods of Amherth: Twelve detailed gods and how they fit into the setting.
-History of the Ancients: Details of the powerful beings who almost destroyed the world and the legacy they left behind.
-The Known World of Amherth: A detailed overview of the setting's major realms and regions, including the Duchy of Valnwall. (Gazetteer-style guidebooks to follow!)
-New Flora: Twelve new magical plants.
-New Monsters: 40 fully detailed races and monsters for use in your Labyrinth Lord campaign.
-New Magic Items: 22 new magic items.
With the cooperation of companies such as Goblinoid Games, Faster Monkey Games, and Brave Halfling Publishing, Small Niche Games has created an alternate version of the Duchy of Valnwall setting that is still compatible with the one given in the Labyrinth LordTM core rulebook. The names of previously published places, cities, and in some cases even NPCs are used with permission, so Labyrinth Lords who have been running games in the Duchy should have no trouble adapting their game to the Duchy of Valnwall detailed later in this text and in future Small Niche Games products.
ATARIN'S DELVE (available separately for $2.95)
Also included with this product is the sample adventure Atarin's Delve. Atarin's Delve is a short, site-based Labyrinth LordTM adventure designed for 4-6 characters of 1st-3rd level (about 8-10 levels total). The adventure takes place in a cave system that was once sacred to a humanoid race known as the cathla, but has now been taken over by a cult of the water goddess Makil from the Chronicles of Amherth setting.
Want more adventure bang for your buck? Pick up the Chronicles of Amherth Adventure Bundle which includes the Chronicles of Amherth setting overview, the sample adventure Atarin's Delve, and critically acclaimed adventures Blood Moon Rising, The Inn of Lost Heroes, and Pyramid of the Dragon all at a hugely discounted price.
If you haven't read anything from Small Niche Games I'd recommend the bundle, which includes the new Setting and all four of his modules. Peter's stuff kicks-ass, as several reviews on blogs and forums will attest and for $9.95 it's a great bargain!

What's Dyson Logos Been Up To?

Reposted from
This Week at a Character For Every Game
by Dyson Logos » Sat May 21, 2011 10:20 am

While I've been spending a bunch of time with deadEarth lately, I decided I could make it somewhat useful to everyone else by including Mutant Future stats for my deadEarth creations.
For All You DIYers Out There (OK, Pretty Much Everyone Reading This.)

Matt released the rtf file for Swords & Wizardry Core, 4th print.

Basic Fantasy News

The latest update of BF2 Fortress, Tomb, and Tower, is available. That would be Release 11. 

I Love the Freakin' Cover!

Center Stage Miniatures and Pacesetter Games & Simulations are teaming up, to bring you U1 - Dark Eye of the Hurricane, a module/miniature set combo! Let's hear from Center Stage:
May 18, 2011 - Pacesetter Games & Simulations and Center Stage Miniatures have teamed-up to produce U1 - Dark Eye of the Hurricane, a First Edition quick play module which will be available June 1st in the online store at
U1 is the first in a three-part series of modules available exclusively through Center Stage Miniatures. The series picks up 30 years after the official "U" series ends.
"This is a great way for Center Stage customers to learn about the fantastic adventure modules Bill Barsh makes available through Pacesetter," said Matt Solarz, owner of Center Stage Miniatures.

This product not only includes the written module, but miniatures to go along with it. The complete set is $29.95 and includes 1x Lord of the Eyes miniature and 3x Sea Devils, as well as the 8-page module with color cardstock cover. Limited to 100 copies, U1 will not be reprinted as a stand-alone module.
"When Matt first approached me with this idea I immediately jumped on-board. This game is a visual game and pairing a module series with a fantastic miniature line is not just a great idea, but something that has to be done," said Bill Barsh, owner of Pacesetter Games. "Center Stage produces many of the old-school miniatures people want to see, and I'm pleased to be working with them on bringing the original "U" series to a new conclusion! This series is not for the weak of heart. After all, the first module features a lord of the eyes, and it gets nastier from there!"
I Suspect That Bloggers Adult Filter May be Messing With My Links to Certain Posts

Besides, if you've missed Zak's Redoing The Fiend Folio series, that means you're probably new or something and just haven't found Playing D&D With Porn Stars, yet. In which case, I recommend going to the main page, as soon as you've finished reading The News.

Pre-Order The Tome of Horrors and save $10!

The Tome of Horrors, for Swords & Wizardry and Pathfinder is now available for pre-ordering. $89.99.
But it’s more than just that, because the entire compilation has also been updated to the Swords & Wizardry rules for release as another version of the volume. And in this version, the space freed up by the smaller stat blocks is filled by sample monster lairs and encounters with the hundreds of different monster types featured in the tome. Never before has this massive selection of monsters been updated and brought with these resources all together in one place for use in your own game. And before any Pathfinder players cry foul over the monster lair additions in the Swords & Wizardry version of The Tome of Horrors Complete, this lair information will be available as a free download at the Frog God Games website for you to use as well.
The Tome of Horrors Complete sample lairs will be included in the Swords and Wizardry volume and as a free download for the Pathfinder volume! This will be comprised of hex-style lairs by a writing team led by John Stater!
Books will be shipped August 2011. Buy before June 1, 2011 and save $10!
Per Matt Finch, not many more books will be printed, above and beyond the number pre-ordered. So, if you're interested in this title, you may wish to act accordingly.

It's Coming!

On Playing Roles and Telling Stories

Roleplaying Games vs. Storytelling Games from The Alexandrian.

Congratulations to the One-Page Dungeoneers!

The 2011 One Page Dungeon Contest winners have been announced! While you're there, be sure to scarf up all those dungeon pdf's, singularly, or in the two compilations!

A Sneak Peak at Stonehell Part Two

Here, from Michael Curtis, of course!

Hot Damn! It's Mazes & Minotaurs Time!

Minotaur Quarterly Issue 9: Midgard & Mythika! Available as a Free Download.
This 70+ page issue includes a gazetteer on the Centaurs of Sicania, an epic adventure set in a hitherto unknown part of Mythika, new abilities for creatures, optional rules for flying creatures and plenty of other wondrous M&M stuff - including a special Vikings & Valkyries section with a complete adventure, mythic items and more!
The previous issues are still available, of course. There's also a collection of Compilations from the MQ at the Minotaur Classics page. And for those new to M&M, go thou here, where you can download the PDF's of the Original or Revised edition, along with a ton of supplemental material, all for Free! I hadn't thought to check on M&M for a while, so thanks to the venomous pao for the head's up!


Chicagowiz has some Chainmail Reference Sheets/Unit Record Sheet for you miniature wargaming needs!

Paper Minis from Ze Bulette

At his Dungeons & Digressions Blog. Witch and Watchers. 

And From Telecanter's Receding Rules

More Silhouette's from Telecanter.

Podcast Interviews with James Raggi, Zak S. and Mandy Morbid

At Yellow Menace, where, I understand, you can snag a really good discount code for use at the LotFP store.

And at RPG Circus.

While I'm on the Subject of Podcasts and Such

Save or Die Podcast Adventure #32: Harpy Attack!

And Bighara's Echoes from the Geekcave.

May 31 is the Deadline for the Fight On!/Magicians Manse Random Table Contest

Fight On! and Magician’s Manse are Proud to Announce -

A Contest for Fantasy Gaming Tables!

Entry Deadline: May 31, 2011

Send your random tables via email with the header TABLES to tombowings at gmail dot com!

Rules: Maximum 3 tables per entrant, OR 2 tables per entrant if either or both of them are ‘multiple tables’ tables (e.g. a connected set of dungeon or wilderness tables).

For some gamers, there is nothing – not even a good ruleset – that beats a good collection of random tables. So we’ve decided to run a contest to put one together! 

By submitting your table, you give us permission to re-print that table in the upcoming Fight On! Big Book of Tables (or whatever we eventually decide to call it). You continue to own your own table and all rights to it other than our right to publish it in various iterations of that book and may re-use or re-publish it elsewhere as you see fit. Likewise, tables you have already published elsewhere may be submitted to this contest so long as you still have the rights to them to give to us to publish in this way.

We are looking for overall quality, game-usability, creativity, better mousetraps, and/or gonzo! Our Judges include S. John Ross, Jeff Rients, Tim Kask, Paul Czege, and Ian Burns, as well as Ignatius Umlaut of Fight On!


Grand Prize
: 1 Roll on the Gold Table, 1 Roll on the Gems & Jewelry Table, 1 Roll on the Magic Items Table, a Trade Paperback Copy of Roll the Bones, and a set of Dwarven Metal Dice provided by DEI Games (

Second Prize: 1 Roll on the Gold Table, 1 Roll on the Gems & Jewelry Table, and 1 Roll on the Magic Items Table

Third Prize: 1 Roll on each of any Two Different Tables Below (your pick)

First Honorable Mention: 1 Roll on the Gems and Jewelry Table or the Magic Table (your pick). All prizes except FHM guaranteed; we will use this category for entries that were extremely painful to exclude from the top three.

Honorable Mention: All honorable mentions and all prizewinners above will receive a free PDF copy of the Fight On! Big Book of Tables (when it comes out) and a free PDF of a randomly determined issue of Fight On! magazine! And we intend to give Honorable Mention to ALL submitted tables meant for eventual inclusion in the Big Book of Tables, so there will be a lot of these prizes to go around!

All product prizes below are provided by Fight On! and do not represent the endorsement of or cooperation with the authors, publishers, or manufacturers of said products, although we like them all and think they’re cool guys.

Gold Table (d100) - USD:
01-25 $25
26-50 $50
51-75 $75
76-95 $100
96-99 $250
00 $500

Gems & Jewelry Table (d100) – only one of each, rolled in order of prize received:
01-30 About 30 or so mostly unpainted old-time Grenadier minis, mostly from the Dungeon Explorers and Tomb of Spells Sets
31-40 Beautifully Painted Owlbear, Otyugh, and Ogre Mage Minis (sculptor unknown, but I think they’re old-tyme)
41-50 Provocatively Painted Marilith and Succubus (Marilith is Reaper, not sure about Succubus)
51-60 Battle Scene 1: 4 Beautifully Painted Crocodile Games Wargods of Hyperborea Wendigo (Yeti) Warriors versus 6 Well Painted Privateer Press Hordes Everblight Archers and Swordsmen
61-70 Battle Scene 2: 4 Excellently Painted Tom Meier Thunderbolt Mountain Elves on Foot versus 4 Excellently Painted Tom Meier Thunderbolt Mountain Orcs
71-75 Battle Scene 3: 3 Excellently Painted Tom Meier Thunderbolt Mountain Elves on Horseback versus 3 Excellently Painted Emperor’s Choice Miniatures Goblin Grey Knights Mounted on Air Sharks
76-85 Against the Giants 1: Exceptionally Painted Otherworld Miniatures Hill Giant and Stone Giant
86-95 Against the Giants 2: Well Painted Ral Partha Frost Giant and Cave Giant
96-99 Random Dwarven Forge Custom Dungeon Piece: 1 Wall of Fire Short Passage, 2 Moss & Fungus L-Shaped Passage with Mushroom, 3 4x6 Cerberus Fountain Floor Piece, 4 Room Corner with Banner and Crystal Ball. (May reroll if you don’t use DF.)
00 Beautifully Painted Complete Ral Partha Wasteland Raider Set

Magic Items Table (d100) – all are physical print copies:
01-03 $50 donation to Friends of Starship Warden in your name
04-06 Apocalypse World
07-09 Arduin: World of Khaas Worldbook (First Hardback Printing, OOP)
10-12 Backswords & Bucklers AND Ruins & Ronin
13-15 Book of Ebon Bindings
16-18 B/X Companion
19-21 Carcosa 
22-24 Charnel Crypt of the Sightless Serpent
25-27 Dragons at Dawn
28-30 Drowning and Falling AND Elfs
31-33 Dungeon Alphabet
34-36 Empire of the Petal Throne (HOG Reproduction)
37-39 Encounter Critical
40-42 Exquisite Corpses
43-45 Fight On! Magazine, 1d6 Randomly Determined Print Issues
46-48 Grinding Gear AND Weird New World
49-51 How to Host a Dungeon
52-54 Inferno: 1980
55-57 Majestic Wilderlands
58-60 Miscellaneum of Cinder AND Ye Olde Book of Spells
61-63 Mutant Future
64-66 My Life with Master
67-69 Mythmere’s Adventure Design Deskbook I and II
70-72 Necropolis (Necromancer Edition), autographed by Gary Gygax, slightly used
73-75 Petty Gods (if it is out, otherwise Cursed Chateau)
76-78 Realm of Crawling Chaos
79-81 Secret of Smuggler’s Cove AND Skull Mountain
82-84 Sorcery & Super Science
85-87 Spellcraft & Swordplay
88-90 Stonehell Dungeon
91-00 Trade Paperback copy of Roll the Bones AND Roll Again, ignoring results of 91-00

So what are you waiting for? Let’s see your tables!

Of Cults and Nazis

Fitz of Shouting into the Void has a useful Cult-building template.

Some More Work with the Sample Dungeon

For the Stars Without Number fans

Omer Golan has been working on some new material, posted at his Alkonost Rising.

One Grognard's Opinion: Reviews

WrathofZombie has been playing with Vornheim. And Here(more links within that post.) Ah, and Here (I may have already listed this last, but what the hell.)

Simon of ...and the sky full of dust has some things to say about Vornheim, LotFP Grindhouse and Blackmarsh. 


What I'm Pimping This Week

Dyson's Delve - A Mini-Mega-Dungeon by Dyson Logos. Available as a 31 page PDF for Free!
For the next while I’ll be focusing on a mini megadungeon. I’m looking at 11 levels or so, but each level being relatively small (200 feet x 200 feet at most). Each will be posted with a plain map that you can use yourself, as well as fully stocked one-page-dungeon PDF of the level for B/X D&D (or Labyrinth Lord).
And since I can’t come up with a good name for the dungeon, I’m going with the egotistical choice of calling it “Dyson’s Delve”.
The stocking of the dungeon has been done pretty much using the B/X rule books as given. Most monsters have treasure according to their treasure type, and monster appearance is based on the “level” of the dungeon using the tables in the Basic and Expert rulebooks – although the level of the dungeon is set by my XP calculations of the adventure thus far, not based on the physical level below ground (so levels 1 and 2 of the dungeon have level 1 encounters, and level 3 and 4 have level 2 encounters and so on).
Dyson’s Delve was started as a bunch of small dungeon level maps in my Moleskine reporter’s padstyle notebook. Then I started stocking it and posting the levels as one-page-dungeons to the blog.
In all, there are 11 levels to Dyson’s Delve, and it takes a group of 4-5 B/X or Labyrinth Lord characters from level 1 to level 6.
— Dyson Logos
About The News
Unless otherwise noted, all links to products and files are to the individual authors sites, pertinent posts, or sales pages. I don’t link directly to files, unless that is the only link available. The OSR News is produced as a service to the community and is entirely a non-commercial endeavor on my part. I have received no remuneration for advertising or reporting on any of the items appearing herein. Occasionally, the News might feature an item, which the author has sent me a complimentary copy of, for purposes of writing a review.
As always, the What I’m Pimping This Week section of the OSR News and its accompanying blog widget, feature products which I have purchased (or items which are available for free download) and wish to support. At times, the item I'm pimping may be one which I received a complimentary review copy of, from the author or publisher. No one has asked me to spotlight their material in this section and I have received no payment of any kind for doing so.
Please feel free to send me information on any new releases, events, or other items of interest, which you would like to see mentioned
That was a Close One!