Showing posts with label 1st to 9th. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1st to 9th. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Tome of the Spider Mage

Thanks a million to Jim at Carjacked Seraphim who has put my spells of thread and rope together into a very nice looking PDF. That's community collaboration for you! :)

It's available in two versions, one with the spells ordered alphabetically, and one with the traditional by level then alphabetical ordering. Now begging wizards can be choosers!

I'd be delighted to hear from anyone who uses any of these spells in their games!

Sunday, 2 January 2011

1st to 9th level: Spells of thread & rope

Well, I've done it! I've completed my sequence of thread & rope spells from 1st to 9th level. It's been a thoroughly enjoyable exercise, one which I'll no doubt repeat in the future (well, I've kind of started already with the sequence of elementalist summoning spells). If any other bloggers fancy taking the 1st to 9th challenge... ;)

Here's the full list of eighteen spells, each linked to the post in which its description appears.

Ascend (6th level)
Attach Rope (1st level)
Bond Bane (4th level)
Command Rope (1st level)
Conducting Skein (4th level)
Conducting Web (7th level)
Conjure Rope (1st level)
Grapple (2nd level)
Relentless Binding (3rd level)
Rope Like Steel (7th level)
Rope Walk (1st level)
Rope Ward (5th level)
Sever (8th level)
Skein (1st level)
Spider Skein (2nd level)
Strengthen Rope (1st level)
Web of Arachne (9th level)
Web Walk (2nd level)

Spells of thread & rope, part 3

Here's the final installment of the sequence of thread & rope themed spells.

The rest of this post is designated Open Gaming Content according to the Open Gaming License.

Level: 6
Duration: 3 turns
Range: Touch

This spell is cast upon a piece of rope up to 50' long, which rises into the air as if it had been enchanted by the 2nd level rope trick spell. As the rope rises it creates a 5' wide passage through any barriers it encounters, in a similar manner to passwall. The rope can create multiple passages if it encounters multiple barriers on its ascent, but is blocked by metal or materials harder than stone. Each passage can be at most 10' deep. Once the rope has ascended to its full length it hangs down, allowing creatures to climb up through the newly created passages. When the spell's duration ends, or at any time the caster desires, the rope falls and any passages created close once more.

Bond Bane
Level: 4
Duration: Instant
Range: 10' per level

This spell brings about the destruction of all types of rope, threads, cords and webbing within range. As the spell is cast all affected cords burst into a blaze of white flame and are destroyed in a single round. The spell affects even magical ropes and webs, unless they have a specific immunity to magical fire. Any creatures in close proximity to the burning cords suffer 1d8 hit points damage. The caster is immune to this damage.

Bond bane can be cast with merely a word, making it especially useful for wizards who have been inadvertently bound and are unable to make spell casting gestures.

Command Rope
Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 10' per level

Using this spell the caster can command a rope within range to animate and either tie itself in a knot or untie an existing knot. A knot can be tied at either end of the rope, or at any point along its length. The spell can be used to tie a simple binding knot around a creature's hands or feet, but the target is allowed a saving throw versus spells to evade the rope. Once tied, the knot has no magical properties, and can be untied normally.

Relentless Binding
Level: 3
Duration: 1 hour per level
Range: 10'

This spell can be used to prevent a single bound target from escaping by any means. The target must already be bound or entangled in some way, by ropes, cords or webbing. Once the spell is cast the binding becomes enchanted, and actively resists all attempts to free the victim. For the duration of the spell the binding cannot be cut, burned or damaged in any way short of a limited wish or disintegrate spell. The binding can be released at any time the caster desires, immediately cancelling the enchantment.

Rope Like Steel
Level: 7
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch

The caster may give a single length of rope the strength, but not the weight, of steel. The spell affects up to a 5' length of rope per level of the caster.

Rope Ward
Level: 5
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: Touch

This spell creates a powerful ward which prevents magic, attacks and creatures from crossing its boundary. The ward's boundary is defined by the placement of a rope of up to 50' in length, which the caster must lay upon the ground before casting the spell. As the spell is cast an invisible ward springs up vertically from the rope, making a wall 20' high. The ward prevents spells, breath weapons, heat, electricity, physical attacks and creatures from passing either way. It is affected normally by dispel magic or disintegrate. Once placed, the rope ward cannot be moved by any means short of a limited wish by any being except the caster. The caster can move the rope freely during the spell's duration, altering the shape of the ward. If the rope leaves the ground the ward vanishes, but will reappear if the rope is replaced.

Level: 8
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch

This spell causes a single rope, web or cord of any type which the caster touches to break. Even monumentally thick or powerfully enchanted ropes can be severed. In the astral plane sever can be used to cut the silver cord of an astral traveller, though in this case the victim is allowed a saving throw versus spells to resist.

Strengthen Rope
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn per two levels
Range: Touch

With this spell a single length of rope, up to 10' per caster level, is magically strengthened, giving it the ability to support great weights. The weight that can be supported by the affected rope is multiplied by ten - thus an enchanted hemp rope can support the weight of thirty human beings, and a silk rope up to fifty. The enchantment does not however increse the rope's ability to resist cutting.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

More spells of thread & rope

I've felt inspired to continue the series of thread & rope spells posted previously. I'm very keen on the idea of series of themed spells, ranging all the way from 1st through 9th level, so I'll see if I can achieve that with thread themed spells. Not there yet, but here are some more for the series.

The rest of this post is designated Open Gaming Content according to the Open Gaming License.

Conducting Skein
Level: 4
Duration: 1 turn
Range: 10' per level

During this spell's duration the caster gains the ability to deliver touch spells through ropes, threads and skeins. Both the caster and the target must be touching the conducting skein.

Conducting Web
Level: 7
Duration: 1 turn
Range: 10' per level

This spell allows the wizard to massively amplify the effects of a single touch spell through a normal or magical web. The caster must be touching the web as he casts the desired touch spell, which can be up to 3rd level. The touch spell's effects are then amplified and conducted to every creature in range which is in contact with the web. Each affected creature is allowed a saving throw, if the conducted spell allows one. Only one spell can be conducted per casting of conducting web.

Conjure Rope
Level: 1
Duration: 6 turns
Range: 0

This simple spell has been the saviour of many an adventuring party who were stuck deep underground lacking basic equipment. It produces a normal 50' hemp rope for the duration.

Rope Walk
Level: 1
Duration: 1 round, +1 round per level
Range: Touch

This spell enables the subject to walk along extended ropes at his normal rate of movement, and with no risk of falling. Only ropes which are on a horizontal and which could normally support the subject's weight can be traversed - the spell does not grant any gravity-defying powers. The subject is so at ease while rope walking that he may perform any normal actions, including attacking or spell casting. However if he takes any damage the subject must make a saving throw versus wands or fall.

Web of Arachne
Level: 9
Duration: Permanent
Range: 20' per level

This spell creates a huge volume of sticky threads which entrap any creatures caught within the affected area in the same way as the 2nd level web spell. In addition to the normal entanglement, all creatures entangled in or touching the web must make a saving throw versus spells or enter a state of suspended animation (as temporal stasis) for 2d6 days. The caster can move freely through a web he has created.

A wizard can only have one web of Arachne in existence at a time, and in order to create a web in a new location must personally destroy the old web by casting dispel magic. Apart from this one situation, the web is unaffected by dispel magic, and is not damaged by fire (normal or magical). Sections of the web can be disintegrated.

Web Walk
Level: 2
Duration: 2 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: Touch

The subject gains the ability to climb or walk along ropes, skeins and webbing as quickly and easily as he can move on the ground. The affected creature can traverse threads of any thickness, even those which could not normally support his weight - however the spell's magic only allows thin threads to support the subject's weight plus up to 150 pounds. This spell has the additional effect of preventing the subject from becoming stuck in webs created by giant spiders or magical web spells, though it does not help creatures who are actually bound up in webbing.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Spells of thread and rope

I was thinking this morning how one of the greatest pleasures I find in D&D is the magic system. I know that this is also for many people one of the most loathed aspects of the game, but I just love the complexity of it and the near infinite possibilities for new spells. Then I remembered having created a bunch of new spells back in my AD&D days, which I promptly dug up. I had a phase of inventing spells on a certain theme - dimensional magic being a big one, for instance. The spells below were a quartet based around threads and ropes, which I had in mind for an arachnomaniac wizard, perhaps. I've converted them into Labyrinth Lord format.

The rest of this post is designated Open Gaming Content according to the Open Gaming License.

Attach Rope
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 0

With this spell the caster can attach the end of a rope (normal or magical) firmly to any surface without the use of a knot. The caster touches the rope to the surface and an incredibly strong magical bond is formed. The bond is so strong that it cannot be broken - if great force is applied, the rope itself will snap first. At the end of the spell's duration, or at any time the caster wishes, the rope is released. This spell cannot be used to attach a rope to a mobile creature.

Level: 2
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 0

The caster touches the end of a rope (normal or magical), and instructs it to attach itself to a surface which is within sight. The rope then snakes out and joins itself, as per the 1st level spell attach rope, to the surface indicated. The rope can only attach itself to surfaces that are within its reach (as determined by the length of the rope). As with attach rope, mobile creatures cannot be affected.

Level: 1
Duration: 1 hour per level
Range: 0

The caster reaches into his lightly clenched fist and pulls out a glossy, almost transparent thread. The thread can be unraveled for up to 200' per level of the caster, or until the caster wishes the spell to end. The skein created is as strong as thin copper wire - it can be deliberately cut or broken without much difficulty, but is unlikely to break without interference. At the end of the spell's duration, or at any time the caster wishes, the skein vanishes.

Spider Skein
Level: 2
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 0

The caster touches a surface and a sticky thread forms, connecting his hand to the surface touched. The caster can cause the thread to extend to a maximum length of 100' per caster level, and at a maximum rate of 60' per round. The skein is attached with incredible strength (as per the 1st level spell attach rope) to both the caster's hand, and to the surface touched. This spell is thus typically used to allow the caster to descend safely from great heights. The spell does not confer the ability either to retract the skein or to climb up it again quickly. The caster may climb up the skein, but only at the normal rate of climbing.

The thread itself breaks if more than 300 pounds of weight are suspended from it, or can be deliberately snapped by a creature with 18 or higher Strength. The caster can disconnect either end of the thread at will. When the spell's duration expires the thread vanishes.