Showing posts with label magic items. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magic items. Show all posts

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Dolmenwood: Fairy Blades

I've started work on the next Dolmenwood Adventures module: a scenario for 1st or 2nd level characters revolving around a fairy banquet, dance, and market. Therefore, I'm coming up with information on what one can buy at a fairy market -- a fun project! Here's a little preview: the weapons that are available at one of the stalls.

The Blade Seller
Blades crafted by fairy smiths (known to be magical). By their nature, they carry a +1 enchantment and another glamour (see table)*. There is no way of perceiving a weapon’s glamour before purchase.

Type (cost, damage)
Knife (100gp, 1d3)
Delicate spiderweb engravings
Inflicts +2 damage to mortals.
Dagger (200gp, 1d4)
Fine tree branch lattice inlays of gold
Animals are suspicious of the owner (-2 to reaction rolls).
Dagger (200gp, 1d4)
Crackles with blue sparks when touched
When in darkness, glows like the moon.
Shortsword (400gp, 1d6)
Glistening with dewdrops
Once drawn, cannot be sheathed unless blooded.
Shortsword (400gp, 1d6)
Appears old and battered, but is actually perfectly sharp
3-in-6 chance of the owner not being recognised at a casual glance.
Rapier (400gp, 1d6)
Engraved with fine images of unicorns at play
Become obsessed with thoughts or mortality and entropy.
Longsword (600gp, 1d8)
Rimed with frost
The owner’s natural scent is replaced with that of blossom or cinders.
Longsword (600gp, 1d8)
Inlaid secret runes of fairy silver
+2 to saves vs cold.
Scimitar (600gp, 1d8)
Wreathed in moonlight
The owner suffers from sleeping irregularities -- sleeping for exactly 2d6 hours (roll per night).
(This may be too little or too much.)
Broadsword (600gp, 1d8)
See in moonlight as if it were daylight.
Bastard sword (800gp, 1d8/2d4)
Pitch dark metal
Alignment shifts one step toward Chaotic, over the course of a month.
Two-handed sword (1,200gp, 1d10)
Perpetually occluded by shadows
The owner develops a taste for the refined and decadent. (One who already has such tastes may tend toward depravity.)
* The proprietor says that “mortals call them magical”, but fairies themselves do not conceive of items such as these as being enchanted.
** True fairies (e.g. elves, grimalkin; not including demi-fey) are unaffected by these glamours.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Oceanic Magic: Anchor of Ethereality

Just found this magic item, an out-take from Wizardzine #1. I had planned to include details of several more aquatic wizards and their magical creations, but at 40+ pages, I already had more than enough content for an issue of a zine. This item is the creation of one Master Harlwn of the Luminous Docks, a renowned artificer specialising in the construction of enchanted ships.

Anchor of Ethereality
A huge anchor, 8’ in girth, of rune-engraved, oxidised bronze with a mother-of-pearl sheen. When cast from a ship to the sea bed, the anchor’s magic is activated. The anchor, attaching chain, and vessel (including everyone and everything aboard it) are transported to the ethereal plane for 3d6 hours. The ship will drift thence upon the waves of ether which permeate that plane. A correctly trained crew may navigate the ether, sailing the ship to strange shores. It is said that it is thus possible to reach distant locations in the material plane or even, via ether vortices, to travel deeper into the astral plane and the far realms beyond.

If the ship is still in the ethereal plane when the randomly determined duration of the ethereal jaunt expires, it is returned instantly to the location at which it was anchored in the real world.