Showing posts with label illusionist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illusionist. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 December 2016

The Complete Illusionist: Work-in-Progress Spell List

Work on my next big project, The Complete Illusionist (which popped out of nowhere, quite unexpectedly), has been progressing rather well. I'm still in the stage of collating a lot of ideas for spells of different levels and trying to build up the spell lists. Adding to the base illusionist class in the Labyrinth Lord AEC, I've been doing OGL write-ups of the illusionist spells from AD&D Unearthed Arcana. I also have quite a number of interesting submissions from other people now, following my recent call out. All in all, it's looking like I should have a very nicely rounded out spell list in the final book.

Just out of interest, here are the lists so far. These only include spells which I actually have a full write-up of. I have lots more to write up and put in place. I also need to read through many of the submissions still and decide which fit.

1st level

  1. Auditory Illusion
  2. Color Spray
  3. Dancing Lights
  4. Darkness Globe
  5. Detect Illusion
  6. Detect Invisibility
  7. Doppelganger
  8. Hypnotism
  9. Light
  10. Phantasmal Force
  11. Refraction
  12. Wall of Vapor
  13. Glamour
  14. Invisibility, Lesser
  15. Lost and Found
  16. Script Codex
  17. Spook
  18. Discernment of Pyschic Location
  19. Evoke Nightmare
  20. Semblance of Wakefulness
  21. Sweet Dreams
  22. Wizard Mark
  23. Faerie Fire
  24. Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter
  25. Brilliant Pattern
  26. False Script
  27. Phantom Armour
  28. Silent Image
  29. Chromatic Orb
  30. Hush

2nd level

  1. Blindness
  2. Blur
  3. Deafness
  4. Detect Magic
  5. Fog Cloud
  6. Hypnotic Pattern
  7. Invisibility
  8. Magic Mouth
  9. Mirror Image
  10. Misdirection
  11. Phantasmal Force, Greater
  12. Ventriloquism
  13. Sound Codex
  14. Light Codex
  15. Somnambulism
  16. Vapours of Dream
  17. Imaginary Companion
  18. Whisper Thief
  19. Whispering Wind
  20. Darkvision
  21. Pyrotechnics
  22. Fool's gold 
  23. Fascinate
  24. Amnesia

3rd level

  1. Continual Light (reversible)
  2. Dispel Phantasm
  3. Fear
  4. Hallucinatory Terrain
  5. Illusory Script
  6. Invisibility 10' Radius
  7. Nondetection
  8. Paralyze
  9. Rope Trick
  10. Spectral Force
  11. Suggestion
  12. Full Codex
  13. Energy Reflection
  14. Dreamspell
  15. Black Light
  16. Semblance of Life
  17. Phantom Steed
  18. Doppelganger, Improved
  19. Wraithform
  20. Enthrall
  21. Lost
  22. Deadly Darkness

4th level

  1. Confusion
  2. Illusory Stamina
  3. Implant Emotion
  4. Invisibility, Greater
  5. Massmorph
  6. Minor Creation
  7. Phantasmal Killer
  8. Phantasmal Monsters
  9. Solid Fog
  10. Looking Glass
  11. Shared Dream
  12. Masque
  13. Illicit Dream Projection
  14. Lonely Road
  15. Menioth's Instant Light

5th level

  1. Confusion, Greater
  2. Major Creation
  3. Maze
  4. Phantasmal Door
  5. Phantasmal Monsters, Greater
  6. Project Image
  7. Shadow Evocation
  8. Summon Shadow
  9. Time Flow
  10. Hyperreal Awakening
  11. Many Worlds, Many Lives
  12. Phantom Summons
  13. Overlook
  14. Shadow Servitor
  15. Phantom Palanquin

6th level

  1. Conjure Animals
  2. Phantasmal Monsters, Advanced
  3. Shadow Evocation, Greater
  4. Spectral Force, Permanent
  5. Spectral Force, Programmed
  6. Suggestion, Mass
  7. True Seeing
  8. Veil
  9. Through the Looking Glass
  10. Curse of Sleeplessness
  11. Psychic Cache
  12. Persistent Dream

7th level

  1. Astral Spell
  2. Limited Wish
  3. Prismatic Spray
  4. Prismatic Wall
  5. Vision
  6. Phantasm of Forgetting
  7. Dreaming
  8. Spell Reflection
  9. Unreal 
  10. Phantasmal Resurrection
  11. Duo-Dimension
  12. Animated Artwork
  13. Simulacrum
  14. Doppelganger, Greater

8th level

  1. Prismatic Sphere
  2. Memorium
  3. Figment
  4. Illusory Abode
  5. Pathless Land
  6. Mirror Image, Advanced
  7. Prismatic Beam
  8. Black Clouds

9th level

  1. Alter Reality
  2. Dream Travel
  3. Weird
  4. Mists of Madness
  5. Upper Hand
  6. Viral Phantasm
  7. Doppelganger, True

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Updated Illusionist Spell: Chromatic Orb

This spell was featured in the expanded illusionist spell list in AD&D Unearthed Arcana. I like the effects, but it's always struck me as weirdly balanced: almost useless at low levels and very powerful at high levels. This isn't a feature I'm fond of, so, as part of the work on my Complete Illusionist, I decided to try to come up with a version more to my taste. Here you go:

Chromatic Orb

Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 60’
Cost: 25gp - 1,000gp (gem of appropriate colour)
This spell harnesses and amplifies the pure hue and intrinsic properties of a gemstone, which must be in the illusionist’s possession. Light is conjured in the heart of the stone, refracted, and amplified, conjuring an orb of pure colour in the illusionist’s hand. The orb may be hurled at an opponent within range, requiring a normal attack roll, with a +2 bonus. If the orb misses, it dissolves without effect. Otherwise, the orb inflicts damage on the target and another effect depending on its colour. The illusionist may conjure an orb of one of the following colours, depending on his experience level:

Gem Value
1st or greater
2nd or greater
3rd or greater
4th or greater
5th or greater
6th or greater
7th or greater
10th or greater
12th or greater

The gemstone must be of at least the value listed and must be of an appropriate hue. It is consumed by the spell.

Chromatic orb effects:

  • Light: Light in a 60’ radius for one round per caster level.
  • Heat: If the target fails a save versus spells, they suffer -1 to attacks and AC for one round. The heat of the ruby orb may also be used to melt ice -- up a cubic yard.
  • Fire: All flammable objects within 2’ of the target are set alight. If the target fails a save versus spells, flammable objects (e.g. clothing, hair, etc) on its person are also set alight. This inflicts 1d3 damage for three rounds, unless the target spends a round extinguishing the flames.
  • Blindness: The target is blinded for 1d4+4 rounds, unless it makes a saving throw versus spells.
  • Stench: A 5’ radius cloud of stinking vapours erupts around the target. Any within the cloud (including the target) must save versus poison or be overcome with nausea -- unable to act except to move at half movement rate. Once leaving the cloud, the nausea subsides after 1d4 rounds. The cloud is permanent but usually disperses after one turn.
  • Magnetism: The electrical energy of the orb strongly magnetizes any metal objects on the target (e.g. armour, weapons) unless a save versus spells is made. The magnetic charge lasts for 3d4 rounds and causes metal objects to stick together, typically making attacking impossible and causing a -2 penalty to AC.
  • Paralysis: Unless a save versus paralysis is made, the target is paralysed for 5d4 rounds.
  • Petrification: The target must save versus petrification. Failure means that it turns permanently to stone. Success means that the target is slowed for 2d4 rounds -- only able to move at half the normal rate and attack or cast spells every other round.
  • Death: The target must save versus death. Failure means that it dies instantly. Success means that it is paralysed for 1d4 rounds.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

The Complete Illusionist? (Plus New Spell: Unreal)

Since I started collating the illusionist spells that I've developed over the last few years and discovered that they number "quite a few", I've not been able to stop thinking about doing a proper Complete Illusionist book. I've looked at the spell lists and it looks like I actually only need a couple of dozen spells more in order to reach a nice number of spells per level. (I'm looking at 30, 24, 24, 18, 18, 18, 12, 8, 8 -- from 1st to 9th level.) Seems eminently doable! So, two things:

Firstly, call for contributors! If you have some new illusionist spells written up, send them my way! (Either to the email address in the sidebar of the blog or in g+.) I'm especially looking for spells of level 3 or above, up to ninth level.

If I include a contributed spell in the book, you'll be credited and I'll send you a free copy of the PDF. If someone sends me loads of spells that I'm into and I include four or more in the book, I'll also send you a print copy.

Get those illusionist thinking caps on! (Fez's I suppose.)

Secondly, here's a new spell:

Level: 8
Duration: Permanent or 1 turn per level
Range: 60’

Rather than creating an illusion of a something real, this spell creates an illusion from something real. A non-living, non-magical object of up to 10’ cube in size or a single creature may be affected. A creature may save versus spells to resist.

If the spell successfully takes effect, the target ceases to be real, becoming an illusion of itself. It may be seen, heard, smelt, etc, but is completely intangible. For example, a solid section of wall made unreal may be passed through, though it appears solid; a person made unreal continues to act freely, but cannot physically interact with anything.

Objects targeted by this spell become permanently illusionary. Targeted creatures return to their normal state after one turn per level of the caster.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

New Illusionist Spell: Imaginary Companion

This spell popped into my head just after waking this morning. Illusionists have been on my mind a bit, recently, as I recently started collating all of the expanded illusionist material which I have -- some from the original Theorems & Thaumaturgy and some as-yet unpublished spells -- and discovered that I have a total of 48 new illusionist spells. I've always wanted to do a proper expanded illusionist class, so this might be the catalyst.

Imaginary Companion

Level: 2
Duration: Permanent
Range: 0
Casting Time: 8 hours
Cost: 100gp

Inhaling the smoke of a mixture of rare, psychoactive herbs (cost 100gp), the illusionist falls into a deep sleep lasting for 8 hours. During this slumber, the illusionist’s spirit wanders in distant regions of dream where denizens of the Dreamlands may be contacted. The illusionist experiences a dream of great vividity and significance, wherein he encounters a kindred spirit in the dream world and enters into a soul-binding pact with it. Upon waking, the presence of the dream spirit remains with the illusionist at all times. The illusionist can see and speak with the dream spirit as if it were physically present. The entity cannot, however, normally be perceived by others. Thus, depending on how openly the illusionist interacts with the dream spirit, others may be led to question his sanity.

Despite being normally imperceptible to others, the imaginary companion is, in fact, semi-real and should be treated as an NPC companion of the illusionist, present wherever he goes. It is able to interact with the physical world as follows:
  • The imaginary companion may freely interact with inanimate objects, having the force to carry up to 20lbs or drag up to 40lbs (equivalent to a STR rating of 3). Any who witness the companion interacting with objects may save versus spells. Failure indicates that the companion becomes faintly visible.
  • If directed to interact with a living creature, the target may save versus spells. If the save succeeds, the imaginary companion is not able to interact with the target. If the save fails, the target becomes faintly aware of the dream spirit and two-way interaction is possible.
  • Creatures which can see invisible and the like are always aware of an imaginary companion, though may save, as above, to prevent it from interacting with them.
  • The companion has an Armour Class of 7, 2d4 hit points, and an attack doing 1d3 damage. It may be damaged by non-living forces (fire, cold, crushing, etc) and by any living creature who is aware of it (see above).
  • It has a movement rate of 90’ (30’), either walking or flying up to 10’ above the ground. The companion may not move more than 90’ away from the illusionist. If forced to do so, it suffers 1d4 damage and disappears entirely, reappearing only after the illusionist gets a night’s sleep.

The nature of the soul-connection between the illusionist and the imaginary companion is such that the illusionist’s hit point maximum is increased by the number of hit points the companion has. However, if the companion dies, the illusionist instantly and permanently loses these additional hit points.

Many types of dream spirit may be summoned by this spell to become the illusionist’s imaginary companion. In the waking world, they are typically intelligent entities of human size or smaller with capricious, mischievous, or contrary personalities. The following chart provides some ideas, but many more creatures are possible.

  1. A small cat with swirling, yellow/purple eyes and violet fur.
  2. A transparent owl, apparently made of crystal.
  3. An opposite-sex replica of the caster.
  4. A miniature, creeping bear with human mouth and hands.
  5. A slender, albino child.
  6. A miniature, black wyvern.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Brave the Labyrinth: Issue 2 Out Now!

Issue 2 of Pete Spahn's Labyrinth Lord fanzine "Brave the Labyrinth" is available now! You can get it as pay-what-you-want PDF or in print.

My contribution to this issue is the arch-illusionist Neem the Inscrutable, master of mirror magic. The article includes 5 new spells and 4 new magic items of his creation.

Go get it!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Embarking on a self-publishing venture!

For some time I've been thinking about the possibility of making a book compiling all the new spells and magic-using classes I've been coming up with. So the other day I cut and pasted it all together into a single document, just out of interest to see how much content I have already. And, to my surprise, it came to almost 40 pages! This has galvanised me to complete the project.

After a bit of preliminary organisational work, I've decided that I'm going to compile a book with the following content:
  • The elementalist class (available here). Possibly expanded with some additional spells.
  • The necromancer class (which I've been working on for a while "behind the scenes", and which already has about 50 new spells).
  • The fey class (available here). Also possibly expanded with some additional spells.
  • The expansion of the illusionist class which I've been working on.
  • Edit: Just maybe the hypothesised nature mage, if I feel really inspired. I think it'd be a very cool class, but I'd only include it if I thought I'd be able to do it justice.
  • A selection of magical tomes (each containing a bunch of new spells around a specific theme -- including, for example, the tome of the spider mage).
  • Any other random bits & pieces relating to arcane magic which I feel like throwing in!
Everything will be specifically compatible with Labyrinth Lord, but of course that means it's equally usable with Swords & Wizardry, B/X D&D, AD&D, etc.

Primarily I'm doing this for my own pleasure. I think it'd be totally cool to have an actual properly printed book of my own classes and spells to use in my games! But of course, once I've gone to the effort of writing, compiling and laying everything out, and then publishing it on Lulu, then it'll certainly be available to other people as well.

I don't have a name for the book yet, and no idea what to do about artwork! As it's purely a hobbyist thing, I don't really imagine investing any money in this venture (i.e. to pay artists), but it would of course be nice to have at least a good-looking cover (I'm imagining old-school style black & white illustration to go along with the LL books). If any artists reading this are up for drawing some stuff, please let me know -- I could probably offer you a print copy of the book if all goes well!

Any thoughts or suggestions most welcome!

Saturday, 18 June 2011

A few new illusionist spells

I was just thinking about my idea some time ago of expanding the illusionist spell list to include 8th and 9th level spells, and remembered that I actually had quite a few lying around which I'd meant to post here but forgot about. So here they are: firstly there's a low-level variant of invisibility, which will probably be quite useful, followed by several high-level spells, some of which are Labyrinth Lord re-workings of classics.

So far, here's the spell list I've got for 8th & 9th levels:

8th level
  1. Illusory abode
  2. Memorium
  3. No way
  4. Prismatic beam
  5. Prismatic sphere
9th level
  1. Alter reality
  2. Dream travel
  3. Upper hand
  4. Weird
The rest of this post is designated Open Gaming Content according to the Open Gaming License.

Invisibility, Lesser
Level: 1
Duration: See below
Range: Touch

This spell functions in the same manner as the 2nd level spell invisibility, except that the subject is only invisible when immobile. The subject becomes visible whenever he moves, and invisible when keeping still. The spell's duration, as with the standard invisibility spell, only ends when the subject makes an attack.

Level: 8
Duration: See below
Range: 50'

When this spell is cast in a location where a specific event is known to have occurred, the caster and up to one companion per two levels are drawn into a vision of the past, re-experiencing the event in question. The event which is the focus of the spell must be known to the caster, and can have occurred up to 100 years ago per caster level.

In the vision the caster and his companions take on the perspectives of individuals who were present at the historic event, perceiving what happened directly from the point of view of those involved. If an insufficient number of sentient beings were present at the event, additional companions of the caster will perceive a vague retelling of the event as if seen from above.

The duration of the vision is seldom more than an hour, with longer events being reviewed in a kind of "highlights" form. While immersed in the vision the caster and his companions are in a trance state. If any of them are harmed the vision is broken immediately.

Casting this spell optionally ages the caster 3 years.

It is rumoured that an enhanced version of this spell once existed, allowing not merely the viewing of the past, but also the power to alter the flow of history.

Prismatic Beam
Level: 8
Duration: See below
Range: 100' per level

This spell allows an illusionist to create an intensely focussed beam of strobing light energy which can have one of three effects (chosen as the spell is cast).

Firstly, the beam can be used to cause 1d6 points of heat damage per caster level to a single target in range. Secondly, the beam may be used to disrupt matter, functioning in the same manner as the magic-user spell disintegrate (including a saving throw versus death). Thirdly, the beam can be used to exert a powerful pushing force onto a target, causing it to move at a rate of 200' per round directly away from the caster.

The first two uses of the spell have an instantaneous duration, while the third use lasts for one round per level of the caster.

Alter Reality
Level: 9
Duration: See below
Range: Unlimited

This spell, the pinnacle of the illusionist's art, enables the caster to bring forth into reality whatever he can imagine. It works in the same way as the magic-user spell wish, including the (optional) aging effect on the caster. The one difference is that an illusionist must first create an image of what he wishes to become reality, using other spells of illusion. He must then cast alter reality, which causes the created illusion to become absolutely and irrevocably real.

Dream Travel
Level: 9
Duration: See below
Range: 50'

This spell conjures a semi-real vision of a large vehicle of some kind, typically a mighty sailing ship, which the illusionist and up to 100 others may enter. The caster must be conscious in order to cast the spell, but all others to be taken aboard the vessel must be asleep. Unwilling passengers may make a save versus spells to avoid being taken into the dream vessel. In a manner similar to the 8th level spell illusory abode, the dream vessel may take on a recurring appearance if the caster wishes it, and the enhancements to spectral force and major creation apply inside the vessel.

The passengers enter a shared dream of travelling a long distance aboard the conjured vessel through an imaginary landscape, with the caster in control as the helmsman or navigator. The journey usually appears to span several days, and may sometimes even feel like weeks of travel, though the exact amount of perceptual time elapsed is never clear, as is typical of dreams.

While the dream vessel travels through an imaginary landscape, it is actually moving through real space at an incredible rate -- up to 100 miles per hour can be covered, completely unhindered by any real terrain. The spell lasts as long as the caster remains awake and conscious and the passengers remain asleep. This means that generally the duration is approximately 8 hours, but it may be extended by various means (for example if the passengers are in a prolonged, drugged or enchanted sleep).

During the journey the DM should make random encounter checks as normal, and should feel free to come up with bizarre dream-like creatures and happenings along the way. Indeed, the casting of this spell could easily provide material for a whole game session. If any of the passengers is harmed while aboard the dream vessel, he or she will awaken immediately, ending the spell and unceremoniously dumping all passengers in the real world at a point somewhere along their planned course.

Casting this spell is not without cost. It requires an oil distilled from a powerful astral, psionic or dream-related monster, which is consumed during casting. The oil must usually be obtained through adventuring, but may be available for purchase at exorbitant cost. It is possible to cast the spell without use of the oil, but there is a 1% chance per hour of travel (in real-time, not dream-time) that the vessel will become lost in the dream world and never return.

Level: 9
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 5' per level

This spell functions in a similar way to the 4th level phantasmal killer, except that it affects all creatures in range (with the exception of the caster, who may simply observe the effects). The phantasmal nemeses created attack as monsters of half the caster's level.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Illusionist magic (+ holiday)

Just a quick note to say that I'm off on holiday for 2 weeks, so no more posting until April (and the A to Z challenge!). Here's an illusionist spell for the road, a re-working of a classic :)

The rest of this post is designated Open Gaming Content according to the Open Gaming License.

Illusory Abode
Level: 8
Duration: 1 hour per level
Range: 30'

The caster brings forth the image of a door or trapdoor in a nearby surface, which he may then enter, bringing any number of companions with him. Inside the door is an illusionary house or castle of some kind, providing the opportunity of rest and respite for all who enter. The exact appearance, dimensions and characteristics of the illusory abode are completely up to the caster. The illusory abode exists in a strange half-dimension, and is thus unaffected by environmental conditions in the area where the door exists.

The first time an illusionist casts this spell, the abode, while it may be lavishly furnished after the caster's exact imaginings, is uninhabited. However once inside, the caster can create illusory inhabitants by use of further spells (typically spectral force), which function with an increased intensity. Within the confines of the illusory abode, all illusions created by the caster become partially real, and gain the ability to manipulate and affect physical objects. Furthermore, any illusions of permanent duration created inside the illusory abode will appear each time the caster returns. Thus the illusionist may create servants or guards for his abode, which will, over time, come to take on a life of their own as they learn to serve their creator. While the furnishings and inhabitants of the illusory abode seem completely real, they cannot leave the abode and disappear immediately if taken outside.

The spell major creation is also enhanced when cast inside the illusory abode, being able to create quantities of food with permanent duration which can be eaten and provide real nourishment.

It is rumoured that powerful illusionists sometimes keep libraries of illusionary spell books inside an illusory abode, though the magic which enables this is not commonly known.

When the spell's duration comes to an end, the caster and all guests appear back at the location where the door was created. Guests can enter and leave the illusory abode at will during its duration, but creatures who are not invited inside by the caster cannot enter by any means. Likewise, creatures who do not willingly enter the illusory abode are allowed to make a saving throw versus spells to resist being taken inside.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Illusionist magic: Codex prisms

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I've been giving some thought to the role of illusionists in my campaign world. I love the class, and I'd like to give them a role in the world, and some new spells and abilities, that really allow them to shine, especially in comparison to the standard magic-user (who kind of outshines them, I feel, at the moment). I don't currently want to go into too much depth explaining the half-formed ideas I have of what guilds of illusionists get up to. Firstly because it's all very much still formulating in my own mind, and secondly because I want to try to not post too many 'spoilers' for my players who might read these posts :)

Anyway, you can probably begin to imagine the kind of things I have in mind from reading the descriptions of the spells and magic items as I write them up.

It's interesting to note that one of the biggest inspirations for my thoughts on extending the repertoire of illusionist magic is their affiliation with and mastery of the rainbow and prisms (as evidenced by spells such as
refraction, mirror image, prismatic spray, prismatic wall, and so on).

So, without further ado, three new spells and a new magic item...

The rest of this post is designated Open Gaming Content according to the Open Gaming License.

Script Codex
Level: 1
Duration: 1 round
Range: 50' per level

As masters of light and colour, illusionists have developed a variety of spells enabling the storage and transmission of information in the form of light. This spell is the first in that series. When the spell is cast the illusionist must be touching a book, scroll or other item bearing script of some kind. Upon uttering the spell's final syllable, the script is magically transmuted into a series of flashing colours, which can be seen anywhere in range. The light patterns last for one round, during which time up to one page (roughly 1000 words) of information per level of the caster can be transmuted. No kind of magical script can be successfully transmuted by this spell.

The usefulness of the spell is only realised by its reversed form -- which allows an illuionist to transmute a perceived stream of light instantaneously back into script, which appears in his mind as if he had read the transmuted writing. If the script is in a language the receiver does not understand, the spell is wasted and no information is transferred.

This spell is commonly used in conjunction with a codex prism (see below), allowing transmuted light patterns to be stored and decoded at a later date.

Sound Codex
Level: 2
Duration: 1 minute per level
Range: 50' per level

Similar to the 1st level script codex, this spell allows an illusionist to transmute all sounds within his range of hearing into encoded light patterns which can then be decoded by the reversed spell, thus remotely reproducing the perceived sound.

This spell is commonly used in conjunction with a codex prism (see below), allowing transmuted light patterns to be stored and decoded at a later date.

Light Codex
Level: 3
Duration: 1 minute per level
Range: 50' per level

Similar to the 1st level script codex, this spell allows an illusionist to transmute all visual phenomena within his range of perception into encoded light patterns which can then be decoded by the reversed spell, thus remotely reproducing the perceived scene.

This spell is commonly used in conjunction with a codex prism (see below), allowing transmuted light patterns to be stored and decoded at a later date.

New Magic Item: Codex Prism
This minor magical item, much used by illusionists in the employ of guilds and noble houses, is created expressly for use with the codex series of spells. Codex prisms are relatively easy to create -- a suitable prism must be purchased (usual cost is 500gp), and can be enchanted for magical use, over a period of one week, by any illusionist who knows one of the codex spells.

Once enchanted, the prism can be used to receive and store any transmuted light pattern which it is exposed to, and can release the light pattern on demand upon the casting of the reversed form of the spell which originally produced the pattern. Each codex prism can store but a single light pattern, with any subsequent patterns replacing the first. However, once stored, a pattern can be released any number of times, when the appropriate spell is cast to decode it.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Back after laptop crash!

Just a quick update to let everyone know I'm not dead, I haven't abandoned D&D, and I shall be posting again! :) Some days ago my laptop suddenly decided it had had enough of computing, and refused to boot up, leaving me in the quandary of not even knowing if all my data had consequently been erased, or if all was safe. After getting a shiny new PC and gingerly plugging the old hard drive into it to check it out, I'm relieved to report that nothing has been lost. (Must think more seriously about backups...)

Anyway, I've been thinking recently about how the venerable illusionist class fits into my vaguely imagined campaign world, and have some great plans for them as a vital part of an imperial power structure. So I'll be posting some new illusionist spells, with the idea of building up a full spell list, including 8th and 9th levels. (I prefer the idea of them being equal in power and potential to magic-users, as they were in AD&D 2nd edition.) I've also been working on a Labyrinth Lord GM screen, which I'll post photos of when it's all printed out...