Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Reviews: The Miscellaneum of Cinder by Jeff Rients

[cover thumbnail]

The Miscellaneum of Cinder by Jeff Rients. Illustrations by Patrick Wheeler. A Retro-Stupid Production. Available in Print from Lulu for $5.50. In PDF for $1.00. This review is based on the PDF, which runs 36 pages.

“A book of random dice charts for the kind of referee who likes lots of random dice charts. Broadly compatible with most games involving deadly underworld environs and magical flying dinosaurs with acute halitosis. Dice sold separately.”

Not too long ago, I was checking out the Old-School Renaissance Publishing Group, on Lulu, when I noticed a store called Retro-Stupid Productions.

“Huh? What’s this?” I clicked the link and lo and behold, the store belonged to none other than the Master of Awesome, Jeff Rients! One lone book, sits waiting for your cash in this store. The Miscellaneum of Cinder! Upon seeing that the pdf was only a buck, I wasted no time in popping it into my virtual cart, as I chortled  with glee at my extreme good fortune in discovering such a treasure!

On the extremely off chance, that you’re unfamiliar with Jeff’s Gameblog, I would suggest reading this post. If that doesn’t convince you to shell out at least a buck, I doubt anything I have to say will. But, just in case, I’ll go down on record as stating that the Miscellaneum is a most awesome, droll, useful and down-right Stupid collection of Random Tables. Cinder is Mr. Rient’s campaign world and tables like The Loathsome Toad Gods, give us a glimpse into what must be a hell of a ride!

In this humble reviewer’s opinion, the supreme masterpiece of the work, is the Carousing table. Every DM has heard some variation of the whine:

“Come on! I’m only a hundred X.P. away! Can’t I go kill a halfling farmer, or something?”

At last, there’s a palatable solution to this problem! One which will satisfy the players and greatly amuse the DM, to boot! Sheer genius and alone worth the 100 pennies, you’ll have to spend to get the cheap version.

Some of these tables have appeared elsewhere. Fight On!, the author’s blog, who knows where else. Don’t let that deter you! Buy Jeff part of a beer, a tiny percentage of a gaming supplement, or whatever else he can get for the pittance he’s asking for this book. It’s well worth your time and your game can probably use some more Stupid!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Magic Swords – Random Table and Preliminary Thoughts

elric5 If there’s one thing every player of a Fighting-Man lusts for, it’s a Magic Sword.

It’s a given, that he/she will get one. I mean, you can’t very well be a bad-ass D&D fighter, without a Magic Sword. Preferably, a cool one!

I’ve always made sure the fighters got a sword of the type they favored, were proficient in, specialized with, whatever.

“Sorry joe, I rolled another Shortsword. Maybe a Bastard, will come up, someday.”

Nope, you’ll get your Bastard Sword. If, that is, you can win it. It’s not going to be a cake walk. You also, might get more than you bargained for.

I like rolling random treasure, but certain items I’m going to place quite deliberately. Not to mention, exercise control over.

Back to the Magic Sword. Here’s my rule of thumb. Sometime between 1st and 2nd level, you’ll get a +1 sword. About 5th or 6th, expect a +2. 9th to 10th is the territory for a +3. If you make it to 13th to 15th level, you’ll get a +4. Odds are, your previous Magic Sword, will get eaten, or something.

Now, a really cool idea I discovered, when I…

What? A +5? Well, I’ve only had one old school game make it that far. If it happens again, I’ll be so pleased that you’ll surely get one, eventually.

Three quick observations, about high level AD&D combat:

1. It’s still fairly fast (sometimes very), furious and oh, so deadly!

2. Player’s of high level fighters, start getting kind of annoyed, about the 10th time an NPC MU casts Imprisonment on them. 

3. Somewhere around 20th level, the party power gestalt takes a quantum leap. Unless you’re willing to crack open Deities & Demigods, you can forget staging a Party vs. One Bad-Ass Opponent scenario. R.I.P., Zith Danuz, the Quasi-Deity. I might as well, have sent them up against an orc.

Where was I? Oh.

Now, a really cool idea I discovered when I started delving into the OSR, was that in OD&D, all magic swords were intelligent. No shit! That’s cool! I had decided they should all have names, years ago. I really, really like the idea that they’re all special, have an ego, a history, etc.

So, how about a Random Table of +1 Intelligent Swords?

I’ll use the LL rules as a base, but I’m handling the powers differently. I never did care for all the Detect Gold, Detect Sloping Passages, etc., stuff. Also, Alignment follows my own campaigns’ view of Law and Chaos, so may need to be tweaked to suit your needs. The type of sword, is left up to the GM.

The Following is declared Open Game Content.

While all are intended to be +1, obviously this may be tweaked by the GM.

1. Name: Sir Robin’s Discretion.

Int: 8.   Psyche: 4. Willpower: 12.                                                       Communication: Verbal. Alignment: Neutral.                                                    Powers: + 10’ to wielder's movement rate. Dimension Door 1/day.   Speaks 1 Language.                  

The sword is too cowardly, to try and control its wielder. Most of the time. But, if brought to within 20% of his original hits, there is a 50% chance that the sword will freak, and use it’s Dimension Door, if available. If the wielder is brought to less than 5 Hits, then the sword Will freak and try to assume control, so that it may flee.

2. Name: MindWorm

Int: 10.  Psyche: 10. Willpower: 20.                                                        Communication: Verbal. Alignment: Chaotic.                                                  Powers: Phantasmal Force 1/day. Hypnotism 1/day. Speaks 2 languages.   

The sword enjoys petty torments. It lies constantly and has a cruel sense of humor.

3. Name: Spellguard

Int: 7.  Psyche: 12. Willpower: 21.                                                      Communication: Communion. Alignment: Chaotic.                                         Powers: Grants the wielder 10% static MR, or +2 to saves vs. spells.

The sword is obsessed with the idea of proving that Fighting-Men are superior to spell-casters in combat.

4. Name: Guardian of the Faithful.

Int: 12.  Psyche: 1. Willpower: 13.                                                     Communication: Verbal, Reads Magic. Alignment: Lawful.                              Powers: +1 to all saves. Speaks 4 languages.

The sword has almost no personality and it’s sole desire is to guard its wielders life.

5. Name: Blessing of God.

Int: 11. Psyche: 4. Willpower: 15.                                                        Communication: Verbal, Reads Magic. Alignment: Lawful.                              Powers: Bless 1/day. Speaks 2 Languages.

Dedicated to a long forgotten deity, the sword will pontificate upon the proper way to live and deal with others. If it thinks its wielder suitable, it will try to persuade him into reformulating the religion of its divinity.

6. Sweet Oblivion.

Int: 12.  Psyche: 6. Willpower: 18.                                                       Communication: Verbal, Reads Magic. Alignment: Neutral.                              Powers: Wispy trails of cold, Negative Energy, emanate from the blade, causing an additional 1d6 damage to any living creature. Speaks 5 languages.

The sword is insane, megalomaniacal and murderous. It believes that in order to attain to perfection, the multi-verse must be purged of all living matter. There is a 10%, that if its wielder dies, he will rise as a special undead, under the control of the sword.

7. Minister Unto the Lord.

Int: 6.  . Psyche: 11. Willpower: 17.                                                     Communication: Communion. Alignment: Lawful.                                          Powers: Command 1/day.

The Lord in question is the wielder. The sword will be utterly convinced, that whoever wields it is of Noble Blood. If the Fighter behaves like a knave, the sword will bend over backwards to make excuses for it’s master, but there is a 1% cumulative chance, that it will see the light of day and realize, to its horror, that its wielder isn’t of Noble Birth at all!

8. Name: Righteous Hand.

Int: 8.   Psyche: 10. Willpower: 18.                                                       Communication: Verbal. Alignment: Lawful.                                                  Powers: Protection From Evil 2/day. Light 3/day. Once per day, it may manifest a Holy Strike, capable of doing double damage, upon a successful hit,  to any evil creature which would be effected by a Protection From Evil spell. Speaks 2 languages.

The Sword will insist that its wielder fight for a noble and just cause. It may attempt to prevent  him from retreating, if it feels that a victory is important enough.

9. Berezum’s Holocaust.

Int: 9.  Psyche: 6. Willpower: 15.                                                           Communication: Communion. Alignment: Chaotic.                                               Powers: The sword emanates flames, doing an additional 1d4 points of damage per hit.

The sword will urge its wielder to set any corpses aflame and manifest an occasional urging towards random fire-starting.

10. The Purge.

Int: 12. Psyche: 12. Willpower: 25.                                                                                                        Motivation: Slay Heretics.                                                                Communication: Verbal, Read Magic. Alignment: Lawful.                                     Powers: +1 to Saves.  In pursuit of its Motivation: Striking, per the spell. Speaks 6 languages.

The sword has a vast knowledge of religion and dogma. In its peculiar view, the religion in question, doesn’t matter. Any Heretic must Die!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

OSR News From The Underdark Gazette – Saturday, March 27, 2010

I’m taking a Chaotic approach, this morning

79916 Od&dities # 14 is Out!

“The second issue of the OD&DITIES relaunch, number 14! Containing 25 pages of old-school material, including an in-depth look at the old stalwart of many a campaign, the Thief. Learn why you can't turn your back on him! Also a new class, the nefarious Puppeteer, and much more!”

Available as a pdf download for $2.00. Congratulations, it’s good to see Od&dities back. And while we’re on the subject, Richard has posted a call for submissions.  He’s also given us a glimpse at upcoming issues:

“Issue 15 will cover 'Magic-Users'.
Issue 16 will cover 'Lost Worlds'.
Issue 17 will cover 'Immortals'.”




Sniderman of The Savage Afterworld, has released an update of his World of Thundarr sourcebook for Mutant Future! Thanks Sniderman. I never saw the show, back when it was on TV, but as soon as I have some free time I’m heading to youtube, for a marathon. 





There are two new free pdf releases from the Dragonsfoot Community! First, G4 Sanctum of the Stone Giant Lord - Anniversary Editionwe have an  updated version of G4 – Sanctum of the Stone Giant Lord by R C Pinnel: 

“This is a special 1st Anniversary re-issue of this excellent adventure, with updated cover art and encounters. This Special Edition is from an early draft, providing you a look into the early stages of the items development, but that it is essentially the same adventure as the GS1/G4B.”

Next, The Adventurer’s Ordinance by Jesse Muir:

“110 New Magical Items for any Setting”

Thanks to everyone at the Dragonsfoot community, for all the free gaming material, they’re sharing!



Mr. Jason Vey, has uploaded an updated version of his Age of Conan supplement,  for OD&D. While you’re there, snag his Age of Conan II and DM’s screen, for the series. A Very big thanks to Jason, for all the Conan goodness!


Want to track the development of another retro=clone? Check out Dark Dungeons!




The Venomous Pao of Strange Stones has made a pdf GM’s screen for Barbarians of Lemuria! Thanks!

There’s been some buzz, regarding Goodman Games’ Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG.   If you missed Jeff’s report on his playtest experience at Gary Con II, here’s the link. DCCrpgflier (1)

















The advert definitely has my attention.

Robertson Games has an interview with Peter Mullen, online.



Episode 2 of “I Hit It With My Axe,” is out.

I think Christian said it best, when he commented on this post:

“I see people having a great time and that makes me smile. That's all I've got, but I think it's enough. :)”

It is. Thanks folks, for making us smile. :)

The Swords & Wizardry Whitebox text document has been released. Many thanks, to Verhaden who typed his ass off, producing it.

Paul Elkmann from Spellbook Games sent me some info on his company. Judges jg0210 Guild fans, take note! I’m gonna be lazy and pass it along, verbatim:

“Spellbook Games, a publisher of game aids and new adventures for classic fantasy RPG games, opened for business on March 5, 2010.  We provide printer-friendly PDF adventure modules and helpful aids for the DM, at a great value.  We currently have 5 free products available including a short adventure location, and five purchase products, including two short adventure locations, the fantastic one-hundred page Master List of everything an adventurer will ever need, and Seer Delight, a guide to all things fortune telling. We also have an Art Page, featuring the artists and fantastic artwork that will appear soon in our Inferno line of products.

Spellbook Games is the place to find the Inferno line of adventure products, based on Dante's Inferno, and the classic 1980 Judges Guild adventure module set in Hell.  Our first Inferno product, Codicil of Maladies is now available, providing information on the many diseases of Hell, with rules for diagnosing and treating diseases. Our next major product, Inferno 1980, available June 2010, makes the original Judges Guild module available again for the first time since 1983!  Then, in July 2010 we release two more huge products,Inferno Treasury and Inferno Bestiary, guides to all the splendiferous treasures and vile Devils found in Hell.  Judges Guild Inferno only described the outer sections of Hell, and the companion module was never published...this fall we extend and complete the description of Hell with Inferno: Journey through Malebolge, which takes high-level Adventurers across a fiendish Pit more than 200 miles in radius, more than a mile deep, down to Lucifer Himself.  Journey through Malebolge is an Adventurer's ultimate endurance test. And that's not all - we have at least three more Inferno products coming in 2011!”

Sounds Groovy! Inferno is one of those hard to find items, that a lot of people will be happy to see available. Thanks to Paul for letting us know what’s up!

Norman Harman of Troll and Flame, sent me this link to a Positive news article on D&D. It mentions the existence of us grognards, so thanks to Rene Guzman for writing this article. Here.

Speaking of Troll and Flame, Norman’s been keeping us up to date on the North Texas RPG Convention. Here’s the scoop:

“The NTRPG Con focuses on old-school Dungeons & Dragons gaming (OD&D, 1E, 2E, or Basic/Expert) as well as any pre-1999 type of RPG produced by the classic gaming companies of the 70s and 80s (TSR, Chaosium, FGU, FASA, GDW, etc). We also support retro-clone or simulacrum type gaming that copies the old style of RPGs (Swords & Wizardry, Castles & Crusades, and others).”

“This year's convention dates are: Thursday June 3 @ 1600 until Sunday June 6 @ 1800.”

“This year's guests: Robert Kuntz, Tim Kask, Paul Jaquays, Dennis Sustare, Steve Winter, Jim Ward, Jason Braun, Kyrinn S. Eis

Pre Registration through May 15, 2010 is $20.00, after May 15, the cost is $30.00.

It is also $30.00 at the door and/or $10.00 for a single day.

No refunds, if you can't attend, $$$ will be converted to raffle ticket purchases.”

Cool! And a big thanks to Norman, who has been steadily sending me news to post!

Joethelawyer will be running Castle Zagyg at the Compleat Strategist in NYC, today. Part Dave Arneson Gameday and part TARGA event. Here’s some more info on this and other games, taking place.

RPGNOW has a Bundle offer on some Usherwood Adventure Products! At $11.00, if you’ve been considering picking any of these up, now’s the time:

“Four Usherwood Adventures designed for First Edition and OSRIC™ 79693fantasy-based roleplaying game systems.

Travel the length and breadth of the Usherwood Adventures campaign  setting with these adventures, that will take your players from beginning levels to advanced levels. Each adventure contains several detailed adventure maps (rendered in Usherwood Publishing's unique style), new creatures, detailed regional background for added roleplaying color, pre-generated player character temnplates, Game Master's Adventure Log, Player Character Reference Sheet template, and so much more!

While Yrchyn, the tyrant and The Door of Infinite Portals introduce your players to two grand campaigns, all four adventures can be played as stand-alone modules, within or without the Usherwood Adventures campaign setting.

Buy all four adventures -- Yrchyn, the tyrant, Arachnophobia!, The Door of Infinite Portals, and The Rebel Faction -- and save $9.00 off the total MSRP!”

Per RPGNOW, that’s 252 pages of gaming goodness, total. For $11.00! Also, you can find all sorts of goodies at the Publisher’s Site.

The RPGPundit reviews Robert Conley’s The Majestic Wilderlands. He seems to be quite taken with the place!

Speaking of Reviews, Pookie’s Reviews from R’lyeh has several of interest to the OSR community. Death Frost Doom, Labyrinth Lord, The Dungeon Alphabet and more!

Last week, I forgot to mention Part 2 of the Cold Text File WG4 post, by Scottsz. There is no graceful way to mention or link this today, so I’ll just request that he post part 3.

Blog Spotlight!


This week, I shine a spotlight on one of my new favorite blogs. From The Sorcerer’s Skull, where Trey posts delightful essays on Swords & Sorcery, gaming and related subjects. Trey posts kinda early (or really, really late,) so when I get to work in the morning, I pull up his blog and start the day off with something enjoyable, while waiting for my company’s Slow as Christmas system to load.

Like his piece on Karl Edward Wagner’s Kane.  Warlord Wednesday. Or, Friday’s post, Comic Book Swordswomen of the 70’s. I had forgotten all about Frank Thorne’s Ghita of Alizarr. Now, I have to go on an ebay hunt.

Articles, like Urban Decadence Made Easy, provide ideas and resources for fantasy gaming.  Other posts feature material from his Campaign World, Arn. Scum and Villainy, introduces us to some shady characters from Terminus, who are very well written, well realized and will inspire all sorts of juicy ideas for your campaign. In Wizards Three and the Apportioning of Loot, Trey riffs off a famous D&D illustration, to give us another glimpse into Arn and some of its magical history.

Trey knows his stuff and his take on shared interests, is a lot of fun to read. If you haven’t checked out From The Sorcerer’s Skull, what are you waiting for? I’m done here. Get yourself some coffee, or whatever else you like to imbibe in the morning, head on over and enjoy yourself!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Familiar: House-Rules & Random Tables


The AD&D spell Find Familiar, may have been the first aspect of the game I ever house-ruled. As written, it sucks! Unless you get lucky, you’re cursed with having to take care of a weak little pet, which does little more than grant a few extra hit points. Granted, the HP’s are welcome. But these familiars are so damned fragile, they’re doomed from the start. Right off the bat, I was having to save their asses by fiat. Let’s face it, one decent Fireball and they’re toast! I pretty much immediately decided that they were off limits. They’re just too easy to kill!

The second thing I decided, was to come up with familiars that were as entertaining as the Imp and Pseudo-dragon. Often, I would let players design their own, or at least solicit their input. 

Lastly, I beefed up their hit points a bit, while limiting the amount which was transferred to their master.

My new take on the little buggers, is that they’re creatures of spirit taking a physical form. If killed, they’ll reform their physical body in 24 hours. During that time, the MU will lose any benefits he gained from the creature, but suffer no other penalties. In the case of Infernal or Demonic familiars, different rules apply.

The Following is declared Open Game Content.

Table 1 – The Familiar – In addition to the powers listed, the familiar will be able to grant the caster access to its senses. Applicable bonuses, for searching and so forth, may apply. All are capable of speech, because I like having a pretty much permanent NPC to role-play. All may communicate telepathically with their masters.



Stats & Powers

Powers Granted to the MU

1 A small Green Serpent. Red Eyes. Has Feet. 2HD AC 7. Bites for d2 dmg. Save vs. Poison, or Sleep. 4 extra HP. May memorize one Extra First Level Spell. 
2 A small Purple Toad, with yellow teeth and a permanent grin. 2HD. AC 7. Bites for d1 dmg. Can Cast Phantasmal Force, 1/day. 4 extra HP. It’s secretions are a powerful entheogen. The MU partakes, learning spells while experiencing the effects. Spells are inscribed into the mind of the toad, while in the same state. Immune to 1st & 2nd lvl Illusions.
3 An obsidian Panther. Yellow eyes. 4 HD AC 4. dmg 1d4/1d4/1d6. Hide, Move Silently  and Climb as an 8th lvl Thief. Can cast Dimension Door 1/day (Familiar & Caster only) 4 extra hp. May Hide and Move Silently, as a 5th lvl Thief.
4 An old, brown, Hound. Looks very lazy. 2 HD. AC 7. dmg 1d4. Can communicate with animals. Detects Poison. 4 extra hp. +1 to all saves.
5 An Undead Brownie. Dressed in brown robes. 2 HD. AC 7. Undead immunities. May be Turned as an Infernal Category Creature.  Can cast the following, 1/day: 1st lvl: Magic Missile, Erase, Ventriloquism, 2nd lvl: Darkness Globe, Shatter. 3rd lvl: Suggestion. All as a 5th lvl MU.  Knows a formula for lichdom. 4 extra hp. 30% Resistance to Sleep & Charm. +2 to saves vs. Fear. –2 Reaction Bonus when dealing with Intelligent Undead.
6 A miniature hag. Very long fingers and nose. 1 HD. AC7. Can vomit forth a random potion, 1/week. Wears a shawl, upon which will always be inscribed 1 random MU spell of 1st or 2nd lvl, which is replaced upon casting. Only the hag can cast the “scroll.” Casts at minimum lvl for the spell. 4 extra hp. –20% to costs/time for brewing potions & creating Scrolls.
7 A Silver Hawk, with black eyes and talons. 3 HD. AC 5. dmg 1d3. Sonic Scream attack 2/day for 3d6 dmg. 4 extra hp. The MU can store up to 3 spell levels inside the familiars mind.
8 A small, anthropomorphic Squirrel, dressed in plate and wielding a  +1 sword. 3 HD. AC 0. dmg 1d4 +1. 4 extra hp. +1 to all saves.
9 A small, anthropomorphic Lion, dressed in leather and chains. 2 HD. AC 6. dmg 1d4. Breath Weapon: Fire for 2d6 dmg. May cast the following spells, 1/day: Detect Magic, Feather Fall, Burning Hands, Mirror Image, Rope Trick, Summon Monster I. 4 extra hp. Breath Weapon: Fire for 2d6 points of damage, +2 per level, 1/day.
10 A Red Goblin, naked, with dancing eyes and a disturbing laugh. 1 HD. AC 7. Can see invisible creatures. Immune to Fire. 4 extra hp. + 10% to the effectiveness of all Fire based spells. + 2 to saves vs. Fire. –2 Reaction Bonus when dealing with creatures from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
11 A beautiful,
humanoid, Fae creature.
2 HD. AC 7. Can cast Charm and Suggestion, 1/day, each. 4 extra hp. 30% Resistance to Sleep & Charm.  Any Enchantment/Charm type spells cast by the MU, are at 10% increased effectiveness, as regards to duration, Save difficulty, etc.
12 A red, extremely furry Bat, with horns. 1 HD. AC 8. Can detect invisible creatures. Breath Weapon: Sonic Attack for 2d6 points of damage, 2/day. 4 extra hp. If an open slot is available, the MU can “Double” one of the spells he has memorized, 1/day.
13 A miniature Blue Dragon, carrying a small, blue staff. 2 HD. AC 5. Breath Weapon: Lightning for 1d6, 2/day.  4 extra hp. The MU can store up to 3 spell levels in the familiars staff.
14 A short, fat, bald, ugly, naked humanoid; yellow in color, with horns, a tail, and fur in odd places. 2 HD. AC7. A Sage. Major Field: The Outer Planes. Minor Field: Culinary arts. Knows the True Names of 1d6 demons. 4 extra hp. The MU is given a spell to add to his spell book, each time he gains a level; this is in addition to any others he may gain for level increase.  1/day, the MU may recall one spell, which has been previously cast.
15 A Green Jackal. Disturbingly wise. Has the  poise of Dr. Who. 2 HD. AC7. dmg 1d4. Can Detect Magic. Immune to Fear. 4 extra hp. Spells cast are at –1 to save against; spells with death effects are at –2. (Bonus to overcome MR, if applicable.) +2 to saves vs. Fear.
16 A tiny, Yellow and Red Mushroom Man. 1 HD. AC 3. Can secrete a contact poison, 1/day. 4 extra hp. +1 to the MU’s Charisma. A Reaction bonus of –4 when dealing with Faerie Creatures.
17 A Big Black Cat. White eyes. Collar has a small charm, of absolute darkness. 1 HD. AC 6. Can Dispel Magic 1/day, at 11th lvl. The charm can be used to create a Globe of Darkness, 1/day. 4 hp. Grants a +1 Bonus to saves.
18 A white Mouse, with large ears and golden eyes. 1 HD. AC 4. Can Detect Magic. 30% chance of being able to identify a magic item. 4 hp. Increases the effectiveness of all damage dealing spells, adding +1 to each die of damage.
19 An Owl, white and red. Has ram-like horns. 2 HD. AC 6. Can shoot a pair of Magic Missiles, from its eyes, 2/day. 4 hp. Once per day, the MU can cast a Magic Missile spell from the mind of the Familiar. The granted spell, will be based on the MU’s casting level, but will grant one extra missile.
20 A Miniature, Purple Pig. Tattoos of strange sigils, in red and yellow, adorn its form. 2 HD. AC 7. Can eat anything. Immune to poison. 4 hp. Can eat anything. Immune to Poison. Can memorize one extra 1st and 2nd level spell.

Table II – Quirks and Maintenance



1 Amoral. Always advising the Mage to commit questionable acts.
2 Feeds on Blood.
3 Flatulent. Loudly, so.
4 Has an alarming habit of charging into battle.
5 Extremely protective and jealous of its master.
6 Kleptomaniac.
7 Thinks everyone else is an inferior life-form.
8 Doesn’t understand the concept of Lying.
9 Likes to spend it’s spare time, plotting out ways to kill the other party members.
10 Will fall in love with another member of the party.
11 Always eating. Will complain loudly, if no food is available.
12 Narcoleptic.
13 Thinks the MU is a god and the other party members are his slaves.
14 Practical Joker.
15 Will attempt to fornicate with anything that will let it.
16 Quick to anger. Will become violent, if not reigned in by its master.
17 Has OCD.
18 Paranoid.
19 Greedy.
20 Has a secret plan, which it’s hiding from its Master and everyone else.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

An Open Letter to TARGA, Bat, Chgowiz and Anyone Else Who Might Happen to Give A Damn

I don’t know how I missed it. TARGA has an email list. I found the link on the International Traditional Gaming Week page, when I went looking for it, after hearing that the discussions from yesterday had started a ruckus over there. The lists emails are open to the public. Some people said some things. No doubt, a drop in the ocean, compared to all the private emails flying about.

You can see one of the upshots, here.

Here’s another one.

For those who asked what a certain web show and blog, which I’ve been posting about in the TARGA news for weeks now, has to do with the OSR and why I reported it, the answer is obvious. It can be found in blogrolls all over our little community. It can be found on Zak’s blog, itself. It’s not just because I like Zak’s blog, which I’ve been following for about six months, or so.

A quite sizable and evident number of OSR folk, follow Zak as well. It’s obviously of interest to a lot of Traditional Gamers. I don’t know if Zak considers himself to be part of the “OSR” or not. I’ve always considered him to be part of whatever the hell it is, we’re all doing.

I saw a few comments, regarding whether or not I Hit It With My Axe is something TARGA should be promoting. I suppose these folks haven’t been following their own blog. Like I wrote above, I’ve been reporting on the subject for weeks.

Not that I think this is about me. The only email I’ve received is from Scottsz.

Still, there is a point here. TARGA as an organization, has to decide how to present itself, what it wants to promote, what it wants to do, etc. Maybe it’s members, feel they have to be concerned about being seen as “endorsing” something.

Like I said, I’m not privy to what’s going on in the TARGA “Inner Circles of Power,” nor do I know if there’s only a couple of people up in arms about this, or many. But the fact that the issue exists at all, is enough to give me pause.

TARGA is an organization with an agenda. One which I support. But organizations with agendas and the concept of “News,” don’t go together, very well. Especially when individuals with their own agendas, start playing politics.

So, the “power block” within TARGA shifts around, maybe I get some “editorial guidelines.” maybe I don’t. Yet.

There was nothing “pornographic” in yesterday’s news post. Sorry Bat, but you know damn good and well, what that show is about. It’s your responsibility to have enough sense to know whether or not you should let children watch it. It’s your responsibility to check out Anything on the net, before letting children watch it. If TARGA doesn’t want links to adult oriented material, like Zak’s show, or for that matter, something like Carcosa on its blog, then that’s fine. It’s TARGA’s blog.

I wouldn’t have a problem with a “Mature Audiences” head’s up, but how far do you want to go in that direction? How many gaming supplements, blogs, etc., aren’t appropriate for children? Often, I’m linking shit I haven’t had the opportunity to check out. I understand why TARGA and the individuals involved in TARGA, might want to make sure it’s sites are Family Friendly.

But I have to admit, that stumbling upon a conversation where someone floats the idea of whether or not an editorial policy is needed, to govern what I’m writing, is kinda fucking weird. 

I’m moving my news column back to the Underdark Gazette.

I would like to thank Chgowiz for his support, for asking me to write the column in the first place and for being an all around swell guy.

This isn’t done in anger or anything. I really do wish TARGA and all involved, well.

I understand that the folks in charge of TARGA, might want some say in what is or isn’t reported on their blog.

Which is kinda the point. I don’t want to be confined to any one groups definition of the news, the OSR, or what is or isn’t relevant. I don’t think any column calling itself news, should be. Even if that news is mostly about keeping people informed about gaming materials, pimping stuff and supporting everyone’s creative endeavors, tying it to an organization isn’t in the communities best interest.

I don’t want to have to worry about sanitizing my content, or whether or not I’m gonna piss off some board member, who’s never even bothered to speak to me about the work I’m doing for his organization.

Or someone using what I’m doing, to push their own personal agendas.

If I think something is of interest to the community, I’ll report on it. I don’t like the idea of that decision being in the hands of a Board of Directors. 


James A. Smith

Saturday, March 20, 2010

An Open Letter to the Old School Ranter

A response to this post. He has comments turned off.

Dear Scottsz,


As I tool around various OSR sites, throughout the week, I keep a little notepad program pulled up, wherein I copy and past the URL’s I find for easy reference on Friday nights, when I prepare my This Week in the OSR posts.

This is no easy task, by the way. A very few people have been kind enough to send me some information (thanks Norman,) but I have to harvest the vast majority of the news, without any aid. It’s something I’m happy to do, as at least a few people have let me know that the work’s appreciated.

But, the downside is, that I have very little time to actually enjoy the blogs and forums I hunt. Regardless, it’s impossible for one person to keep up with it all. Which is why I was so pleased to see your blog, when it appeared.

My notepad helps, but on occasion, I’ll rely on my memory. A sometimes bad habit, picked up when I feel really, really, pressed for time.

Like this week. My wife goes into the hospital Tuesday for Radiation Treatments and I have a whole lot going on. Then there’s the situation at my job, which has become, utterly insane. :) The only reason I haven’t went looking for different employment, is because of my wife’s health situation. My spouse makes great money, but her company has horrid insurance. I make lousy money, but have absolutely, unbelievably fantastic insurance benefits.

Then there’s trying to keep up work on The Underdark Gazette and working on my own campaign. And most important of all, spending time with my son. These aren’t all the pressing issues I’m dealing with. My own health issues, are a constant pain in the ass. There’s more, but I’m merely trying to make a point, so I think that’s more than enough!

I had every intention of mentioning your second post, but made the error of relying on my memory. I was rushed enough to get things done last night, that I forgot. My apologies.

As for the whole I Hit It With My Axe thing, your comments did not elicit anger, outrage, hurt or fear of the sort that would inspire me to choose the kind of pettiness, which you have ascribed to my motivations. The post in question, left very little impact upon me at all.

Don’t care if you don’t like Zak. Don’t care if Zak likes you. Don’t care if Zak likes me. Don’t care about Zak’s politics. Don’t care about google search results. Not interested in judging you, for what you do or don’t care about.

Lastly, I alone am responsible for the content of the OSR NEWS posts, on the TARGA blog.

Happy Gaming,


This Week In The OSR

My weekly news post is up on the TARGA blog! Check out all the new OSR releases and more. Including something nifty from the OD&D Carcosa Board posters.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

10 Magic-Users, Selling Their Services – More Resume Files, From the Adventurers Guild

10 Random Magic-User NPC’s for hire. Have Spellbook – Will Use You As A Meat-Shield!

tim2 1. Grugathar – Wizened Shaman, from some uncouth, barbarous tribe. Wears a loincloth, tattered cloak and decorative skulls. Wheezes, a lot. Has an other-worldly patron, that occasionally whisks him away at inopportune moments, but is good for one Commune Spell per week. Likes to cook. Cackles, quite a bit. 

2. Byzimar, of the Toad – Young, dashing, handsome and deeply in debt with the local underworld. Needs to get out of town, fast! Spendthrift. Womanizer. His familiar is a Purple Toad and Byzimar must partake of its intoxicating excretions on a nightly basis, learning his spells from the phantasmagoric visions he enjoys. Loves gossip. Knows dish about movers and shakers, from all over the region and beyond. Entertaining conversationalist. Snappy dresser. Expert forger.

3. Oscar, of the Seven Sins – A mercenary mage, who’ll do almost anything for gold. Oscar has a price on his head, in seven lands. Bald, snaggle toothed; wears a heavy beard. Bears a silver scroll, which will populate itself, with one random first level spell. A new random spell will appear, 24 hours after casting. Knows livestock. The man to take with you on a bartering trip.

4. Wellem – A brave, righteous, Mage of the Light, Wellem will offer his services to any party who battles the forces of darkness, asking only for the occasional MU related magical item.  Rich. Will spend his money for a good cause. Preachy, but not too obnoxious about it. Has a secret vice. Wears silver robes, which act as a Ring of Protection +1. Wields a Staff +1, which holds 5 spell levels. Well connected. He also has a LOT of enemies.

5. Beuragard the Mad – Will not advertise his sobriquet, which was given to him by his former master. Down on his luck, he’s desperately seeking the knowledge to enable him to make an infernal pact. Rash. Unstable.  Beautiful singing voice. Likes head games. Will pick one member of the party to befriend and work assiduously to turn him against everyone else.

dr strange 6. Hammon – Conjuration/Summoning specialist. Boisterous. Likes strong drink. Easily offended. Enjoys games. Has a familiar named Fitz, which looks like a miniature, Cookie-Crisp Wizard. Fitz cast spells as a 5th lvl MU, but there is a 10% chance per spell level, that its magic will backfire, disastrously. 

7. Laera – Nondescript. Shy. Capable of great bravery. Wanted to be a druid, but couldn’t cut it. Knows enough nature lore, to qualify as a minor sage. Has horrible flatulence. Her spellbook is kinda sparse, but what’s there, is choice.

8. Hizzar – Compulsive Liar. Very, very good at it, but will always eventually trip himself up, due to the sheer volume of his bullshit. Plans to become an Evil Overlord and Rule the World. Flat broke. He’s never committed anything close to what might be considered a Major Sin, but is trying to work up the nerve, to do so. A Virgin. Cowardly. Will probably do something very, very foolish, once he gets 3rd level spells.

9. Sharron – Young, cynical, mischievous. Witty. Wields a Combat Stone (adds +1 to all damage dice.) Takes shit from no one. Anarchist. Ambitious. Likes plays. A talented painter.

10. Graevis – Works very hard, to appear as the wise, mysterious Wizard. Sometimes pulls it off. A severe perfectionist. Will obsessively seek out new magic. Would give his life, if he had to do so, to live up to his ideal of what a Magus should be. Has a Green Serpent familiar, which grants him one extra 3rd level spell and 10% MR or +2 to saves vs. spells.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Premiere Episode of “I Hit It With My Axe” Debuts


Also playing at Troll and Flame.

If you haven’t been following Playing D&D With Pornstars, why the hell not? Zak’s stuff rocks!

I enjoyed the first episode. It was too short, but it is the first episode. I’m looking forward to seeing the gang in action, once the game gets good and underway.

Mandy is absolutely beautiful.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cursed Scroll of Spell Obstruction


Upon the reading of this scroll by a MU, the spells in his mind will be assaulted by an inimical magical force. He will take 2d6 points of damage and must make a save vs. spells or be Feebleminded. If failed, all spells will be wiped from his memory and the magic of the scroll will be dissipated. If successful, the Spell Obstructor will attempt to attach itself to a random spell in the MU’s memory. The MU must make a second save vs. magic and if successful, he will instinctively know that he must cast that spell, immediately. If failed, the Spell Obstructor will bind with the spell, making it impossible to complete the circuit of casting. The spell will remain locked in memory, filling up the valuable spell-slot, until some extraordinary means of removing the spell is found. A Heal , Limited Wish, or Wish, would do the trick. Also, a Raise Dead, following the MU’s demise. Restoration and Feeblemind, are other possibilities. If the usual campaign rules dictate that unconsciousness caused by damage, normally wipes the spells from a MU’s memory, it will not do so in this case.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Reviews: DC-1: The Outpost at the Edge of the Far Reaches by Paul Fini

320_6474363 I’ve been meaning to write a review of this module and after checking out the writer’s Lulu store this morning, I noticed that the pdf is now available as a free download! This prompted me, to go ahead do some posting. I won’t let the fact that I spent the exorbitant amount of $1.25 to get my copy, effect my opinion of the work.

I found out that the module is now available for free, after I had already posted this weeks news. If you guys would start sending me these sort of updates, my job as the TARGA news guy would be a little easier. ;) I’ll give it a shout out, next Saturday.

DC-1: The Outpost at the Edge of the Far Reaches by Paul Fini. From The Warlock’s Home Brew. Available from Lulu as a 28 page pdf for free and in print for $7.35.

As usual, let’s start with the blurb from the Lulu store:

An ancient outpost, abandoned centuries ago by a empire in decline, sits atop a lonely hill overlooking a bleak wilderness. Why was it deserted and left unattended all those years? Surely treasures that once littered the courtyard must have been claimed long ago. But still... vague murmurings of a hidden cellar have been overheard as well as visions of long dead veterans still haunting the battlements. Surely tales told in the evening in front of a fire to frighten gullible travelers. Perhaps there is something more here than meets the eye? The elements in this adventure module have been left open enough to be adaptable with most old-school style fantasy role-playing game rules and worlds and should fit easily into any GM's sandbox with but a few alterations and modifications. This eBook now includes the color cover as well as 3 maps colored blue instead of heavy black.

So, back in December, I was scarfing up some OSR pdf’s from Lulu and I had a little bit of cash left on the gift card. The buck twenty-five that DC-1 cost, back then, meant the price was right! For such small change, I was expecting a three or four page mini-module. Instead, I got a 28 page, full sized, site based adventure!

The text is two-column and Mr. Fini supplies us with a pleasant amount of decent, B&W illustrations. There are five maps, two of the ground and second floor of the outpost and three of the Dungeon levels, beneath. The maps are well done and my only complaint here, is that I don’t see an indication of the entrance point, for the last level. A minor enough quibble, as due to the setup, you can really place it almost anywhere and I think I know where it’s supposed to be, anyway.

DC-1 will work with any of the Old School systems and includes ascending AC info. The adventure itself, can be easily inserted into any campaign. All you need is a fairly abandoned area, where some ancient army could have built an outpost, within travel distance for a contingent of orcs. There are some hints and ideas for a larger picture, which are left nebulous enough for the DM to easily fit things into his/her Milieu. It is recommended for 6-8 adventurers of levels 1-3.

So, some orcs have moved in and are preparing the place for the arrival of a larger force. They’ve got some slaves, some prisoners, some allies and a visiting dignitary. They’ve also, accidently uncovered a formerly sealed off area. Sounds pretty typical, to be sure and DC-1 isn’t breaking any new ground, but it isn’t trying to. What it does, is provide a very well thought out, solid, meat and potatoes, low-level adventure.

There’s plenty of action and some role-playing opportunities, as well. The NPC’s who aren’t just red-shirts, usually have some little snippets of story and personality. The inhabitants of the Outpost, aren’t just sitting around with their thumbs up their asses, waiting for some greedy bastards to come along and spill their blood for beer-money. There’s movement about the Dungeon, tactics and motivations.

34. GOBLIN BARRACKS: 6 mats on the floor with 4
sleeping goblins. 2 are awake keeping watch
along the west wall. The Orcs in room 43 sneak
through a secret door and steal from the goblins.
The goblins want to catch them in the act. These
Goblins will be carry short swords and 10-20 sp.
Goblin Guards (6) – HP: 5,4,4,2,2,1; #AT: 1; D: 1d6
(short sword); AC 5 [14]; MV: 20'; SA: none

Many of you will be happy to know, that the Outpost has a Latrine and kitchen. There’s even an Orcish Pleasure Parlor, the thought of which might manage to send a shiver up your spine.

Violent combat awaits, with many rooms to explore and some traps and surprises thrown into the mix. Overall, it’s the kind of low-level adventure, I really dig! I’m in agreement with Mr. Maliszewski, as regards the desirability of having plenty of good low-level modules on hand.

If the thought of taking on yet another Orcish outpost, feels kind of tiresome, then DC-1 probably isn’t what you’re looking for. On the other hand, if you’ve been thinking of pulling out B2 for another go, to kick off your new campaign, you’ll probably really like DC-1 and should definitely check it out. I’ll be placing it in my new sandbox, somewhere nice and accessible to the PC’s.

The Latest “This Week in the OSR” Column, Is Up On The TARGA Blog

Check it out, Here.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

10 Fighting-Men, Looking For Work – More Resume Files From The Adventurer’s Guild

10 Random Fighter NPC’s For Hire. Have Sword – Will Kick Ass!

GROO 1. Zagamun of the Emerald Eye – Human. Short, bald, stout. Has an artificial, magical emerald eye. The eye will increase the value of any gems he appraises, by 10%. A no-nonsense mercenary. Likes nuts.

2. Brogimar, the Haunted – Elf. A tall, wispy fellow, Brogimar is haunted by a deceased lover. She came back from the grave, to save his life. Now, she won’t leave. Only Brogimar can see and hear her. May be a delusion. He wields a Morning-Star +1. Eats like a bird. Likes riddles.

3. Russlim – Human. A good ol’ boy. Wears piecemeal half-plate. Likes elf-chicks. Carries a Lucky Rabbits Foot, which actually does add +1 to all his rolls. Missing his two front teeth and the index of his off-hand. Doesn’t like swearing.

4. Norris, the Accursed – Human. Thinks he’s under a witch’s curse. Not really, but he suffers a –1 to all rolls, because his belief fucks with him. An Atheist. Thinks Demons run everything. Believes in Conspiracies. Likes really, greasy foods. Won’t share. Anything.

5. Sarah of the Winged Helm – Human. Wears Plate and a Huge, Winged Helm, that tend to overbalance her, detracting 1 from her armor. The Helm is cursed, so that the wearer thinks it’s a Helm of ESP. It will fill the user’s mind with all sorts of random weirdness, that other people are supposedly thinking. As a result, Sarah believes that everyone else is batshit crazy. Prone to catching colds. Likes to sing.

6. Eberor, son of Garan – Dwarf. Loud. Laughs a lot. Not a mean bone in his body. Insomniac. Wields a Two-Handed Sword named Ugly Truth, which is +1, Intelligent, Empathic. The wielder cannot lie, receives a +2 to Enchantment/Charm saves and is immune to 1st and 2nd level Illusions. Likes humans and elves, but has a hard time fully trusting them.

7. Imrie – Human. Will do whatever she has to, to survive. Leather Armor +1, which acts as a Cloak of Elven Kind. Used to work as an Assassin, but has just enough of a conscience, to lose sleep over it. A fine seamstress. Will become irrationally murderous, at the site of a bully. Not stupidly so, though. She’s not rash. A fine tactician.

8. Yurgoa, the Oath-Bound. Human. Crude fellow. Wears a Chain Shirt. Wields a Broadsword named Laughing Death, which is +2, Intelligent, Telepathic and casts Uncontrollable Laughter on a to hit roll of a True 20. Yurgoa has a wicked sense of humor, himself. Loves pranks. Sworn to avenge the death of his brother. Hates politicians and rulers of all sorts. Thinks a Theocracy is the way to go.

9. Hezzekiel – Elf. Wears black. All the time. Lawful. Think of himself as an outcast. Feels he has more in common with humans, than his own people. In love with death. Likes soliloquies, especially while standing over the body of a dying enemy. Into auto-erotic asphyxiation. Smells kinda funny. Knows everything about Undead.

10. Poppa Smiles – Human. Wears Chainmail +1. Dual-weapon fighter. Smiles. A Lot. Has some Gold Teeth. Used to be a Gladiator. Drinks. Has a vicious streak. Friendly, until he stabs you in the back or sells your ass into slavery.

Monday, March 8, 2010

From The Resume Files, Of The Adventurers Guild

10 Random Cleric NPC’s for hire: Have Holy Symbol – Will Travel!

judas_priest-gal-download 1. Father Corus – Priest of Chaos and Professional Gambler. Manageable intoxication habit. Has the Instincts of a Pirate. Funny guy. Murderous, if crossed.

2. Brother Suman – Priest of a god of Magic. Messy. His brain’s a little fried, due to way too many far out experiences.  Reptiles freak him out. Friendly. Helpful. Daring!

3. Autorm – Priest of a god of War. A Walking Tank. Always brings the subject back to warfare or food. Makes miniature wooden soldiers in his spare time. Carries dice, so he can play wargames he invented, with his carvings. His dream is to declare and lead a crusade to exterminate some humanoid or demi-human race. Nothing, escapes his attention. A little husky. He has a sweet-tooth.

4. Bauregar the Kind – Priest of a god of Benevolence. Gave himself, the moniker “the Kind.” Currently needs to atone, after having badly mistreated a lover. He is not yet aware of this fact and has only the spells in his head. Eloquent, pedantic. Capable of real compassion, when he remembers who he’s trying to be.

5. Zikitil – Priest of a god of Evil. Claims to be a priest of the god of chaos. His cult is so obscure, there’s little chance that anyone has heard of it. His supreme goal, is to attain to Lichdom and he will do anything to further this end. Seems friendly, in a smug sort of way. Hates chicken. Has fantasies about being a cannibal. Has an exotic, small pet. Will try to commit at least one cold blooded murder, per week. Is a supreme liar, but will sometimes trip himself up, due to underestimating the intelligence of those he lies to.

6. Zamonos – Priest of a god of Power or Authority. Haughty, Capable and Noble. Always tries to do the right thing. Nobody’s Fool. Thinks everyone else recognizes his superiority. Plays a musical instrument. Learned to the point of qualifying as a sage. Chooses lovers who have very pronounced flaws, of some sort. Will never betray a comrade, or leave one behind.

7. Muerlie – Priestess of a god of Intoxication. Extreme is the word. In clothing, food, carousing and battle. Always ready for the next level of the dungeon. Will pick a fight with the largest guy in the tavern. As likely to rip out an enemies throat with her teeth, as to use a weapon. Expects you to kiss her, afterwards. Thinks no one understands her and sometimes feels very alone.

8. Horum – Priest of a god of Wealth. Doesn’t give a damn for your sorry ass, unless it effects his bottom line. Not quite as clever as he thinks, but still, too clever by half. Will always try to avoid combat, but he’s no coward. Hoards most of his money, but dresses to the nines. Thinks love is for weaklings, but will fall for a pretty face in a heartbeat. Doesn’t like dwarves; they’re after his money! Excellent cook.

9. Savisa – Priestess of a Mother Goddess – Damn! I mean, Damn! Hot isn’t the word! Highly moral, will call you on your bullshit, in a heartbeat. Loves sweets. Knows her stuff. Always seems to have the perfect spell memorized. Always, the last to retreat. Will give you the benefit of the doubt. Collects exotic coins.

10. Bozimos the Learned – Pretends to be a priest of the god of Knowledge. Actually, a priest of the god of Secrets. Supreme Liar. Very, very, smooth. Collects and hunts knowledge, like you do magic. Uses what he knows, to get even more information. Has contacts in every thieves guild, in every city. Can score anything you might want. Has a soft spot for children. Doesn’t like other priests. Never drinks or gambles, unless he’s schmoozing. Will not let himself become intoxicated.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Visit to the Land of Imagination

Good morning, I hope everyone’s Sunday is going well.

Today, we’re taking a little tour of the Land of Imagination, where we’ll take a look at some of the retro and cool toys, put out by Fisher Price’s Imaginext line.

The Land of Imagination is often a little chaotic, as can be seen at the approach to the front gate.


At our first stop on the tour, we see a cool, retro looking space station. Visual cues suggest a Martian location. The station, with it’s dome structures and tower like design, is built into the rock, itself.

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We have some astronauts, of course, who have discovered a strange, disturbing race of aliens living on this world, which they arrogantly claimed for their own. But the true horror, has yet to come. 

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Like a Lovecraftian Nightmare, the horrid aliens have possessed two of the crew members! The fellow on the left, had better think fast…

Picture 007

Because another of the freakish aliens, is sneaking up on his flank! I dunno, I think he’s screwed!

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Let’s leave our intrepid explorer to whatever fate, which the cold, dark stars, have decreed and step into the past. Here we see, Dragon Castle! Oh, my! It looks like a siege is in progress!

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The Dark Lord stands atop the center of his demesne, as dragons, beasties and warriors, attempt to batter down his defenses! Whatever shall he do?

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Suddenly, the Castle itself comes to life, defending it’s master and devouring his foes!

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Looks to be an interesting bit of warfare!   As the Castle Dragon devours his meal, we… oops!

The Master of the Land of Imagination has arrived and is apparently wondering what the hell I’m up to! Perhaps I can sneak in another day and we can continue our tour!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy GM’s Day!

gary_gygax (1)

If it wasn’t for Gary Gygax, I wouldn’t have met my closest friends. Or, my wife. (Or, my first wife, but I won’t blame Gary for that fiasco.) Or, by extension, my son. I may never have investigated, several strange byways of knowledge. I would have missed out on at least, a couple of jobs. I most definitely, would have missed out on an incredibly rich and fulfilling art. My life would have been so drastically different, that it’s almost discombobulating, to consider it.  

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hopefully, I Can Now Move On, To More Enjoyable Pursuits

I decided to get kinda pissed off, this evening. I read a post by G. Benedicto. He posted a reply and link to this guy, who’s decided to paint old-schoolers as a bunch of emotionally stunted, “fat-beards,” who like sandboxes because we’re incapable of giving a fuck about our friends. After leaving a bunch of comments on both posts, which were, I think, respectful and fair, if angry, I reminded myself, that this kind of shit was the reason I stopped posting on the WOTC boards. The reason that the OSR blogoverse, was such a breath of fresh air.

Gamers downing the OSR, is something that’s been really getting on my nerves, of late. I decided to ask myself why, so I would stop wasting my energy, getting pissed off over the opinions of strangers.

I really hate being looked down upon. I hate being seen as unworthy. I hate other people, being unfairly belittled, as well. It ties in to some deep seated issue of mine, about being unfairly made to lose face. In my more mystical or whimsical moments, I connect this to a Chinese incarnation, though I don’t know if that’s actual or symbolic.

Regardless, I think I’ve seen enough of how and why I was choosing to act, to take the charge out of this particular manifestation of the issue. I really do, have better things to do, than to get myself all worked up by how people I don’t even know, see me and the community I’m involved with.

I’d rather go here and remember what I love about sharing with my fellow gamers.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Thrift Store Gods, Have Smiled Upon Me!

I never, never find D&D shit at the thrift store. I live in a fairly large, metropolitan area. Plenty of gamers. I find good books, quite often. But nary a D&D book in sight. Finally, the Thrift Store Gods smiled upon me.

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2nd printing. Sound binding, very clean interior. Only a very slight bit of bend, to the boards. .99 cents.  Now, if someone would just throw out a copy of Warriors of Mars