I previously posted ideas working towards a complete set of
general encounter tables for Dolmenwood,
including variants for daytime/nighttime and party activity. I really
like the idea of having a bit more detail to the design of encounter
tables. Some people pointed out, though, that my previous designs,
being based on multiple rolls on multiple tables, would add complexity
in play. To that end, I've created conglomerated mega tables which
require but a single roll / look-up.
Here's the result. Obviously, this isn't a very usable format. I'll make it into a proper PDF at some point.
(Note: green things are animals, yellow things are fairies, red things are monsters, and blue things are people.)
Blogger is playing up on me, so I've had to split this post in two. First, here are the daytime tables.
Here's part two.
d100 | Daytime, in the wilds |
1 | Deer |
2 | Deer |
3 | Boar |
4 | Boar |
5 | Bear |
6 | Bear |
7 | Wolves |
8 | Wolves |
9 | Giant weasel |
10 | Sentient crow |
11 | Sentient squirrel |
12 | Sentient hare |
13 | Giant centipedes |
14 | Snake |
15 | Giant ants |
16 | Killer bees |
17 | Insect swarm |
18 | Insect swarm |
19 | Giant stag beetle |
20 | Griffon |
21 | Domestic animals |
22 | Deer |
23 | Snake |
24 | Giant ants |
25 | Barrow bogies |
26 | Mogglewomp |
27 | Scrabey |
28 | Sprites |
29 | Sprites |
30 | Dryad |
31 | Elves |
32 | Elves |
33 | Unicorn (noble) |
34 | Unicorn (black) |
35 | Grimalkin, estray |
36 | Grimalkin, chester |
37 | Changeling |
38 | Changeling |
39 | Boggart |
40 | Grigg |
41 | Leshii |
42 | Pook |
43 | Poppet |
44 | Hob |
45 | Elves |
46 | Scrabey |
47 | Pook |
48 | Leshii |
49 | Hob |
50 | Gloam |
51 | Scrycke |
52 | Ogre |
53 | Troll |
54 | Grey worm |
55 | Root thing (autumn) or giant spider |
56 | Giant spider |
57 | Centaur |
58 | Basilisk |
59 | Goatmen, longhorn |
60 | Goatmen, shorthorn |
61 | Goatmen, wild |
62 | Deodand |
63 | Chimera (any number of hybrid monstrosities) |
64 | Evil tree |
65 | Lycanthrope |
66 | Wyrm |
67 | Scarecrow or wickerling |
68 | Atacorn |
69 | Peryton |
70 | Goatmen, longhorn |
71 | Goatmen, shorthorn |
72 | Goatmen, wild |
73 | Evil tree |
74 | Goatmen, wild |
75 | Pedlar/merchant |
76 | Beggar |
77 | Villager |
78 | Villager |
79 | Villager |
80 | Pilgrim/friar (travelling to random shrine) |
81 | Soldiers/knights (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of shorthorn goatmen) |
82 | Bandits/highwaymen |
83 | Adventurers |
84 | Hunters/woodsmen/trappers/anglers |
85 | Wizard |
86 | Witch |
87 | Drune |
88 | Nobles (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of longhorn goatmen) |
89 | Officials (bailiffs, tax collectors) (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of longhorn goatmen) |
90 | Refugees / the lost / exiles |
91 | Hermit |
92 | Fortune teller |
93 | Explorers (cartographers, scouts) |
94 | Messengers (criers, emissaries) |
95 | Adventurers |
96 | Hunters/woodsmen/trappers/anglers |
97 | Explorers (cartographers, scouts) |
98 | Refugees / the lost / exiles |
99 | Bandits/highwaymen |
100 | Drune |
d100 | Daytime, on the road |
1 | Deer |
2 | Deer |
3 | Deer |
4 | Boar |
5 | Boar |
6 | Boar |
7 | Sentient crow |
8 | Sentient crow |
9 | Sentient squirrel |
10 | Sentient squirrel |
11 | Sentient hare |
12 | Sentient hare |
13 | Bear |
14 | Bear |
15 | Wolves |
16 | Wolves |
17 | Giant weasel |
18 | Domestic animals |
19 | Domestic animals |
20 | Domestic animals |
21 | Domestic animals |
22 | Giant weasel |
23 | Giant centipedes |
24 | Snake |
25 | Giant ants |
26 | Killer bees |
27 | Insect swarm |
28 | Giant centipedes |
29 | Snake |
30 | Giant ants |
31 | Killer bees |
32 | Insect swarm |
33 | Giant stag beetle |
34 | Changeling |
35 | Elves |
36 | Elves |
37 | Grimalkin, estray |
38 | Grimalkin, estray |
39 | Mogglewomp |
40 | Scrabey |
41 | Scrabey |
42 | Gloam |
43 | Goatmen, longhorn |
44 | Goatmen, longhorn |
45 | Goatmen, shorthorn |
46 | Goatmen, shorthorn |
47 | Goatmen, wild |
48 | Lycanthrope |
49 | Scarecrow or wickerling |
50 | Adventurers |
51 | Adventurers |
52 | Adventurers |
53 | Bandits/highwaymen |
54 | Bandits/highwaymen |
55 | Beggar |
56 | Beggar |
57 | Beggar |
58 | Drune |
59 | Explorers (cartographers, scouts) |
60 | Explorers (cartographers, scouts) |
61 | Fortune teller |
62 | Fortune teller |
63 | Fortune teller |
64 | Fortune teller |
65 | Hunters/woodsmen/trappers/anglers |
66 | Hunters/woodsmen/trappers/anglers |
67 | Messengers (criers, emissaries) |
68 | Messengers (criers, emissaries) |
69 | Messengers (criers, emissaries) |
70 | Nobles (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of longhorn goatmen) |
71 | Nobles (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of longhorn goatmen) |
72 | Nobles (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of longhorn goatmen) |
73 | Officials (bailiffs, tax collectors) (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of longhorn goatmen) |
74 | Officials (bailiffs, tax collectors) (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of longhorn goatmen) |
75 | Officials (bailiffs, tax collectors) (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of longhorn goatmen) |
76 | Officials (bailiffs, tax collectors) (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of longhorn goatmen) |
77 | Pedlar/merchant |
78 | Pedlar/merchant |
79 | Pedlar/merchant |
80 | Pedlar/merchant |
81 | Pilgrim/friar (travelling to random shrine) |
82 | Pilgrim/friar (travelling to random shrine) |
83 | Pilgrim/friar (travelling to random shrine) |
84 | Refugees / the lost / exiles |
85 | Refugees / the lost / exiles |
86 | Soldiers/knights (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of shorthorn goatmen) |
87 | Soldiers/knights (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of shorthorn goatmen) |
88 | Soldiers/knights (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of shorthorn goatmen) |
89 | Soldiers/knights (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of shorthorn goatmen) |
90 | Soldiers/knights (in the High Wold, 2 in 6 chance of shorthorn goatmen) |
91 | Villager |
92 | Villager |
93 | Villager |
94 | Villager |
95 | Villager |
96 | Villager |
97 | Villager |
98 | Witch |
99 | Wizard |
100 | Wizard |