Showing posts with label cover reveal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cover reveal. Show all posts

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cover Reveal: Flashes of Me - Cynthia Sax


Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly using his network of cameras and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, his scarred hands and huge size have resulted in him being feared by everyone… almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss’s wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses, and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can’t look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?

Note From Cynthia Sax: 

I’m thrilled to reveal the cover and blurb for Flashes Of Me today! Bright color, especially pink, plays an important role in this story. Blaine Technologies has a very strict dress code yet Kat, our heroine, feels so strongly about wearing color that she risks losing her job.

Here is a brief excerpt giving you a glimpse at why color is important to Kat (this excerpt is completely unedited so please excuse any typos or my crazy use of commas)

Henley paces around the perimeter of the small room, his movements drawing my gaze. I sink into one of the black leather chairs, the seat cushioning my ass.

“The dress code at Blaine Technologies is strict,” he informs me. “The preference is a black suit. Gray and navy blue are also acceptable colors.”

“I don’t wear black.” I fold my hands on top of the tiny table and Henley glares at me. “My father told me not to wear black so I don’t,” I explain.

Henley’s face softens. “Your father’s not here.”

My father isn’t here and I miss him desperately, having spent the last five years by his side. He isn’t alone, neither of us are. My father has my mother to keep him company and I now have a rule-setting behemoth.

“When I give my word, I don’t break it.” I lean forward, willing Henley to understand. “Business deals are built upon trust--”

“And trust is built upon truth,” Henley completes my father’s saying.

“You remembered.” I smile at him, pleased.

“Yes.” Henley resumes his pacing, striding back and forth, back and forth, his hands gripped tightly behind his back as though he’s winding up for another round of his rules. “When we’re at work, we have to be professional. No taking our clothes off. No touching. No talking about sex.”

“Is thinking about sex okay?” I skim my fingertips over the collar of my blazer. “Because I think about having sex with you all of the time.”


Monday, October 21, 2013

Cover Reveal: Waking Sarah - Krystal Shannan

Vegas Mates, Book 3

Council threats and Renata’s deadly attack leave the Vegas pack scrambling to regroup…

Heartbroken over the death of her fiancé and tortured by a voice in her mind that’s haunted her since childhood, Sarah McLain learns her true ancestry after attending her best friend Margaret’s wedding. Can the pack save Sarah from the darkness that threatens to overwhelm her? Or will the wolf inside drive her over the edge before they can show her being a supernatural being is a good thing?

Chris Michaels is in charge of training the new latent werewolves at the O’Hearn mountain inn, now known as Woodhaven. His focus is tested when he finds out the beautiful but sad redhead, Sarah McLain, is his trainee.  The connection he feels to her is strong but not magickal, and his wolf claims it foolish to listen to his human instincts.  Can Chris heal her broken heart in time, or will he lose the woman he knows is perfect for him.


~Short Excerpt~


Sarah’s mind drifted as her friend Margaret recited her vows and became Scott O’Hearn’s wife. She stood silently holding the bridal bouquet. They were calla lilies. She would have been carrying calla lilies two weeks from today. They were her favorite and Brad always got some for her on her birthday.
Her thoughts moved to the unworn wedding dress hanging in the back of her mother’s closet. When she glanced up at Scott, the look of adoration he had for Margaret nearly broke her heart all over again. Brad would have looked at her like that. 
Margaret had practically begged her to stand as her maid of honor. Sarah wanted to be here for her friend’s wedding. She really did. But neither Margaret nor Sam knew she’d been engaged to Brad. None of them knew she and Brad had picked out a wedding date. Or that it was two weeks from today. September twenty-second. They hadn’t had the time to tell anyone…
She shook her head and sniffed quietly, clearing the image from her mind.
Now, he was dead. That future they’d both been so excited to share with their friends had been stolen.
Nearly six months had passed since she’d gotten a life-altering knock on the door from two Houston police detectives. Sorry to inform you, but life-as-you-know-it has just ended. That’s not what they’d said, but it might as well have been.
She’d dropped out of college and come home to Vegas to find one Sam already married and Margaret in a rapidly-becoming-serious relationship and now married as of today. Margaret had told her earlier that day she’d wanted to get married in May, but somehow her big bear of a fiancé convinced her September would be better weather. Of course, Margaret had also shared they’d had a few snafus getting the inn up and running again, too. It was an older building. So the extra time had been needed to accommodate the repairs needed to house everyone.
She’d listened to Margaret ramble on, but most of it had fallen on deaf ears.
The happiness in the room was suffocating. She should be happy for her friends, but she wasn’t. Then she felt guilty. Their lives weren’t perfect. Both Sam and Margaret had both recently lost their fathers. She couldn’t imagine losing her Dad, but right now the only thing her mind kept circling back to was that they both had their soul mates.
Hers was gone.
The forests outside the inn called to her soul. Dark thoughts of disappearing into the forest forever crossed through her mind. It was a big mountain. Her dreams over the last few days here had tortured her sleep and she’d doubled up on her prescription just to make it through the night. The pills helped silence the voice, but no treatment or therapy had ever successfully gotten rid of it.
She was so tired of the pain.

Meet the Author:
Paranormal Romance author, Krystal Shannan, lives in Texas and is married to the love-of-her-life. They have a spunky young daughter who believes in fairies. Krystal professes to loving shoes, but avoids wearing them at all costs. She teaches in the public schools and writes as much as she can in her free time. If any more spare time can be squeezed from her day, she enjoys reading romance in all genres, but especially paranormal. If it has a 'Happily Ever After', she's on board!

Krystal Shannan
Putting Magick in Romance one Soul Mate at a Time.
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Monday, July 8, 2013

Cover Reveal: Color Blind by Tina Hammond

Blinded and scarred in a freak accident a year ago, Teresa has finally found love and a new career with the help of her companion dog, Red. Red appears to be a typical German shepherd, but he shares a mental communication link with his owner that is anything but ordinary. He’s articulate, sassy and opinionated- he’s also scary smart, and has a talent for tracking. 

Teresa and Red, have partnered with ex-Navy men, David, and Bastian, to form Team Red. This unique Team helps the local police department sift through evidence to find forensic clues that only a Red's sensitive nose, and Teresa's ability to ask the right questions can uncover. A twist of fate brings Team Red to the attention of the Military, and the Team gets ready for their first undercover mission (we can only divulge at this point that Red looks adorable in his tux).

Color Blind (Red Zone)
Team Red – Book 2

By T. Hammond
Copyright © 2013 by T. Hammond

Chapter One

“Banzai!” I heard the scratch of dog claws scramble across the deck and straight off the edge.

“What the…?”

Ken’s laughter started indoors and got louder as he rolled the screen door open so he could step outside to stand by me on the back deck. “Teresa, your dog is totally wicked. He must have launched himself eight feet out to catch that.”

“Catch what?” I needed a clue here. Maybe I could ask for a vowel? “All I heard was him yelling ‘Banzai’ as he dashed past me out from his dog door.”

“Damn it! Red!” David’s voice shouted from the kitchen area as he stormed through the house and joined us outside. “Where did he go?”

Oh, oh, someone’s in trouble. In my mind I heard what sounded like “Mwah ha ha.” A very satisfied, doggy version of maniacal laughter.

“I hear evil chuckles emanating from under the deck,” I tattled.

“Red!” David yelled again, stomping down the six steps leading to the back lawn. “You promised you’d leave them alone.”

“What?” I asked. Sometimes being blind is so frustrating. “What did he promise to leave alone? What’s happening?”

“Red just took out one of the mini-drones,” Ken explained. “He leapt right off the deck and caught one in mid-air. It was totally awesome!”

“Not so awesome, Ken,” I replied with the Voice of Reason. “Do you have any idea how much those things cost?”

A voice interrupted from under the deck: “According to the Rules of Engagement, it was flying over the DMZ. Per our contract, I’m allowed to take out anything in the red zone.”

“What contract? You’re a one-year old, you’re too young to contract with anyone.” I sighed, shaking my head, “Geez, what am I saying? You’re a dog, who would be crazy enough to make a contract with you in the first place? And, what are you talking about? Rules of Engagement and Demilitarized Zones?”

Ken figured out the conversation based on my replies to the dog. “David and Bas are testing the mini-drone maneuverability portion of the program they’re developing,” Ken explained. “Red promised to stop snatching them out of the air as long as David kept them away from the deck area, henceforth to be known as the demilitarized zone.”

Henceforth, huh? I think that’s the first time I’ve heard a real person say that word in a conversation. I kept my snarky thoughts to myself.

“Geez Red,” I heard David’s muffled grumble from under the deck below my feet. “Just how many of these do you have down here?” There was a short pause. “Eight? You caught eight drones?”

I joined Ken in another peal of laughter. “What do you expect David? He’s a dog, he’s going to chase them,” I reasoned. “Isn’t that why you started having them made of hard rubber, instead of metal?” Personally, I thought he was fortunate Red only collected drones and didn’t feel an urge to bury them too.

“I caught most of them before we set up the Rules of Engagement,” Red rebutted. “The other two were within jumping distance of the deck, so I’m allowed to catch them.”

I repeated Red’s words for David’s benefit.

“We were flying a pattern ten feet away from the deck rail,” David protested.

“Ah, I underestimated his jump by two feet,” Ken confided in me, sounding like a proud parent. In a louder voice, “That was a ten foot leap Red. Most excellent!”

I jabbed a playful elbow in Ken’s side. “Stop encouraging him. What if he accidentally swallows one?”

Secretly, I agreed with Ken. The drones David used to refine his software were vaguely shaped like helicopters for maneuverability. Not much larger than golf balls with two inch tails, they measured three to three and a half inches in total length. I could hear them constantly buzzing around our property as the guys ran their simulations. While we had established speed limits around the house, some of the drones were capable of moving very fast, depending on the program being tested. It was impressive that Red, from a running leap, could take one out of the air.

David’s booted footsteps were heavy as he clomped up the steps. He stopped in front of me. “Here hold on to these,” he requested. I heard a clacking sound as he, presumably, dropped the retrieved hardware in Ken’s hands. Then he speared fingers through my hair tilting my face up for a warm kiss. “Good morning, Beautiful.”

“Hey, Gorgeous,” I replied, melting into the sexiest mouth in the Inland Northwest, sliding my free arm behind his neck to deepen the contact; I mustn’t spill the coffee held in my other hand.  David tasted faintly of Columbian roast and… was that a donut?  No one offered Me a donut this morning.

“Oh, Puh-leeze. Get a room for goodness sakes,” Ken complained, sounding mock-disgusted. “Here, let me grab your mug before you spill this last swallow down David’s back. I’m making a fresh pot so I’ll refresh your coffee when it’s ready. I need to check on the chicken I’m marinating for lunch.” The mug was pried from my surprisingly firm grip (I am serious about my java), leaving me free to slide the second arm completely around David’s wide back as Ken wandered back to his kitchen.

About the Author

     T. Hammond lives in Spokane, WA with her goofy, neurotic, long-coat German shepherd, Dexter; he's noble and brave, until someone turns on the microwave, then she has 100lbs of quivering dog trying to hide behind her chair or bury his head under a pillow (Little known fact: a 100lb German Shepherd CAN fit under a coffee table).
     T. writes two concurrent versions of the Team Red series for both the Adult and New Adult audiences. Blind Seduction and Color Blind are part of the Blind series - featuring adult-themed erotic romance combined with a humorous paranormal storyline. The Red series featuring Red Rover and Red Zone (release date Aug 23rd) is a funny paranormal romance series with a lighter PG13 type storyline. While both series contain the same character names and a lot of shared dialogue, the Red series is stripped of sexual content and language.
     T feels that writing is not a calling so much as it is a compulsion. No one is more surprised than she is when characters take over the plot and dialog, and (re)direct stories in directions she had not (consciously) intended. She is fully convinced that the writer is the tool a story uses to tell its tale. Some tools, of course, are more appropriate for the job than others. Here's hoping, you feel she did her stories proud.
     T. has a Bachelor's Degree in Organizational Management from Whitworth University, and a Master's Degree in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University and before becoming a writer she was a bookkeeper, technical/manual writer, Call Center Manager and the owner of a freshwater aquarium store, Guppy Tales.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cover Reveal: A Facade To Shatter

Release Date: Sept 17, 2013
Pre-order: Amazon
Book Blurb: Dismissed & Discarded: can he deny the forgotten Corretti?

Zach Scott wakes from nightmares to the echo of gunfire. So when he stirs from a trance and finds himself not in his fighter jet but at a party, pressed up against the soft, womanly figure of Lia Corretti, he quickly rages against her sweet pity.

For years the forgotten Corretti has hidden her pain behind a façade. So Lia recognises the shadows in Zach’s eyes. But there’s nothing familiar about the hot heat of Zach as he traps her to him. Can she lower her guard long enough to let him see all of her?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Cover Reveal: Wolf Fever - Milly Taiden


When Raine Bowe volunteers for a sleep study for the extra cash, she didn't expect to wake in a lab or to be victimized by a mad scientist. She escapes with one objective--to find someone strong enough to wage war with the evil growing inside her. 

Ryder Storm is a man with a reputation--the bad boy of his own universe. He doesn't take prisoners, won't give into a sweet smile, and doesn't cut his pack an inch of slack. He knows the desperate woman in his bar is his the moment he lays eyes on her. He'll give her anything she wants, except the one thing she's begging for. Death.

Raine enlists Ryder’s help to unravel the mystery surrounding the hours she lost in the lab and to help tame the beast inside her. In their search for answers, the road will lead them to a twisted experiment involving shifters, humans, and the creation of the ultimate Alpha. He's ready for the adventure and she's ready for her answers. Neither are ready for the lust that calls down from the mating moon. But a wolf knows its mate, and an alpha will not stop until he or she gets what they want.

Author Bio:
Want to know about me? Milly Taiden (aka April Angel) was born in the prettiest part of the Caribbean known as the Dominican Republic. She grew up between New York, Florida and Massachusetts. Currently, she resides in New York City with her husband, bossy young son and their little dog Speedy.
She’s addicted to shopping for shoes, chocolate (but who isn’t?) and Dunkin Donuts coffee.

Contact Milly

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cover Reveal: The Sound Of Letting Go

About THE SOUND OF LETTING GO: For sixteen years, Daisy has been good.  A good daughter, helping out with her autistic younger brother uncomplainingly.  A good friend, even when her best friend makes her feel like a third wheel. When her parents announce they’re sending her brother to an institution—without consulting her—Daisy’s furious, and decides the best way to be a good sister is to start being bad.  She quits jazz band and orchestra, slacks in school, and falls for bad-boy Dave.

But one person won’t let Daisy forget who she used to be: Irish exchange student and brilliant musician Cal.  Does she want the bad boy or the prodigy?  Should she side with her parents or protect her brother?  How do you know when to hold on and when—and how—to let go?

Stasia on twitter:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Reclaim My Heart - Donna Fasano: Cover Reveal & Giveaway

About the Book:
Sixteen years ago, Tyne Whitlock cut all ties to her past and left town under the shameful shadow of a teenage pregnancy. Now her fifteen-year-old son is in trouble with the law and she is desperate for help. But reaching out to high-powered attorney Lucas Silver Hawk will tear open the heart-wrenching past in ways Tyne never imagined.

Forced to return to the Delaware Indian community where Lucas was raised, Tyne and Lucas are tempted by the heated passion that consumed them as teens. Tyne rediscovers all the reasons she found this man irresistible, but there are scandalous secrets waiting to be revealed, disgraceful choices made in the past that cannot be denied. Love is a powerful force that could heal them both—if the truth doesn't rip them apart.

Title:  Reclaim My Heart

Author:  Donna Fasano

Publisher:  Hard Knocks Books

Genre:  Contemporary Romance 

Purchase Now:  Amazon / Barnes and Noble / Kobo 


From Chapter Two

"Oh, wait. There's someone here to see you."
He frowned. "I don't have time today."
"I know, I know." Martha looked apologetic. "I tried to explain that your schedule is packed, but she insisted on waiting—"
Martha glanced down at a pad on her desktop. "A Ms. Whitlock. Tyne Whitlock."
Lucas stared. Blinked. Then he reached up and tugged at his tie, wondering who the hell shut off the room's air supply.
"She's waiting in your office. I tried to tell her your schedule was full, but…" Concern sharpened Martha's tone. "Are you all right? She said she knew you. That you were old friends. That she'd only take a minute of your time. Should I not have let her in?"
Martha droned on and he watched her lips move, but he didn't hear a word of what she said. A blind-sided punch wouldn't have stunned him more than hearing that name. He lifted his hand and nodded at Martha to let her know everything was okay even though he had no idea if it was or not, then he turned and headed down the corridor.
"Don't forget Larry and Nate. They're waiting!"
Martha's warning sounded like a distant echo.
Tyne. Here. In this building. In his office.
What had it been? Twelve, thirteen… no. Sixteen years. He scrubbed his fingers across his jaw.
He turned the corner and came to an abrupt halt. At the end of the corridor, the door of his office stood ajar. He saw Tyne's perfect profile as she sat in a straight-backed chair staring at something out of his line of view.
In an instant, Lucas was catapulted into the past.
Darkness surrounded them like a cloak. Tyne's soft sobs tore at his heart. Of all the girls he'd dated—and there had been more than a few—only she brought out in him a fierce compulsion to protect.
He swiped away her tears, the dark color of his thumb a stark contrast against her creamy white skin.
"I don't understand them, Lucas. I never will."
"Don't worry," he crooned. "It's going to be all right. Trust me, babe. They can't keep us apart. You'll be eighteen soon too. We can do what we want then. Go wherever we want."
He cradled her, his back supported by the massive pin oak. And when she stopped crying, she pulled away from him and gazed into his eyes. Her sweet face wrenched his heart and caused heat to spark his desire. Never had he wanted a girl the way he wanted Tyne. Raw need coursed through him.
She cradled his face between her palms and drew him to her. Her lips were hot against his. The kiss grew hungry, their breathing labored.
"Our love will last forever," she whispered against his mouth.
He heard the question in her quavery tone, responded to her need for reassurance.
"Forever," he groaned, tugging her down onto the mossy ground.
Lucas tilted his head to stare at the carpet in front of his shoes and gulped in the artificially-cooled air as he dragged his way out of the past. The grip he had on his attaché case made his hand throb almost as much as the memory had caused his groin to go all achy and needful.
Of course, their love hadn't lasted forever.
He was within steps of the door when Tyne glanced in his direction. Nuances of various emotions passed across her face. And it was a striking face, Lucas couldn't deny it. The years had refined her features—
She stood, smoothing her palms across the fabric of her skirt.
and ripened her body. Her eyes were the same vivid blue he remembered, and her white-blond hair was still long and straight. He could easily recall the silky feel of it brushing against his bare chest. As teens, he'd thought of them as the perfect juxtaposition: she, all sunshine and light, he, dark like the night.
He forced his gaze back onto her face.
"Tyne." He entered his office, puzzled by the strain in his voice. What really confused him was the fact that he couldn't seem to get his tongue to form anything more.
"Hi, Lucas. It's been a long time." Her lush mouth pressed into a nervous smile, and his gut tensed.
He wanted to smile back. He truly did. With every fiber of his being. To let her know that he'd survived the sprawling interim since they'd parted just as well as she obviously had. But he couldn't smile. Couldn't speak. Couldn't think.

About the Author

Donna Fasano is a three time winner of the HOLT Medallion, a CataRomance Reviewers Choice Award winner for Best Single Title, a Desert Rose Golden Quill Award finalist, and a Golden Heart finalist. Her books have sold over 3.6 million copies worldwide and have been published in nearly two dozen languages. Her books have made the Kindle Top 100 Paid List numerous times, climbing as high as #17.

What others are saying about Donna's books:
"...complex, funny, and realistic..." ~Wilmington News Journal
"Could not help myself from reading excerpts to my husband and friends. This book is well written, the characters are real, everyday folks. It is very easy to identify with them. Donna Fasano is a talented author." ~Elizabeth M. Caldwell on Amazon

"...a fast paced riotous look at family life today. Donna Fasano is right on target!" ~Donna Zapf,

Follow Donna Fasano at Website § Facebook § @DonnaFaz § GoodReads § Pinterest

Author Q&A

What attracted you to writing in the first place?
I came to writing from my love of reading. While growing up, I lost myself in books in order to escape an unhappy childhood.

If you couldn’t be an author, what would your ideal career be?
Teacher. I love kids, and I often include them in my stories. I always say that children are very honest and outspoken. Kids inject a great deal of fun into a book.
What genre are you most comfortable writing?
Romance. I wrote for Harlequin for 20 years, writing sweet romance (as Donna Clayton) and women's fiction/contemporary romance (under my own name). I have self-published some of my back-list Harlequin books. The Merry-Go-Round was never published by a traditional publisher, so I guess that would be my first indie-published book. Reclaim My Heart is the second of my front-list indie-published titles.
How has your upbringing influenced your writing?
I think authors who face a lot of pain and anguish seem to write stories with great depth, with honesty and compassion. It could be that dealing with trauma brings out the best (or worst) in people. I believe that losing my mother at such a young age had a huge impact on me not just as a writer but as a human being. I became, I don't know, more maternal towards my family, my friends, heck, towards everyone I meet... more giving of myself. I'm not sure. But I know that the loss could have made me bitter and angry. I'm just so grateful that the exact opposite seems to describe me.
Where do you get your inspiration and ideas from?
My mind is always on the alert. I take ideas from everything I see, hear, read, experience. I have been known to take a snippet of conversation overheard in an elevator and turn it into a book (Return of the Runaway Bride), or from a location (His Wife for a While), or from a person I met (Taking Love in Stride). So be careful! If you interact with me, you might end up in one of my novels.
What was your favorite part of this book to write? Which part was the hardest?
I really enjoyed writing the love scenes. In my sweet romances, all the 'spice' takes place behind closed doors. So this was very fun. And which part was hardest? The "kitchen love scene" (naughty pun intended!).
If you could live inside the world of a book, which book would you choose?
Pride and Prejudice. Love that Mr. Darcy!
Give your fans three fun facts that they may not already know about you.
I love to cook! (I often post recipes on my blog.)
My reading tastes are crazy-eclectic. I read anything and everything.
I'm a little on the chubby side.
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.

I put my heart and soul into this Reclaim My Heart, and I think it shows… in the characters and in the story.
So what’s next for you as an author? Any last words?

I'm thinking of writing a book that revolves around three friends in different stages of marriage, but I'm not sure yet. I've worked very hard on Reclaim My Heart and I'm going to take a few days off. Then I'll get back to work!

I want to thank you for hosting me, and I want to thank your followers for taking the time to read about Reclaim My Heart.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Cover Reveal: Stacey Kennedy - Claimed

Club Sin, Book One
Stacey Kennedy
Publisher: Loveswept (Random House Publishing Group)
ISBN: 9780345548306
Release date: August 5,2013 Goodreads-


Book Description:
A novel of erotic discovery and forbidden desire that goes beyond Fifty Shades of Grey.

Presley Flynn is ripe to experience her secret fantasies . . . and Dmitri Pratt wants nothing more than to fulfill them. Once inside the elite Club Sin in Las Vegas, Presley is nervous but excited—and determined to surrender to her every desire. Dmitri is her Master, and his touch is like fire. With each careful, calculated caress, he unleashes her wildest inhibitions, giving her unimagined pleasure.

Presley is different than the other submissives Dmitri has mastered. The BDSM lifestyle is new to her, and so are the games they play at Club Sin. From the start, Presley stirs emotions in Dmitri far beyond the raw purity between a dom and the perfect sub. For the ecstasy they share goes beyond the dungeon, igniting a passion that claims the very depths of the heart.

Claimed is an erotic romance intended for mature audiences.

About the Author:
Stacey Kennedy is an urban fantasy lover at heart, but she also enjoys losing herself in dark and
sensual worlds. She lives in southwestern Ontario with her husband, who gave her a happily-ever-after. Together, they have two small children who can always make her smile, and who will never be allowed to read Mommy’s books. If she’s not plugging away at a new story, you’ll find her camping, curling up with the latest flick, or obsessing over Sons of Anarchy and Game of Thrones.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Covet Cover Reveals!

Gone With The Wolf, Kristin Miller 

CEO and alpha werewolf Drake Wilder has given up the search for his one true love. When he discovers that she’s a secretary in his company, Drake’s primal instincts kick into overdrive. 

What he wouldn’t give to have her fingers rake over his body instead of the keyboard… 

Free-spirited bartender Emelia Hudson wants nothing more than to make her Seattle-based bar succeed. But when profits decline, she slips into a dress suit and secures a nine-to-five. After learning that her bar has become property of Wilder Financial, Emelia is determined to get some answers. 

Two can play the ruthless business game. If only her attraction to the boss wasn’t so intense… 

When Drake’s twin brother senses that Drake has found his match—and now inherits their father’s billion dollar estate—he hatches a plan to take Emelia out. Drake vows to protect her at all costs, but he might have to
pay with his own life.
The Awakening: Aidan, Abby Niles 

Is the gift of eternal love a blessing or a curse? 

After years of counseling grieving shifters, psychiatrist and half-shifter, Dr. Jaylin Avgar has become jaded on shifter mating. She wants to marry a human and forget about the love for eternity crap. Then she meets Aidan O’Connell, an infuriatingly laid back shifter who represents everything she doesn’t want. Yet, the more he pursues her, the more she craves a future with him. Only one thing stands in her way: death. Can she overcome her fear of losing Aidan to the one guarantee in life? 

Millionaire consultant, Aidan O’Connell knows he’ll one day meet a woman who’ll awaken an unrelenting mating instinct. Unfortunately, that woman is Jaylin, who has no qualms about telling him that he and his so-called eternity can shove it. When she pushes him away, he takes a drastic step so she can no longer escape. The close proximity throws the instinct into overdrive. Can he control the need engrained in him until he’s certain she will reciprocate the bond, or will a moment of weakness doom him to hell on earth?

The Demon's Song, Kendra Leigh Castle

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. At least, that's how it seems to Sofia Rivera when her attempt to help a friend ends in a blood-soaked confrontation with creatures that aren't even supposed to exist. With a group of rogue vampires determined not to leave a single witness to their violence hot on her heels, Sofia finds herself saddled with an immortal bodyguard—Phenex, the fallen Angel of Song.  
While the vampire king roots out the corruption threatening to take down his underworld kingdom, Sofia will have to deal with a fallen angel whose dark beauty is often at odds with his ornery nature. Slowly, Sofia and Phenex give in to the strange attraction neither can deny. And as the darkness closes in around them, Phenex begins to wonder whether even the wickedest Fallen might find his own happy ending...and his heart.

Tall, Dark, and Divine, Jenna Bennett
Being the Greek god of love doesn’t mean you believe--or want--anything to do with that sappy emotion. Sure, Eros runs his matchmaking business, Made in Heaven, but finding his own love has never been part of the equation. When he spots the sweet baker who works across the street, he vows to match her with someone else before she stirs his sullen heart. Annie Landon has given up on finding Mr. Right. What she needs is Mr. Right Here, Right Now, and this so-called “Greek God” she’s heard is on the rebound sounds like the perfect kind of distraction. But picking up the bitter workaholic is easier said than done…especially when he seems unreasonably determined to match her with someone else. Can a woman looking for love—and the matchmaking god who wants her to find it with someone who isn’t him—have a shot at a happy ending? May the best god—or mortal—win.

Deceiving the Witch Next Door, Melissa Bourbon Ramirez
Down-on-her-luck witch Storie Bell never thought the biggest threat to her future would be Reid Malone, the very man she’d run from years before. After striking it rich in Texas shale, he’s back in town, and he seems hell-bent on getting in the way of her bookstore’s grand opening. A witch trying to blend in in a small southern town is hard enough, but now he’s seriously testing her strict No Kissing Mortal Men policy. But even witches don’t have a spell for that. Reid knows there’s much more to Storie than meets the eye. But right now he has only one mission: to infiltrate her shop so he can snatch the elusive secret ingredient to his father’s million-dollar moonshine recipe. Once he does, he can go back to the city and get out of his small hometown, a place in which he has no future. But as the days go by, he can’t help falling for Storie in every way…and every encounter brings him closer to finding out what happens when you try to deceive a witch.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Cover Reveal: Werewolves Be Damned

A Magic & Mayhem Novel 
Stacey Kennedy
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Release date: April 15, 2013
Book link:                      

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Book Description:
Nexi Jones—part witch, part guardian, and wannabe kick-ass warrior—can’t throw a punch or conjure the simplest magic. But that doesn’t stop her from hunting the werewolves who slaughtered her human family. She’ll have her revenge, but only if Kyden, the elite guardian, would get the hell out of her way.
Kyden can’t decide if Nexi wants to get herself killed or if she just has no clue what she’s doing. But her father made it clear: keep Nexi safe…or else. Of course, the more Nexi runs toward revenge, the more she needs Kyden’s aid, and as she grows into her power and confidence, so does his desire to protect her. The only problem? She’d rather he dropped dead.
But when a vampire paints a bull's-eye on Nexi’s back, she’s hard-pressed to deny Kyden and the help he’s offering. Even if it means getting her revenge will be a little bit harder. At least it will still be as sweet."

About the Author:
Stacey Kennedy is an urban fantasy lover at heart, but she also enjoys losing herself in dark and sensual worlds. She lives in southwestern Ontario with her husband, who gave her a happily-ever-after. Together, they have two small children who can always make her smile, and who will never be allowed to read Mommy’s books. If she’s not plugging away at a new story, you’ll find her camping, curling up with the latest flick, or obsessing over Sons of Anarchy and Game of Thrones.


I’ve found you, fur ball.
Nexi peered from behind the large oak tree and spotted the small log cabin nestled in the thick forest. The porch light cast a warm glow into the night. Fog settled over the lush grass, and the night was dark, eerie.
Stepping away from her hiding place behind the tree, she strode forward and gripped the dagger tightly in her hand. Keeping the silver blade pointed outward, she climbed the cabin’s porch steps, taking each one slowly to avoid detection.
Once she arrived at the front door, she wrapped her hand around the door handle. Rich hunger for revenge burned in her veins and made her intent on one thing: to slaughter the werewolf who escaped the night of her parents’ murder. Not caring what awaited her, she stormed inside, dagger pointed, ready to kill.
The simple cabin had two large brown couches near a wood-burning stove, a kitchenette behind the living room, and a quilt-covered bed resting in the back. And that was it; there were no other rooms to investigate. No secret hiding places she could see.
No damned werewolf.
She cursed, shut the front door behind her, then trotted down the steps to return to her hiding spot. On her way across the yard, she glanced at the space to the right of the tree, which looked much like a heat wave, indicating that the portal to the Otherworld remained.
In some places around the world—or the Earthworld, as supernaturals had called it—there were permanent portals to the supernatural realm. This portal had only appeared because Nexi had travelled to this cabin from the Otherworld. Once she passed through the portal again, the gateway would vanish.
Magic had its perks. Quick travel was one of them.
Nexi shook her head at how normal all this magical stuff seemed now. Just over a month ago she’d never believed in anything that went bump in the night. Now she knew all those things existed, and in fact, she was one of them.
To her horror, she had learned that her birth mother, Tillie, had been murdered by a power-hungry vampire, Lazarus.  All those years ago, her birth father, Drake, had protectively decided to block Nexi’s supernatural abilities. He had planned for her to live and die as a mortal. Now with her return to the Otherworld and the removal of the block on her true identity, there was no going back.
She was no longer plain, human, Nexi Jones.
She was Nexi Jones, part guardian, part witch.
Looking away from the portal and to her hiding spot until the werewolf returned, she hurried her steps. She wasn’t ready to return to the Otherworld yet. Not until she had the werewolf’s head as her wall ornament would she dare go home.
Just as she neared the tree, a woodsy scent that had nothing to do with the forest mixed with the citrusy aroma of aftershave. A blink of an eye later, the dagger she held was now at her throat, a hard body closed in on her back.
“You smelled lovely when you arrived.” The low voice by her ear held a faint English accent. “But I never imagined you’d be so pretty.”