Showing posts with label vivimancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vivimancer. Show all posts

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

New Vivimancer Spell: Divide Ancestry

Want to rid yourself or your friend of that embarrassing goblin heritage? Not averse to murder? Then try this vivimantic procedure!

Divide Ancestry
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1 day
Cost: 150gp (drugs)

Cast upon a creature of half-race (e.g. a half-elf, half-goat, half-goblin, etc), this unusual procedure causes the subject's body to split permanently into two halves: one pure-blooded being of each parent race. The resulting beings are fully independent and begin their divided existence with identical memories and mental faculties, though the former diverge immediately -- there is no telepathic bond between them. Any talents related to one side of the ancestry are possessed only by the corresponding being.

During the procedure, the subject must be kept under the influence of deeply soporific drugs to the value of 150gp.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

New Vivimancer Magic Item: Liquid Flesh

In a spare moment, I took a look at the file I have for the revised edition of Theorems & Thaumaturgy. I was surprised to see just how close it is to being finished! I just need to add a couple more magic items (I want to include a nice round eight items per class) and that's basically it for the text.

To that end, here's a new vivimancer item I just came up with. It's nice to get back to thoughts of bio-sorcery :)

Liquid Flesh
A slippery, semi-transparent gel-like substance of lurid, red-violet hue. When applied to damaged skin or flesh, the gel begins to bind itself with the wound, fizzing and releasing a pinkish smoke. Over the course of one minute, the liquid flesh integrates with the subject's own flesh, repairing 2d6 hit points of physical damage. Liquid flesh is not effective at curing diseases, although it may be used as a remedy for disease-symptoms which cause damage or irritation to the skin.

Each application of this substance carries a 1 in 6 chance of resulting in an unsightly cluster of purple nodules at the site where it was applied. There is also a 1 in 30 chance of the gel infiltrating the subject's nervous system, with side-effects determined by a roll of 1d4: 1. a loss of 1d3 points of INT, 2. a major change of personality (e.g. a randomly determined alignment change), 3. a major emotional reversal – becoming either highly logical or irrational, 4.  an overpowering desire to serve beings of an otherworldly race or culture (as determined by the Labyrinth Lord).

Liquid flesh is typically found in glass jars containing 1d6 doses.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

DCC Vivimancer: Vats of Creation

I've been reading the DCC book again, recently, especially the section on magic. I'm really taken by the magic system, with all its variable randomness, outlandish effects, and nasty risks. So, naturally, I have been wondering what it's like to create spells for the system. Here's my first attempt, a conversion of one of my old vivimancer spells (originally written for the Labyrinth Lord rules in Theorems & Thaumaturgy). I'd be very interested to hear what experienced DCCers make of this! (By the way, the spell assumes the presence of random tables of beneficial and hampering mutations.)

Vats of Creation
Level: 3    Range: Touch        Duration: Varies    Casting Time: One week
Save: N/A

General: This spell enables a wizard, with the use of a specially prepared vat, to create any life-form which he can dream up. Before the casting can begin, the wizard must construct a laboratory containing a suitable vat (see Manifestation). The cost of the vat is variable, but determines the size/power (i.e. the maximum Hit Dice) of the creatures which may be spawned in it -- 1,000gp per maximum Hit Die. (For example, if 5,000gp are spent constructing the vat, then creatures of up to 5 Hit Dice may be grown within it.) Once constructed, the vat may be used for multiple castings of this spell. Each casting also requires material components (nutrient solutions, DNA buffers, plasma, etc) to the tune of 100gp per Hit Die of the planned creature.

Once the vat is prepared, the caster must determine the qualities of the desired creature, including its physical form and appearance, its personality and instinctual behaviour, its form of locomotion and native environment (i.e. either water- or air-breathing), any attack forms (claws, fangs, tentacles, spines, etc) it may have, and its Hit Dice. Generally speaking, anything which the wizard dreams up -- whether plant, fungus, or animal -- is possible. In addition to natural attack forms, the caster may attempt to imbue one or more special qualities into the creature. Examples include: flight, the ability to breathe water and air, a breath weapon, poison, and so on. For each such planned quality, the spell check is penalised by -2.

  • Attempts to replicate an existing individual will fail.
  • The creation of intelligent (i.e. of human or greater mental capability) life is possible but elusive. Only spell check results of 32 or higher allow this. Otherwise, the spawned life-form possesses at most animal intelligence.
  • Creatures spawned with this spell are not bound to obey their creator’s commands -- they have minds of their own and behave according to their own instincts and whims.

Manifestation: Roll 1d5: (1) the creature is spawned in a gel-filled vat of crystal; (2) the creature is spawned in the bubbling, sulfurous waters of a natural spring; (3) the creature is spawned in a vacuum, contained within a brass vessel; (4) the creature is spawned in the distended womb of a specially bred, giant primate; (5) the creature is spawned in a floating sphere of radiance.

Corruption: Roll 1d6: (1) the caster becomes obsessed with the desired creature but can never succeed in realising his vision; (2) the caster’s physical appearance takes on something of the form of the intended creature; (3) small, jellified life-forms emerge from the orifices of the caster’s body on a daily basis; (4-5) major; (6) greater.

Misfire: Roll 1d4: (1) the intended creature is spawned -- with Hit Dice equal to the caster’s level, AC 14, an attack at +4 (1d8 damage), and any planned special qualities -- but it is hateful and immediately attacks its creator, upon emerging from the vat; (2) on the 1d7th day, the vat explodes, dealing 3d6 damage to the caster and anyone else within 15’; (3) instead of the intended creature, a hideously deformed twin of the caster grows in the vat; the caster is soul-bound to the wretched twin, such that damage (disease, poison, etc) to one affects both; (4) while monitoring the procedure, the caster is sucked into vat and floats there for the casting time.

1: Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + misfire + patron taint, (1-2) corruption, (3) patron taint (or corruption if no patron), (4+) misfire.

2-11: Lost. Failure.

12-15: Failure, but spell is not lost.

16-17: The caster creates a creature of up to one Hit Die per level, with AC 1d4+10 and a single attack at +4 (1d4 damage). The creature is genetically unstable and dies after 1 week. There is also a 50% chance of the creature being flawed in an unexpected way (roll 1d3 disabling mutations).

18-21: The caster creates a creature of up to one Hit Die per level, with AC 1d4+11 and a single attack at +5 (1d6 damage). The creature is genetically unstable and dies after 1d3 weeks. There is also a 30% chance of the creature being flawed in an unexpected way (roll 1d3 disabling mutations).

22-23: The caster creates a creature of up to one Hit Die per level, with AC 1d4+12 and either a single attack at +6 (1d8 damage) or two attacks at +4 (1d6 damage). There is a 20% chance of the creature possessing an unexpected quality (roll a beneficial mutation). The creature is genetically unstable and dies after 1d4 months.

24-26: The caster creates a creature of up to one Hit Die per level, with AC 1d4+13 and either a single attack at +7 (1d10 damage) or two attacks at +5 (1d8 damage). There is a 40% chance of the creature possessing unexpected qualities (roll 1d2 beneficial mutations). The creature is genetically stable and has a natural lifespan of 1d6 years.

27-31: The caster creates a creature of up to one Hit Die per level, with AC 1d4+14 and either a single attack at +8 (1d12 damage), two attacks at +6 (1d10 damage), or three attacks at +4 (1d8 damage). The creature possesses 1d3 unexpected qualities (beneficial mutations). The creature is genetically stable and has a natural lifespan of 2d6 years.

32-33: The caster creates an intelligent creature of up to one Hit Die per level, with AC 1d4+15 and either a single attack at +8 (1d12 damage), two attacks at +6 (1d10 damage), or three attacks at +4 (1d8 damage). The creature has an Intelligence of 2d6 and possesses 1d3 unexpected qualities (beneficial mutations). The creature is genetically stable and has a natural lifespan of 3d10 years.

34-35: The spawning processes produces twins: two identical, intelligent creatures of up to one Hit Die per level, with AC 1d4+15 and either a single attack at +8 (1d12 damage), two attacks at +6 (1d10 damage), or three attacks at +4 (1d8 damage). The creatures have an Intelligence of 2d6 and possess 1d3 unexpected qualities (beneficial mutations). The creatures are genetically stable and have a natural lifespan of 4d10 years.

36+: The caster creates a supra-intelligent creature of up to one Hit Die per level, with AC 1d4+15 and either a single attack at +8 (1d12 damage), two attacks at +6 (1d10 damage), or three attacks at +4 (1d8 damage). The creature has an Intelligence of 2d6+12 and possesses 1d5 unexpected qualities (beneficial mutations). The creature is genetically stable and has a natural lifespan of 6d10 years.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Basic vs Complete Vivimancer Spells

I've thought about trying to do this for a long time and, as the Halloween sale at RPGNow is on, I thought now would be an appropriate juncture.

So, just for fun, here we have the list of spells which The Complete Vivimancer adds on top of the spells in the basic vivimancer class in Theorems & Thaumaturgy *.

  1. Absorb equipment
  2. Accelerated reproduction
  3. Adapt appendage
  4. Animate vegetation or fungus
  5. Anthropomorphism
  6. Appendage growth
  7. Arcane sight
  8. Bind familiar
  9. Blood rupture
  10. Bonewarp
  11. Cannibal holocaust
  12. Cannibal rage
  13. Carapace
  14. Chaos mind
  15. Charm plants and fungus
  16. Clone monster
  17. Clone plant or animal
  18. Clone self
  19. Creeping homunculus
  20. Decay
  21. Decode genome
  22. Detach
  23. Dispersed mind
  24. Echo location
  25. Elasticity
  26. Enlarge breed
  27. Face absorption
  28. Flesh pocket
  29. Flesh shape
  30. Fluid absorption
  31. Fungal zombie
  32. Gelatinous transformation
  33. Genetic conduit
  34. Genetic location
  35. Genetic memory
  36. Genetic resequencing
  37. Genetic spell encoding
  38. Homing instinct
  39. Hormone control
  40. Hyperolfaction
  41. Immortality
  42. Infestation
  43. Insanity
  44. Insect messenger
  45. Instant adaptation
  46. Instinct
  47. Leech blast
  48. Leeching touch
  49. Meld flesh
  50. Mind mask
  51. Mind slave
  52. Muscle control
  53. Mutagen
  54. Mutagenic zone
  55. Mutate breed
  56. Nature's secrets
  57. Nauseating stench
  58. Neural absorption
  59. Neural encoding
  60. Neural surge
  61. Ooze
  62. Organ transference
  63. Organ transference, greater
  64. Overgrow
  65. Pair bonding
  66. Paralysis
  67. Pheromone surge
  68. Progeny
  69. Psionic awakening
  70. Psionic surge
  71. Replicate life-form
  72. Repulsive scent
  73. Revert biology
  74. Scentlessness
  75. Skein
  76. Slime blast
  77. Spark of life
  78. Speak with plants and fungus
  79. Spider skein
  80. Spying homunculus
  81. Stabilize mutation
  82. Synaptic reprogramming
  83. Synaptic trigger
  84. Transparency
  85. Vats of creation, greater
  86. Vats of regeneration
  87. Vats of reincarnation
  88. Wall of claws
  89. Wall of ooze
  90. Web walk
  91. Weltmark
(* At least as far as my linux command line file comparison skills can determine.)

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

New Vivimancer Spell: Minimus Replication

2nd level, Range: Touch, Duration: Permanent, Casting Time: 3 days

Suspended in a vat of electrically charged nutrient fluid, the genetic material of a tissue sample is distilled and grows, forming a miniaturised clone of the being from which the tissue originated. The clone is mindless, non-sentient, and does not survive beyond the three days over which it develops, but represents an exact physical likeness of its progenitor. In this way, the vivimancer may be able to identify careless intruders or unknown life forms.

Unlike most spells which require a tissue sample, this procedure functions perfectly well on inert biological matter such as bone, hair, shell, teeth, etc.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Vivimantic Sale at RPGNow!

"Why let necromancers have all the fun?" -- indeed, especially at Halloween. Tis the season to get the vats brewing, splice up some genes, and warp some innocent flesh.

Thus: a sale on The Complete Vivimancer at RPGNow!

Sale prices
PDF: $3.99
Print: $6.99
Print + PDF: $9.99

Get it while it lasts!

Monday, 21 July 2014

The Complete Vivimancer: 25% Off Sale!

The Complete Vivimancer is on sale for "Christmas in July" at RPGNow / DriveThru RPG!

25% off starting now for a week.

The PDF is now $5.24.
The PDF + print bundle is down to $12.99.

Some reviews:
Ben L. of Mazirian's Garden.
Timothy Brannan of The Other Side.
Brendan S of Necropraxis.

Click here to get it (if you've not already)!

Sunday, 29 June 2014

From the Vats: Design a Monster Contest

The time has come. The vat-grown must be unleashed. Only YOU can decide the fate which awaits an unsuspecting world. With two dice, a pencil, and an eraser... no, wait, wrong blurb.

What I'm after:

  • The weirdest freaks of nature you can dream up in your vivimantic laboratory.
  • Statted up for Labyrinth Lord.
  • Ready and willing to meet the world in the form of an Open Game Content free publication to be entitled "From the Vats".
For your inspiration and reference:
I said this was a contest, what are the prizes?
  • A print copy of Theorems & Thaumaturgy. (Or negotiably something else if you already have that.)
  • A print copy of the first issue of my forthcoming zine, "Wizardzine!".
  • A special tome of spells, created by me on a topic of your choosing. (This could be fun!) It might be all funky and hand illustrated or something like that.
The winner to be decided by a means of my own choosing. Most likely purely aesthetic preference.

Get em in by Sunday the 3rd of August and I shall compile and judge. (Contact details in the right-hand sidebar of the blog.)

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Another Review of The Complete Vivimancer

Further to the two very positive reviews I posted links to previously, Brendan of Necropraxis has written a review of The Complete Vivimancer.

May all your chimeral breeding programs be blessed.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

The Complete Vivimancer: Print Version Live! PDF Price Reduced!

After a fair amount of wailing, gnashing of teeth, tearing of hair, and such like, I am proud to announce that the print version (A5, softcover) of The Complete Vivimancer is now live for purchase at RPGNow!

With the launch of the print version, I've also reassessed the pricing of the book. It now costs:

PDF only - $6.99
Print only - $9.99
Print & PDF - $13.99

Go get it!

For people who have already bought the PDF at its former price: I've created a special discount code which allows you to get a copy of the print version of the book at cost. You should have received an email with the code. (I wasn't able to email all of you directly through RPGNow, so if you're one of these people and you've not received the coupon, just get in touch and I'll send it to you.)

Friday, 11 April 2014

Simple Psionics: Wild Talents and the Psychic Class

The recently published The Complete Vivimancer contains an appendix which describes a simple system of psionic powers. I included these rules because several of the new vivimancer spells in the book grant the ability to use psionic powers, either temporarily or permanently. I didn't want to just assume that everyone using the book already has a set of psionics rules which they use (one of the goals of the book was, after all, that it should be complete in itself, without reference to other rule books), so I wanted to include a simple system which could be used in lieu of a full psionics system, should the referee desire it.

I've used this kind of system in games in the past, and its simplicity and speed at the table has been a pleasure, especially when compared to some of the more esoteric psionics systems which exist (AD& 1e anyone?).

The psionics appendix in The Complete Vivimancer is only referred to by a few spells, but it's the kind of appendix which can easily be used as the basis for a wider system of psionics. Here are some ideas.

Wild Talents
Some characters possess a natural talent for psionics, whether it be due to genetics, happenstance, mutation, or exposure to weird energies. Such characters, known as "wild talents", are not true psionicists, but have the ability to use a single psionic power.

Several methods can be used to determine whether a PC is a psionic wild talent:
  • Sum INT, WIS, and CHA.Roll under this value on d%.
  • Roll under highest mental attribute (INT, WIS, or CHA) on 1d20.
  • For particularly alien or gonzo campaigns: all PCs have a wild talent!

If a character possesses a wild talent, the player should randomly determine which power is known, rolling on the chart in Appendix I. A wild talent may be used once per day.

Option: for really wild wild talents, roll each morning to see which power the character may use that day.

True Psionicists
While wild talents have a knack for the psychic, other characters have trained this innate ability to a much higher degree, making it the focus of their adventuring careers. Here's one such class, statted up for Labyrinth Lord.

The Psychic

Requirements: None
Prime Requisite: INT and CHA
Hit Dice: 1d4
Maximum Level: None

Psychics are characters who have developed psionic abilities which can help them during adventures. Depending on the powers they use and the society they come from, psychics are sometimes known by names such as: seers, clairvoyants, telepaths, empaths, and so on. They are able to learn the full range of psionic powers, and devote most of their time to developing their psychic abilities. Some psychics are naturally gifted, while others may belong to a guild or academy where psionic powers are taught.

Due to their focus on perfecting the mind, psychics have limited combat ability. They use the magic-user saving throw and attack progression charts, and can only use leather armour and simple weapons: club, dagger, dart, hand axe, light crossbow, short sword, sling, quarterstaff.

A psychic with 13 or higher in both prime requisites gains a +5% experience bonus. An INT or CHA of 16 in one prime requisite grants the full 10% bonus. Note that, as psychics have CHA as a prime requisite, they are able to raise that score during character creation via point swapping.

Psionic Powers: A psychic knows a number of psionic powers dependant on his level. The player can choose which powers his character knows. The number of times a psychic's powers may be used each day also depends on his level.

Psychic Burn: In times of desperation, when he has used his psychic powers as many times as is allowed in one day, a psychic can draw from deep psycho-physical reserves in order to activate a psionic power. This is known as psychic burn. It can be performed by a psychic only once per day, and results in the immediate loss of 1d4 hit points. If only a single point of damage is inflicted by the psychic burn, a saving throw versus spells must also be made, with failure indicating that the psychic permanently loses one point of CON or WIS (50% chance of each).

Reaching 9th level: Upon reaching 9th level, a psychic may establish an academy where he teaches his skills to students. The psychic will attract 1d6 apprentices, who are of level 1d4.

Psychic Level Advancement Table
The table lists the experience points required for each level, along with the Hit Dice, known powers and uses per day. Uses per day is global, not per-power. So, for example, a 1st level psychic may know the telekinesis and psionic blast powers. She may choose to use either power once during the day.

  1. 0 XP, 1 HD, 2 known powers, 1 uses per day.
  2. 2,201 XP, 2 HD, 2 known powers, 2 uses per day.
  3. 4,401 XP, 3 HD, 3 known powers, 3 uses per day.
  4. 9,001 XP, 4 HD, 3 known powers, 4 uses per day.
  5. 18,001 XP, 5 HD, 4 known powers, 5 uses per day.
  6. 36,001 XP, 6 HD, 4 known powers, 6 uses per day.
  7. 72,001 XP, 7 HD, 5 known powers, 7 uses per day.
  8. 150,001 XP, 8 HD, 5 known powers, 8 uses per day.
  9. 300,001 XP, 9 HD, 6 known powers, 9 uses per day.
  10. 450,001 XP, +1 hp, 6 known powers, 10 uses per day.
  11. 600,001 XP, +1 hp, 7 known powers, 11 uses per day.
  12. 750,001 XP, +1 hp, 7 known powers, 12 uses per day.
  13. 900,001 XP, +1 hp, 7 known powers, 13 uses per day.
  14. 1,050,001 XP, +1 hp, 8 known powers, 14 uses per day.
  15. 1,200,001 XP, +1 hp, 8 known powers, 15 uses per day.
  16. 1,350,001 XP, +1 hp, 8 known powers, 16 uses per day.
  17. 1,500,001 XP, +1 hp, 9 known powers, 17 uses per day.
  18. 1,650,001 XP, +1 hp, 9 known powers, 18 uses per day.
  19. 1,800,001 XP, +1 hp, 9 known powers, 19 uses per day.
  20. 1,950,001 XP, +1 hp, 10 known powers, 20 uses per day.

Note: I'm going to compile this kind of extra bonus material, along with contributions from others on the subject of vivimantic magic, into a free PDF entitled "From the Vats" -- coming soon! If you have any ideas for a submission, please get in touch!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

The Complete Vivimancer: On Sale Now!

The Complete Vivimancer, my to-date magnum opus of weird magic, is now available for sale at RPGNow!

Currently only the modern PDF format is available. The setup for the print version is going to require a wee bit more time, so bear with me if you seek paper inscribed with vivimantic secrets.

A few facts...

How many spells are in this thing?


If you have Theorems & Thaumaturgy (and you should... it's free!), that's 75 additional spells for the vivimancer class -- more than twice as many unique spells. The old spell list was a bit sparse, especially at high, mid and low levels. The new list is now seriously rounded. See here for the complete spell list.

If you only have the Labyrinth Lord Advanced Edition Companion, that's over 130 additional spells to play with.

Many of the spells taken from the AEC or Th&Th have been newly edited, expanded, clarified and spruced. So even the old is now new!

And what about magic items?


Weird number. It was originally a nice round 40, but then I found some more space and squeezed two more in there.

Previously there were a grand total of 0 vivimantic items in Th&Th, and maybe 2 in the AEC (the wand of polymorphing and the chime of cannibalism are pretty vivimantic).

These are some examples of the sort of weird and wonderful items among those 42: brain leeches, cerebral spider, worm of poison absorption, apparatus of organ transference, brain vat, lens of blinding, blood tree, solvent of androgyny, staff of flesh dissolution.

What's it look like?

Heavily illustrated.

A5 for convenient, hold-in-your-hand (or on your tablet) use at the table.

And speaking of convenience

Remember that this is a complete reference on all matters vivimantic. (I didn't call it the "complete" vivimancer for nothing.) That means that you don't need to look anything up in other rulebooks. All your character's spells are here in one handy tome.

You should probably go to RPGNow and check it out now!

ps. If you're interested in the print version AND the PDF version, I'm going to try to set up some kind of discount so you can buy the PDF now and then cheaply "upgrade" to the print version when it's available. This publishing on RPGNow lark is all new to me, so it might take a bit of fiddling around. I am assured that it is possible though.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

The Complete Vivimancer: Tantalisation

It's so close I can feel the slime dripping off it!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The Complete Vivimancer: Sample Illustration

Here's a further advanced (I don't think quite finished) version of the illustration for the decay spell, the rough draft of which I posted a few days ago.

Friday, 21 February 2014

The Complete Vivimancer: Mind Fungus

Due to a small layout mistake I've just discovered I've got a little bit of space to squeeze a small amount of extra material into The Complete Vivimancer. Thus, an extra magic item:

Mind Fungus
Reminiscent of a fist-sized human brain, a single specimen of this species of robust magical mushroom is the fruit of a lengthy procedure of growth under carefully controlled conditions. The mushrooms must be grown on a medium of neural matter, and are fed a solution of magically treated spinal fluid. A character who consumes one of these rare fruits gains a permanent +1 bonus to INT, but must also roll a side-effect on the following table, as the psychic echoes of the minds which fed the fungus interact with the character's neural structure.

1-2: None
3: -1d3 WIS
4: -1d3 CHA
5: Re-roll WIS (3d6)
6: Re-roll CHA (3d6)
7: Alignment change – randomly determined (roll again if no change)
8: Insanity (as per the 4th level spell)
9: Radical personality change
10: Memory warp – long periods of the character's memory are either erased or replaced with events which did not occur (50% of each)

Monday, 17 February 2014

The Complete Vivimancer: (Still) Coming Soon

Yes, it's still progressing. Illustrations are flowing in, both as drafts and as finished versions, so we shouldn't be too far off being finished now. A conservative estimate would be within one month.

Just for fun, here's a teaser... Cadanse's draft for the illustration of the 2nd level spell decay.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

The Complete Vivimancer: Layout Complete!

Just a quick update on the progress with The Complete Vivimancer. This weekend I've been very busy (and productive, thankfully) applying the changes suggested by the editor (Tim Snider of the Savage Afterworld -- many thanks Tim!) and finalising the layout of the book.

As much as I'd like to, I'm obviously not in a position yet to share the fruits of my labour with you, gentle reader, but I must say I'm very pleased with how things are shaping up. I feel the layout in this book is a real step up from what I did before for Theorems & Thaumaturgy.

So now it's off to Cadanse for illustration. I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Open Call For Content: Vivimancer Supplement

Here's an idea that's been brewing in my mind for a while, since a couple of people separately made similar suggestions to me...

Would anyone be interested in submitting material inspired by the vivimancer class (see Theorems & Thaumaturgy) for a compilation?

I thought it might be fun to gather some supplemental material for the class together from the minds of various people. If enough contributions were made, I'd add some material of my own, edit it together and lay it out as a free PDF for people to download.

The sort of things I'm thinking of:
  • Descriptions of important NPC vivimancers; or guilds, colleges or associations of such.
  • New vivimantic magic items.
  • New monsters created by vivimancers' research.
  • Wizards' lairs or other short adventures featuring vivimancers and/or their creations.
  • Any illustrations on the theme.
Note that I'm not so much thinking of new spells... with the upcoming release of The Complete Vivimancer, I think I have that covered for now ;)

Edit: I completely forgot to mention: the supplement will be released under the OGL and the Labyrinth Lord compatibility license. Feel free to write stuff in other formats, as long as it's easy for me to convert to LL.

Edit again: I don't have any strict deadline in mind for this, but was thinking of getting submissions gathered by January(ish), say, to commence editing & layout then.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

The Complete Vivimancer: Finished Draft!

For those who are following the progress of my new book: good news! I have just put the finishing touches on the draft.

This means that the writing is basically finished. The text is now going to start its (hopefully not too perilous) journey through the land of proofreading, via the forest of editing, with the eventual goal of reaching the mountains of layout and the palace of pristine perfection which is known to mortal men as "".

At this stage we have:
  • 83 pages, A5/digest size (including 2 pages OGL).
  • Over 130 new* spells.
  • 40 new magic items.
  • 2 appendices (psionic powers & mutations).
  • Guidelines for laboratory construction and the keeping of experimental subjects.

* New spells as compared to those in the standard Labyrinth Lord rule books. Compared to Theorems & Thaumaturgy, I think I have about 70 new spells.