Showing posts with label School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day of School 2013

I cannot believe this is Michael's senior year.  If I let myself think about it too long it really makes me sad.  He has so much to look forward to after this year...a mission, college and eventually getting married and starting a family.  I remember sending him off to kindergarten so many years ago and feeling like time was going too fast and now here we are preparing him for whatever the world is going to throw at him when he ventures out on his own.  He has a great group of friends this year and has spent a lot of time with them.  I have a hard time letting him go and not spend every waking moment with me but I know he needs to blossom.

Neil is a sophomore and I know initially this year is going to start out rough as he is not playing football due to his elbow injury.  He just wasn't cleared in time but that's okay, we know there is a reason.  He just continues to get stronger and will have an amazing wrestling season...I just know it.  Neil doesn't show a lot of emotion so it was hard to gauge how his first day went but overall he was glad to be back with his friends.  He passed his driving permit test and will get to start practicing driving just as soon as I find his stinkin' birth certificate!

Daniel is a 7th grader and ready to conquer middle school.  I think out of the three boys he has the most confidence heading into the dreaded middle school years.  I hope that will protect him.  He said he got lost a few times but otherwise was okay.  He was happy to have a full-size locker he doesn't have to share.  He is playing football and is having lots of fun.  He is quite secure with his athletic ability and feels he will get a decent shot at playing time.  I hope he does so it doesn't crush his spirit. 

The first day was like every other first day for me, I was sad.  I do not enjoy sending my boys back to school.  The bonus was that I got to spend the day with Kevin who was home for a first day of school!  We had breakfast with a good friend and then went and did service for one of the sweet ladies in our church ward who is moving.  It was nice just being able to relax.

Here's to the 2013-2014 school year, I hope it's a great one for my boys and everyone else!

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

First Day of School 2012

I thought after the extended summer we had that I would be so ready for school to get started.  A few days ago, I was anxiously awaiting the kids to head off, but I already miss my boys and they haven't even been gone that long!  I just want to know who told my boys that they could grow up and leave their mama behind?  I mean my oldest son is driving himself and his brother to school and my baby got on the bus without even looking back!

Seriously, where does the time go?  Each of the boys got up with no problems (let's hope it stays that way!)  Neil has his 2nd football game of the season this afternoon so he had to wear his jersey.  They were all ready to go back to school so that's good. 

First days always make me sad for a couple different reasons.  Kevin has never been home for a first day of school.  Even when he hasn't been deployed, he has been TDY or in the field or in some school away from home.  It's weird to think about that since Michael is in 11th grade! I know it makes him sad to miss these moments with the boys.  Thankfully I always have my camera near!  He got to speak to Daniel before he headed off to school so I know that made both of their days.

I always get sad too thinking that it's one year closer to my babies leaving me.  I know that is what they are supposed to do but still, it makes my heart ache to think I won't be there to protect them.  This year I have a little more anxiety with Michael driving.  I know traffic can be a little crazy, especially when we have so much traffic come off post after PT.  I know he'll be smart and he is confident, but I'm a mother.

I hope the boys have a wonderful year.  I'm excited about the things they will learn and experience.  I know that Kevin and I have done our best to prepare them for the world and this is their opportunity to go out and make their choices and have us here to support them when needed.

Yes, I know this year will be a good one.  I just have to make it through the first it 2:30 p.m. yet?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Debate...Affirm or Negate, that is the Question!

Debate kids can chow down! They decided to have a "party" and bring food...well they decided they would have their moms make food.

Friday I got to spend the entire day with my oldest son and his debate team at day 1 of their district tournament. I am going to be 100% honest here and let everyone know right now that I have been pretty clueless about debate and even after a very long day of being immersed in it, I still don't know much about it. That being said, I had a great time and was very impressed by our youth of today. This is Michael's second year in debate and while it's not something he has a natural ability for, he works so hard on it and is improving so much. His debate coaches told me how impressed they are in his worth ethic and his willingness to step out of his comfort zone.

There group is relatively small and there are different levels of experience. I was so impressed by the topics they were going to be debating. Everything from space exploration to targeted killing. The diversity and the depth of the topics astounded me. These kids knew what they were talking about. They knew how to present their cases and how to defend them. I watched Michael as he negated a topic and was amazed at how he could come up with question after question. In his first round, he didn't even know the topic and came up with some great questions to ask.

A few of the kids in his group also did Reader's Theater where they read a short play and "performed" it in front of judges. They did a fun spin on the Grimm's version of Sleeping Beauty. I would be lying if I didn't admit that I was slightly disappointed that they felt the need to make the prince, a homosexual. My first thought's HIGH SCHOOL! Are you serious? I felt it was inappropriate. A few of the other skits from other schools were even more laced with the homosexual tendencies and I was quite saddened by that. There are two main reasons it saddened, I admit that I do not agree with the lifestyle but I believe in tolerance and love. I didn't feel it was appropriate to make fun of a lifestyle choice in these skits. I also felt it inappropriate to put children in a position that they felt uncomfortable with as some of the kids in the play were put in. That being said, I was impressed with the Reader's Theater groups, but wish that more thought had been put into the storylines they would be presenting.

Aside from that, the rest of the day went really well. Michael received 1's and 2's from his judges and quite a few from his team will be going on to state. Michael knows he still has lots of room for improvement but has made the commitment to work hard and get better. He really wants to excel in this area and we view it as a wonderful opportunity for him to learn skills he can apply to daily life. Who doesn't need good public speaking skills and opportunities to learn self-confidence?
During their downtime, so many of the kids worked on other homework, so proud of them for staying focused on school work.

I really enjoyed hanging out with this amazing group of kids as well. They were so fun and welcoming. They were also the most diverse group out of all the kids in attendance. Being from a Military community, diversity is very apparent. It was a beautiful picture to see all of these kids interacting with each other, laughing with each other, recognizing their differences and loving each other for who they are.

It was such a privilege to be let into this part of Michael's world, I am grateful for the opportunity to spend a wonderful day.
Michael was so cute with his little backpack he used to keep all his debate supplies in. I laughed because he has had this backpack since he was around 5 or so.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Day of School 2011

Where did the summer go? I mean seriously, I swear the boys just got out of school and now they have to go back? I'm grateful for the adventures they got to participate in this year but as anyone who has been reading my blog for a few years knows, I do not like sending my kids back to school. I am always so sad. I just love hanging out with my boys. I think they were ready to go back to school. You know kids, they are always in denial but you can tell that they are no longer enjoying each others company and they bicker a little more. The weather was so hot for a while they couldn't really enjoy being outside and they aren't big gamers so being inside wasn't a thrill either. They were ready even if mom wasn't.

The report from all three boys was that school was "okay". Michael and Neil said the first day is always kind of boring because it's all the reviews and such. Daniel is very excited about his teacher who happens to enjoy doing LOTS of science experiments. I just realized that all three of my boys have now had male teachers for 5th grade.

I got up this morning and made them each breakfast. I kept it simple, making them eggs in a toast. I like to add a little extra special love by cutting the center out with a heart cookie cutter. Kevin also called each of the boys this morning to wish them a great day at school. (Someday he will be home for the first day of school!)

Each of the boys heads out at different times so I made it three times but it is so worth it, I love making my boys feel special. After I dropped Daniel off, I spent the day teaching Army Family Team Building classes. We had some great students in our class which was really nice because it helped keep my mind off of missing my boys so much. I rushed home so I could see them right as they got home from school. I just love those moments and am so grateful to be able to do that. The first day is always the hardest and then we quickly fall into a routine. I know they will all three have a wonderful year. I also know they will be keeping us pretty busy chauffeuring them around. Michael has Marching band (see picture below), and both Neil & Daniel will be playing football. All three will continue to work on their Scouting requirements and as a family we will continue to do service throughout our community. This is going to be a great 2011-2012 school year!

Earlier this evening, we had our annual "Meet the Tigers" Football Scrimmage at the football field. The Marching Band gets to show off what they worked on during band camp and we get to see the first glimpse of their competition piece. Michael is in the "PIT" again as part of the percussion. I seriously get tired watching him during the different pieces because he walks all around playing the different percussion instruments. I put together a collage of just the majority of what he played today. I am so impressed and so proud of him! You can click the picture to make it bigger!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

1st Day of School 2010-2011

Wow, what a day. For those who know me or who have been reading my blog for a years now, know that I am always so sad on the first day of school! The boys headed off for their new adventures. Michael is a freshman in high school, Neil is a 7th grader, restarting middle school (in TX, 6th grade is middle school so he started last year off in middle school and then went back to elementary school when we got here), and Daniel is a 4th grader. I have no idea where the time goes because I swear all three of my kids were just in diapers and hanging out at home with me.

Kevin was gone for the first day and that makes me sad. I think the first day of school is such a big moment and we like to make a big deal about it. I get up and send each of my boys off with hugs and kiss and a camera in hand. I like to be waiting for them when they get home...I'm like a kid on Christmas with the anxiety I feel when I know the boys will be home soon!

All three boys had a good first day. Neil said his day was boring because they didn't really do anything but he was happy to see his friends again. Michael did a lot of walking all over the big high school but he is excited about his schedule. Daniel makes me laugh because his 4th grade class is his old 3rd grade class, so he didn't feel he really moved.

I'm excited for each of my boys and the adventures that await them this year, I know it's going to be a great year for them!

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Freshman Fretfulness

Our oldest son is officially a freshman. Oh man, if only you all knew how much distress typing that first sentence has caused me. I love my boys so much. I'm always sad for the first day of school. While other parents are counting down once the bell rings on the last day of school, I want to scream at them to SHUT UP!

This year is proving to be harder as the first day of school is coming faster than I'd like. Michael has already been at the high school starting the 19th of July. He did Marching Band Camp and then yesterday he had his Freshman Transition day. When I dropped him off on the 19th, I seriously had to stop and regroup before leaving the parking lot. I am proud because I didn't fall apart. I did okay and then we went to watch his final rehearsal. I admit that I teared up and was grateful for the sunglasses I was wearing.

Going to Freshman Parent Night, man it took all I had not to completely fall apart as the counselors were talking to us about preparing our 9th graders for college! COLLEGE?!?!?! I don't even want to talk high school and you're forcing me to think about college?

I know Michael will do great, he's confident in himself. I hope it never changes. He is such a sweet spirit. I know that my boys will grow up and be amazing men, I just wish it didn't have to happen so fast!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

My Smart Kids and other stuff

Of course I admit to being completely biased in that opionion HOWEVER, their reports cards also say that my kids are SMART as well. This week the two younger boys were recognized for both making the A/B Honor Roll. We are very proud of them. It was bittersweet when it came to Daniel because I'm not sure he's old enough to be on an type of Honor Roll list!! (yes I am in denial that he is growing). But we are very proud of our boys and how well they are doing in school. Michael too made A's and B's but middle school is different and we should be getting his certificate this week (maybe?).

Also, the two younger boys participated in an All City Chess Tournament where our school placed First! Go Kings!!! Neil placed 2nd in his field and well Daniel, he just participated. Kevin said he wasn't sure some of his challengers really knew what they were doing and there weren't enough adults supervising but Daniel didn't complain so we are going with the flow! He was happy to participate. Michael is going to take on the challenge of getting together a chess team at his school, we're proud of his initiative and support him 100%.

Michael and Kevin went camping last weekend and thus Michael has completed all his requirements to earn his Second Class ranking in Boy Scouts...and as long as everything works out he should earn his First Class before his birthday in March. Go Michael!

Neil has also completed his requirements to earn his Bear rank which will be awarded at our next Pack meeting and after this coming Saturday he will have earned his Religious Knot...go Neil!

Kevin and I continue to do the same things, he dons his uniform daily and Soldiers off to work and I participate in my various volunteer organizations...AFTB, FRG, Deployment Club, Cub Scouts!