The campsite set and any evening camaraderie complete, the party settle down to sleep. Each PC must make a rest check -- a CON (bushcraft, survival) check -- modified by the various factors listed below, to discover whether a good night's rest was achieved.
For every extra hour spent searching for a campsite: -1
Sleeping in unsuitable site: -4
Location modifier: Varies
Bedroll: +2
Participating in a watch shift (up to two hours): -2
Cold (autumn or spring): -2
Extreme cold (winter): -4
Campfire (if cold): +2
Wet (including snow): -2
Disturbing sounds (howling wind, thunder, or babbling spirits, for example): -1
Soothing sounds (a waterfall or bubbling stream, for example): +1
Sleeping in light armour: -4
Sleeping in medium armour: -10
Sleeping in heavy armour: Automatic failure
Good cheer: +2
Discord (arguing, grudges, etc): -1
Hearty fare: +2
Meagre rations (includes dried trail rations): -1
No supper: -2
Awakening during the night (per occurrence, not including watch shifts): -1
Encounter during the night: -3
Sickness or poison: -2
Wounded or fatigued (less than half hit points): -1
Elf (requires less rest): +4
Halfling (lazy): -2
- Cannot memorise spells. (The lenient referee may allow the character to attempt to memorise spells, with a save versus magic, per spell, indicating success at memorisation.)
- -1 penalty to all attacks, saves, and ability checks. This is not cumulative over multiple nights without rest, but lasts until a decent night's sleep can be had.
- Hit point recovery halved.
A party may choose to travel at night and sleep during the day. This incurs a -3 penalty to rest, unless the characters are accustomed to this routine (have been following it for at least a fortnight).