A forum for candidates for Macon County Board of Commissioners was held last Thursday, the 13th of February at the Macon County Public Library. The event was hosted by The Macon County News and WNCC-FM/WFSC-AM.
Brittney Lofthouse of the Macon County News was the Master of Ceremonies.
Before the main event, other candidates who were present were given the opportunity to speak about their campaign for office. Links to each of those candidates is below.
Justin Greene for District Court Judge[LINK]
Tamara Zwinak for Congress [LINK]
Karl Gillespie for NC House [LINK]
Dr. Sarah Conway for NC Senate [LINK]
Kevin Corbin for NC Senate [LINK]
Jim Moore for District Cout Judge [LINK]
Below are videos of the County Commissioner Candidate Forum, divided into segments by question.
Funding for Public Education
Use of National Forests in Macon County
Sheriff's Budget
Balancing Representation of Outlying Communities
Last Words
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Published at 12:40pm on Saturday, February 15, 2020