Showing posts with label zine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zine. Show all posts

Monday, 14 December 2015

Wormskin 1 PDF Live!

Dreams can be real.

(PDF only for the moment. What with the holidays and so on, the print version probably won't be out til the new year. BUT!: if you purchase the PDF edition now, we'll send you a discount on the full print/PDF combo when it goes live.)

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Pre-Yuletide Missives

Just a quick update on a few projects and gaming-related things that I've got on the go:
  • The first issue of Wormskin -- my and Greg Gorgonmilk's zine exploring the mythical Dolmenwood -- is (dare I say it?) poised for release. (See grumpy cat.) I have completed the layout and it is in the fair hands of the Gorgonmilk, awaiting his ducal seal of approval. Get your nostrils ready for massive infusions of dank moss.
  • Also: following on from the critically acclaimed (James Spahn, Tim Brannan, and Eric Fabiaschi liked it) B/X Rogue, I will shamelessly admit to having begun work on a sequel: the B/X Warrior. I imagine you can guess what it might be about.
  • Additionally: I am pleased to share that my home games are about to revert to Labyrinth Lord, after a brief flirtation with 5e. "Not my cup o tea" would be a fair summary of the experience.
More news as it breaks.

May all your dreams be mossy.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

New Zine: Wormskin

Greg Gorgonmilk and I have been dreaming for some time of a mythic, monster-haunted forest known as Dolmenwood. We've considered various forms of publication but have now settled on a piecemeal exposition of the locales, inhabitants, magic, and mysteries of the setting in the form of a zine.

It shall be known as Wormskin.

The first issue is in production now and should be ready for an August release. Tentative contents:
  • Grimalkin race-class and monster description.
  • Ditto for moss dwarfs. (Who have been discussed in brief on one previous occasion.)
  • The mysteries of the Yrthstone, one of the many powerful standing stones in the wood.
  • Random tables for fungal foraging.

Here's the gorgeous cover that Greg has created...

Available soon as PDF and print-on-demand, A5 softcover!