Showing posts with label Testimony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Testimony. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Young Women President

I believe I've mentioned in the past that in our church, we receive callings in regards to where we serve.  In the 10 years that I have been a member, I have held numerous callings, most of them in a teacher capacity.  I can honestly say that I have loved MOST of the positions I have been asked to serve.  There have been very few exceptions but I can still recognize why the Lord called me to those positions and am grateful for the opportunities to learn and grow when the Lord wanted me to.

A couple weeks ago I was called by my Bishop and asked if we could meet.  For some reason, I constantly feel like I am in trouble when I have to go see the Bishop and immediately started thinking about what things I may have done that he found out about.  That's really a silly way to think because I don't go out and do terrible things.  I really need to work on this thinking trap because it's not helpful and causes a lot of stress.

It was almost 3 full days before I got to meet with the Bishop and I had convinced myself that he was going to call me to serve somewhere I would rather not work.  I know, that's not nice to think about, but I'm just being honest.  As we begin talking, I started negotiating hard with the Lord in my mind about where I did NOT want to be called to serve and at the same time repenting for having such thoughts.  I know, I have issues.

I was completely taken aback when the Bishop extended the calling of Young Women President.  That had NEVER entered my mind.  I was overwhelmed at first and suddenly felt like crying.  I knew immediately that this is where I was to serve but wow!  Not growing up in the church, I really feel like my knowledge of the YW program is extremely small.  Taking on this leadership role really had me freaking out!  Thankfully my Bishop, friends and members of my ward had faith and trust in my abilities. 

I'm really looking forward to this experience.  I know that I'm not in this position just for the girls but so I can gain some perspective for me.  I already know and love these girls as I have served as Girl's Camp director the past few years.  I was asked to pray and call counselors to serve with me and that was truly an awesome experience.  I am blessed with amazing, strong, talented and loving women who I know have been placed right alongside me to serve these special Daughters of God.

I have so much to learn but am excited that the Lord placed trust in me to help guide these young women to understand their full potential!

Sunday, August 05, 2012

I Feel His Love

I was such an emotional mess at church today.  I really did not anticipate being this emotionally overwhelmed with Kevin leaving.  It's Korea, not a combat zone but man the separation still hurts.  I have really been struggling with my emotions since we found out Kevin was on orders.  I was upset at myself for being upset about the orders.  I have been frustrated with myself for being upset and even being upset with my friends who have told me that they would be there to support me and help our family with anything we would need.  I am glad for these people but I pride or rather have prided myself on always being able to take care of myself and my family with little to no help.  I struggled with feelings of anger when people would offer their words of support and promises to help, I found myself saying over and over, I got this.  The reality was, I didn't. Sure the boys and I will be fine and we will get through this but emotionally I wasn't prepared.  Maybe I don't need someone to come help me with physical stuff but I have been truly blessed in the last 24-48 hours with the emotional love and support that I do stand in need of.  Just knowing that I have so many people to turn to both locally and across the world has been such a strength to me.
It was during our lesson in Relief Society that I finally got part of why we are going through this experience.  During all of our other extended separations with the Army, I have usually been in a position to care for one to two hundred families in our unit.  I've been involved with so many things with the boys in the past that I have never had to focus on me and my needs.  I will admit that was often a struggle for me because there were times during those separations that I felt really alone.  I am however grateful for those experiences because I did learn to rely on my Heavenly Father and my Savior more and my testimony grew so much.  I had a couple very close friends who I let in my wall and who were such great people but I admit I didn't let many people in and it was often a very dark and lonely time for me.  This time there are no others families, it's just me.
Today I realized that my Heavenly Father does not want us to walk alone and He doesn't want me to travel this journey alone.  He has placed so many people in my life right now who are loving me and lifting me up.  During the lesson I was getting so emotional and I was trying not to let it overwhelm me.  I wanted to share different comments but I didn't trust myself to even talk.  There came a point where I felt strongly I needed to share what I had literally just realized a few minutes before.  I can't tell you how silly and somewhat embarrassed I felt when I had a complete emotional breakdown.  Ugly cry and everything.  There have been very few times in my life when I have felt my Savior's love so strongly and during that time when I was trying to share what I felt and learned was one of them.
I feel truly blessed to have so many amazing people in my life and I know it's not coincidence.  I have felt such an outpouring of love and support from so many people and if you are reading this and you are one of them, thank you.  Thank you for loving me and my family, it means more than you know.

Friday, April 22, 2011

I Know My Savior Lives

With Easter coming, it's a time of reflection for me. I don't often talk politics or religion on our blog because I hope that our family can be an example of love, charity and service without displaying a banner of what we believe. I'm not sure that makes sense but I want people to see who we are and what we stand for through our actions.

I want to keep this post simple. I am grateful for a Savior who endured so much in the name of love. I am grateful for a Savior who loves each of us by name regardless of our belief system. I am grateful to live in a nation that allows religious freedom. I know everyone doesn't believe exactly as I do and I am grateful for diversity. I am grateful for forgiveness as I falter often and require the blessing of repentance.

Being a Christian doesn't mean I'm perfect or all knowing, it simply means that I require a Savior who has already paid the debt and ask that I only try my best.

The following are two videos of some of my favorite songs the help to remind me of the love my Savior had for me and my family. I can hardly listen to either of them without being overwhelmed with emotion.