Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer Reading

I have huge stacks of books that I'm trying to work through this summer. My Nook is overloaded with ebooks and my house is full of hard cover and soft.

Growing Up Amish: A MemoirRight now I'm reading Ira Wagler's Growing Up Amish.  Summer vacations to Lancaster, PA have given me a curiousity about the Amish culture. I snagged an ARC ebook copy of this one via Net Galley, and I'm about a third of the way through it.

I'm really enjoying it so far, and if you have a curiousity about the Amish, this book is really an eye opener.

The next few books I really want to read are historical fiction/bios.  The first is Brandy Purdy's The Turdor throne and the other is Margaret George's Elizabeth I. When I was younger I always read about the kings and queens of Europe on my summer vacations. I devoured many of Jean Plaidy's books and loved every one.

The Tudor ThroneElizabeth I: A Novel

What books are you hoping to read this summer?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sarah Quits AGAIN!

Can anyone else say they didn't see this coming?

Sarah Palin quits her bus tour.

Is there anything that this woman will stick with doing?

Oh yes, I know, being annoying.

What I can't understand is how people can follow blindly this attention seeking wingnut?

I realize that the republican party is really digging deep to come up with some candidates from 2012, but I really think she should be tossed out of the party and polical life for her behavior. I mean, she quit her governorship, for no good reason.

Doesn't that say something for her work ethic?

I don't like this...I quit!

I wish I had that option in my life...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I Wish I Could Make Things

Really, how cool is this for Wizard of Oz/Wicked fans?

Lucky for us, the creator is selling them in her Etsy shop, but they go fast.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Disease Of The Month: Sex Addiction

Thanks to that Weiner, sex addiction is really becoming the disease of choice. I actually think it was David Ducovny that made the who addict thing popular, now it has moved on to really creepy looking politicians. Because you know, we have to have some "disease" to explain away the fact that Mr. Weiner is in fact a pig.

Sir, there is no cure for stupid, especially at your age.

It was kind of like the Congreewoman that said she couldn't believe their were flawed individuals in congress.



I'd say 90% of congress fall under the flawed individual category.

The other thing that always makes me go hmmm about politicians and their misbehavin' ways...most of the wives stand by these guys.

It boggles the mind.

I will miss all the Weiner jokes now that this scandal is about to fizzle out.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I know, I know, Bridesmaids has been out for a month, Judd Apatow was pimping it hardcore on Twitter for a while, and it looks like The Hangover for girls, which kind of makes it easy to write off. But don't.

Bridesmaids is hilarious and a great girl's-night-out movie (but one the boys can enjoy, too, if you must take them). Although the major plot points can be a bit predictable, the film totally makes up for it. It never loses its charm. The casting was spot-on, from SNL alums Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph to scene-stealing Melissa McCarthy to the gorgeous Rose Byrne. And it was easy to relate to, even for those of us who have yet to be a bridesmaid.

It's not your typical romantic comedy, chick flick, or even general wedding film. It's worth the trip out.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Food For Thought

People are up in arms about Ronald McDonald promoting junk food and cartoon characters being used to promote sugary breakfast cereals, but what about those new Dairy Queen commercials? You know the ones that say that they blow bubbles with kittens in them?

Hey! That promotes kitten loving children to want high fat milk shakes and burgers and dogs.

Why is it that one is ok and not the other?

How is it that I've lived 36 years without being hyperactive as a result of eating Super Sugar Crisp. Yeah that's what it was called in the 80s.

There was no food entering our house that my mother didn't buy. And even if I cried and whined for it, I didn't necessarily get it. So for the love of god, stop targeting these things as if they were the culprits of why Americans are fat. That isn't the case.

Ronald McDonald didn't drag me in to eat a Big Mac.

I wonder when they'll realize that the internet has kept millions of Americans on their asses for years and years...


Maybe I should keep that tidbit to myself.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Political Craziness

OK, I'm in full belief that every inch of our government is full of idjits.

~ Anthony Weiner texting pictures of his...well...his name says it all. I have only one thing to say to this. How did he think that doing something stupid like that wouldn't blow up in his face? Oh and why do people act like he's crazy good looking? And geeze Louise, he's only been married for a year!! Settle down Tony!

~ Sarah Palin doesn't know her history. Whodathunkit? Really? I say it is futher proof of her stupidity. And yet there are still people blindly following her.

What is wrong with PEOPLE!!!!

~ John Edwards is indicted for misuse of campaign funds. I bet Elizabeth is looking down from the next world and grinning at the lousy cheating fool.

 Which leads me to wonder, why do people like John and Arnold...forget about condoms when they are cheating on their wives?

So much stupidity in one government.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fear Mongering News Stories Suck

I was looking at the MSN start page today when what popped out at me.
Pickles cause cancer?

The article went on to list places where people ate a large quantity of fermented veggies and how they have higher rates of esophagial cancers.

Yada Yada Yada

You can read the whole article here.

What it essentially says is that The World Health Organization has put PICKLES on a list of possibly carciogenic things. POSSIBLY! There's no conclusive link but there is a bit of an association.


I think one of the commenters on the post said it best.

"Warning: Life causes death!" everyone panic!

I think I'll go eat some pickles.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cadbury Racist?

I'm trying to figure out why Naomi Campbell is so insulted by a Cadbury ad, except that the ad is calling her names.

But isn't calling her any bad names.....or names you'd really get upset about.

Nope, it is comparing her to a chocolate bar...

I was actually surprised by the comments on the OMG site  that agreed with me. I don't think it is racist. It is calling Naomi a diva. And how many times has Naomi acted like a diva? 

Maybe that's the real reason she's offended by the ad. Not because it is comparing her to a chocolate bar, but because it is calling her out for her lousy behavior in a nice way.

So what do you think about the ad? Is it really racist?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Foodie Review: Wendy's Berry Almond Chicken Salad

Wendy's finally has a salad on the menu that actually is healthy and quite tasty. The Berry Almond Chicken Salad is everything that it says it is...Strawberries and blueberries on a bed of greens with a packet of sliced almonds and raspberry vinegrette dressing. Oh and did I mention shaved asiago cheese? Not nearly enough for this wench's taste, but oh it is so good.

Allow me to go through the pros and cons of this tasty offering.

It is available 3 ways.

  • Half salad, full and with a pair 2.
  • It is one of the tastiest healthy offerings on any fast food menu.
  • It is available without chicken...but unless you are a vegetarian, why would you want it that way?

Now for the cons.

  • The price tag. It is the highest priced salad at the chain. Priced at $6.49 for the full salad. I can go to a sit down restaraunt and get a salad with more bang for my buck.
  • It still has 450 calories and 16 grams of fat...though I'm sure that's mostly the almonds.  
This isn't a menu option for anyone on a budget. And well...the McDonald's Asian salad is much better for you and just as tasty. Still...for a treat during the summer months this is a good salad to grab..especially with the Wild Berry Iced Tea.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Donate to a Good Cause

I know, I know, people are always asking for money. I have a pile of mail from organizations asking for donations that I can't afford to honor right now, and I'm going to do so when I can because 1) I feel bad 2) they send me really nice address labels 3) I'm a sucker.

It helps when the cause is well-known, or when you can put a face to the organization. If you've read Mark Reads, for example, you might want to sponsor Mark in Los Angeles' annual AIDS/LifeCycle ride.

Mark's goal is to raise $10,000. Help make his dream a reality and help people with AIDS.

Progress is being made--a man from the Bay Area seems to have been cured of the disease. Everyone give three cheers for science!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Gaga Refutes Critcism That She Wants Attention

Too bad she doesn't do it well.

Rolling Stone has a preview of yet another Gaga cover story in which she says the claims that she wants attention annoy her and that she already has attention. Obviously true, but that still doesn't mean she doesn't want more or wasn't out for it before she had it.

"Is it that you believe that I am attention-seeking or shock for shock's sake, or is it just that it's been a long time since someone has embraced the art form the way that I have?" she says.

Yes to the former, Mother Monster. If that wasn't the case, you wouldn't change outfits numerous times to award shows. You wouldn't show up in an egg to others. You wouldn't have done that really awkward childbirth bit in your Saturday Night Live performance. Your antics have done nothing to suggest that music and art are the goal.

Wrong on the latter, though. Plenty of other musicians before you and even now have done similar things, and the problem is your critics see that and see through you.

She goes on to say that maybe it's because artists aren't as vocal on social issues. Wrong again. These days activism seems more predominant outside of the mainstream, but it's still done, it's done well, and its acknowledged and praised.

The problem is, Gaga, that you think you're original when plenty of people know you're not. You've brought nothing new to the genre. Your lyrics have become sub-par. People talk more about your clothes than your music. You've made an obvious effort to stay relevant and in the spotlight by releasing new music quickly--and it's suffered--and touring constantly with an overpriced spectacle that focuses more on theatrics than on talent, which you have but overshadow.

We don't "expect little," as you say. Some of us just know better.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Speaking Of Pittsburgh Bands

Oddly most of my favorite Pittsburgh bands are country, except for one, Donora.

I'm excited to say that they have a new video out and it is super cute. Looks like there's going to be a new album out in the coming months as well.

But check out The Chorus now. Oh and raise your hand if you remembered playing with the parachute in gym class!!

Don't Like It? Pretend It Doesn't Exist!

Tennessee Senate has passed a bill that will ban teachers from kindergarten through eighth grade from discussing homosexuality.

Everyone congratulate Tennessee for being so accepting!

I get the fact that some people don't like homosexuality--I don't agree with their views and think they're not even trying to understand how complex sexuality really is, but I realize that people think this way and they always will. I get that for some reason people think they need to protect their children, but I don't get from what. What I also don't get--and never will--is why this is a government issue.

Admittedly, homosexuality was never addressed when I was in school, but I also went to Catholic school. However, I did learn in elementary school that the word "gay" meant something other than "happy" but never knew exactly what for a long time, and my wonderful curiosity has made that memory stick with me. But to completely go out of your way legally to make it completely off limits? It's extreme and discriminatory and a step backwards. We can teach kids about drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes but not love regardless of gender? My elementary school could bring in a man without a voice box when I was in kindergarten (which scared the shit out of me and made me go home and insist that my dad quit occasionally smoking cigars because he would die) but can't explain to curious children what "gay" is? Great job, America.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Things That Make Me Happy

~ Hines Ward winning DWTS. This was the only season I truly watched, voted and cared about. All because of Hines Ward.

~ Getting free books in the mail. I'm all about free!

~ Owl City! I don't know how I missed this band. I've seen there albums around but never bothered to listen. I love them now!!

~ 3 day weekends!! Nuff said there, right?

~ Donald Trump not running for president. I was really scared that he would be crazy enough to get elected!!

~ $20.00 Gift Cards from Amazon

So what makes you happy?

Monday, May 23, 2011

$130,000 For THE HAT

The hat from hell, has officially been auctioned off!

I wonder if Aretha thought of auctioning her inaugural hat off, that one was kewl, this one is just CRAZY!

However, it has generated more buzz than anything those two newly married royals have done.

Though one does have to wonder what exactly the winner of the auction is going to do with this hat?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Pittsburgh's Latest

Well, sort of.

Blue of Colors is the solo project of Punchline lead singer Steve Soboslai. Despite Steve's unique voice, the song is definitely a departure from Punchline's pop-punk--it's nice, mellow music for all you fans of folk- and indie-type stuff.

"Goodbye Stranger" is the first song Steve's put online. Enjoy.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let's Talk About TV

As this season of telly draws to a close I find myself becoming more and more disillusioned with the boob tube.

There's entirely too many reality based shows everywhere and the dramas and comedies are all the same or at least they feel like they are all the same.

I have a few staples in my viewing...Big Bang Theory, Mike and Molly and The Middle for comedies. NCIS, Castle (here and there) and Bones for my dramas. Oh and let's not forget Doctor Who. I must have some Who.

I just wish there was something more entertaining out there.

My mother commented during The Middle last night that there was more commercial time than actual show time! WTF is up with that.

In the UK, most shows that run a half hour are pretty close to that. In the US they are only about 20 minutes long, and actors are pulling in huge amounts of money!

Doctor Who is about 48 to 50 minutes except when it is on BBC America where they shave off about 8 minutes of the show somewhere.

How is this right?

Do commercials really affect our buying that much?


And while I'm bitching...USA Network, since Monk left your ranks...all of your shows...with the exception of White Collar have gotten really really boring!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mumford & Sons

I've praised them before, but it needs to be done again. Especially since I finally got around to buying their album, Sigh No More, on a whim. All I'd heard was "Little Lion Man," but sometimes a single song is so good that you think going in blind on a CD just might be worth it. That's a chance you have to take. Sometimes it ends well. Sometimes it doesn't.

If you're like me and have only heard "Little Lion Man" and liked it but weren't sure if that's enough to justify laying down the cash on an album--because let's be real, they're overpriced and often singles are emphasized over a whole solid album--trust me when I say the money is worth it. "Little Lion Man" is a good representation of what to expect, but not of just how beautiful, impressive, and intense this band gets. Finding an album these days that's exhilarating from start to finish is rare, but this is one of those diamonds in the rough. Nothing will make you more sure of that than quiet country drives alone with said album.

Mumford & Sons does not disappoint in any way. They're catchy, pretty, fun, somber, emotional, relatable, uplifting...everything you want from an album these days but can rarely get.

Get The Gaga Out Of My Facebook

Born This WayI'm so over Lady Gaga. When she has to infiltrate my facebook games to sell her album, I get pretty pissed. Right now she's taken over my Zynga Games. You know, Farmville, Cafe World etc?


I've had the misfortune of listening to two of the new songs from Born This Way, and I really have to say, I'm unimpressed.

Both Electric Chapel and Marry The Night leave a lot to be desired.

It goes so show that most people really don't care about the music, because her music is pretty boring. They compare her to Madonna, but at least Madonna's music in the 80s was worth listening to.

All I can say is this: Please make the scary lady go away!!