Showing posts with label awards shows are stupid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awards shows are stupid. Show all posts

Monday, March 28, 2011

MTV Movie Awards

It's that time of year again for MTV to pretend it's awards mean something and honor the year's best movies.

Wait, best movies? That can't be right. Not when Twilight is in the running for a ton, and not in the fun, Razzie way.

Here's how things should be: Inception should win everything, with some exceptions for Kick Ass, because that was a seriously solid film. I can't speak for much else, since I didn't see much else, but I'm going to guess the few nominations for critically acclaimed movies like Blue Valentine deserve to win the most but most of MTV's audience won't have any clue about them because they'll have been too busy watching Jersey Shore, Teen Mom, and Skins. Note: I too watch Teen Mom and I watched the original British Skins, but couldn't take much of the poorly acted, dramatic, and stereotype-ridden American one.

But here's how things will be: Twilight will win everything, with a few exceptions for Harry Potter, and Harry Potter wins will probably be deserved, not to mention contribute to my new job as Harry Potter Examiner. In the rare case Twilight loses to something that's not Harry Potter, the fangirls will riot and talk about what a travesty it is, since Robert Pattinson is so totally hot and Twilight is the greatest book of all time (which it is, if you like bad writing, weak plot points that don't make sense, terrible characters, and dependent relationships).

So save America and vote for some worthwhile movies.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why Awards Shows Don't Interest Me

The Emmy's, The Oscar's, The Grammy Awards, The Tonys I hate them all.


I don't believe anyone ever gets a real fair deal on these things. Plus I have no desire what so ever to see starlets parade around in gowns that cost more than what I make in a year.

Oh and speeches make me want to vomit.

I understand awarding excellence in a field, but who is to judge.

Its kind of like the Rita Awards in Romance novels.

Yes, there is an award for romance writers.

And who decides which novels are worth a Rita? Other authors. Uh, that just doesn't seem right to me.

The thing about all of these awards shows, is public opinion isn't taken into consideration. Its an elite board of asshats that like posh things or just things that "Joe The Plumber" or "Josephine The Plumber" (cos fuck all, women can do anything) don't give a damn about. Granted I think that the general public has questionable taste, because these are the people that run out and see Twilight and also think the books are the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I truly believe the Box Office should play a certain part in what is nominated.

Oh and truly, Sandra Bullock as best actress over Meryl Streep? PUHLEESE! I appreciate the fact that The Blind Side was a moving story, but Meryl became Julia Child in that film.

Oh and I stand by my rant about Love Never Dies, if that show ends up with a nomination or perish the though, a win for either a Tony or the UK equivalent, I wash my hands of all awards shows entirely.