If there’s one thing every player of a Fighting-Man lusts for, it’s a Magic Sword.
It’s a given, that he/she will get one. I mean, you can’t very well be a bad-ass D&D fighter, without a Magic Sword. Preferably, a cool one!
I’ve always made sure the fighters got a sword of the type they favored, were proficient in, specialized with, whatever.
“Sorry joe, I rolled another Shortsword. Maybe a Bastard, will come up, someday.”
Nope, you’ll get your Bastard Sword. If, that is, you can win it. It’s not going to be a cake walk. You also, might get more than you bargained for.
I like rolling random treasure, but certain items I’m going to place quite deliberately. Not to mention, exercise control over.
Back to the Magic Sword. Here’s my rule of thumb. Sometime between 1st and 2nd level, you’ll get a +1 sword. About 5th or 6th, expect a +2. 9th to 10th is the territory for a +3. If you make it to 13th to 15th level, you’ll get a +4. Odds are, your previous Magic Sword, will get eaten, or something.
Now, a really cool idea I discovered, when I…
What? A +5? Well, I’ve only had one old school game make it that far. If it happens again, I’ll be so pleased that you’ll surely get one, eventually.
Three quick observations, about high level AD&D combat:
1. It’s still fairly fast (sometimes very), furious and oh, so deadly!
2. Player’s of high level fighters, start getting kind of annoyed, about the 10th time an NPC MU casts Imprisonment on them.
3. Somewhere around 20th level, the party power gestalt takes a quantum leap. Unless you’re willing to crack open Deities & Demigods, you can forget staging a Party vs. One Bad-Ass Opponent scenario. R.I.P., Zith Danuz, the Quasi-Deity. I might as well, have sent them up against an orc.
Where was I? Oh.
Now, a really cool idea I discovered when I started delving into the OSR, was that in OD&D, all magic swords were intelligent. No shit! That’s cool! I had decided they should all have names, years ago. I really, really like the idea that they’re all special, have an ego, a history, etc.
So, how about a Random Table of +1 Intelligent Swords?
I’ll use the LL rules as a base, but I’m handling the powers differently. I never did care for all the Detect Gold, Detect Sloping Passages, etc., stuff. Also, Alignment follows my own campaigns’ view of Law and Chaos, so may need to be tweaked to suit your needs. The type of sword, is left up to the GM.
The Following is declared Open Game Content.
While all are intended to be +1, obviously this may be tweaked by the GM.
1. Name: Sir Robin’s Discretion.
Int: 8. Psyche: 4. Willpower: 12. Communication: Verbal. Alignment: Neutral. Powers: + 10’ to wielder's movement rate. Dimension Door 1/day. Speaks 1 Language.
The sword is too cowardly, to try and control its wielder. Most of the time. But, if brought to within 20% of his original hits, there is a 50% chance that the sword will freak, and use it’s Dimension Door, if available. If the wielder is brought to less than 5 Hits, then the sword Will freak and try to assume control, so that it may flee.
2. Name: MindWorm
Int: 10. Psyche: 10. Willpower: 20. Communication: Verbal. Alignment: Chaotic. Powers: Phantasmal Force 1/day. Hypnotism 1/day. Speaks 2 languages.
The sword enjoys petty torments. It lies constantly and has a cruel sense of humor.
3. Name: Spellguard
Int: 7. Psyche: 12. Willpower: 21. Communication: Communion. Alignment: Chaotic. Powers: Grants the wielder 10% static MR, or +2 to saves vs. spells.
The sword is obsessed with the idea of proving that Fighting-Men are superior to spell-casters in combat.
4. Name: Guardian of the Faithful.
Int: 12. Psyche: 1. Willpower: 13. Communication: Verbal, Reads Magic. Alignment: Lawful. Powers: +1 to all saves. Speaks 4 languages.
The sword has almost no personality and it’s sole desire is to guard its wielders life.
5. Name: Blessing of God.
Int: 11. Psyche: 4. Willpower: 15. Communication: Verbal, Reads Magic. Alignment: Lawful. Powers: Bless 1/day. Speaks 2 Languages.
Dedicated to a long forgotten deity, the sword will pontificate upon the proper way to live and deal with others. If it thinks its wielder suitable, it will try to persuade him into reformulating the religion of its divinity.
6. Sweet Oblivion.
Int: 12. Psyche: 6. Willpower: 18. Communication: Verbal, Reads Magic. Alignment: Neutral. Powers: Wispy trails of cold, Negative Energy, emanate from the blade, causing an additional 1d6 damage to any living creature. Speaks 5 languages.
The sword is insane, megalomaniacal and murderous. It believes that in order to attain to perfection, the multi-verse must be purged of all living matter. There is a 10%, that if its wielder dies, he will rise as a special undead, under the control of the sword.
7. Minister Unto the Lord.
Int: 6. . Psyche: 11. Willpower: 17. Communication: Communion. Alignment: Lawful. Powers: Command 1/day.
The Lord in question is the wielder. The sword will be utterly convinced, that whoever wields it is of Noble Blood. If the Fighter behaves like a knave, the sword will bend over backwards to make excuses for it’s master, but there is a 1% cumulative chance, that it will see the light of day and realize, to its horror, that its wielder isn’t of Noble Birth at all!
8. Name: Righteous Hand.
Int: 8. Psyche: 10. Willpower: 18. Communication: Verbal. Alignment: Lawful. Powers: Protection From Evil 2/day. Light 3/day. Once per day, it may manifest a Holy Strike, capable of doing double damage, upon a successful hit, to any evil creature which would be effected by a Protection From Evil spell. Speaks 2 languages.
The Sword will insist that its wielder fight for a noble and just cause. It may attempt to prevent him from retreating, if it feels that a victory is important enough.
9. Berezum’s Holocaust.
Int: 9. Psyche: 6. Willpower: 15. Communication: Communion. Alignment: Chaotic. Powers: The sword emanates flames, doing an additional 1d4 points of damage per hit.
The sword will urge its wielder to set any corpses aflame and manifest an occasional urging towards random fire-starting.
10. The Purge.
Int: 12. Psyche: 12. Willpower: 25. Motivation: Slay Heretics. Communication: Verbal, Read Magic. Alignment: Lawful. Powers: +1 to Saves. In pursuit of its Motivation: Striking, per the spell. Speaks 6 languages.
The sword has a vast knowledge of religion and dogma. In its peculiar view, the religion in question, doesn’t matter. Any Heretic must Die!