Showing posts with label romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label romance. Show all posts

Monday, October 5, 2009

Give Me A Little Romance

Give Me A Little Romance

All my friends know I'm a romance novel junkie. I love the stuff. I eat it up like those strawberrified peanut butter M & M's. Mmmm.

I always laugh at the reactions I get from people when I say I'm reading a "Smut Novel". I love my smut. Though truth be told, I like chicklit and regency romances better than the mostly sex no plot variety of books.

I made a comment on my Facebook page saying that I was reading a brain book when I was reading "A House For Mr. Biswas" and an old friend commented "I thought you only read brain books."


No please. My head would have exploded by now. Not that I have any problems with that. I've read my share of the classics. Some I've liked, some I haven't. I've read most of them because I wanted to, as well. For me it works better that way. But after any novel like that I have to go for something lighter and for me that's always a romance novel.


I like them. I like to think that fairy tales can come true. I like to think that true love can happen even with hot monkey sex. I like to think that maybe some day I might even have some hot monkey sex...without the monkeys of course...maybe with a Monkee...cos I've always been partial to Davy Jones, but hey, he's getting old now, so that's probably out of the question too.

My favorite authors are Janet Evanovich (for humor), Stephanie Bond (for humor and a little, ok a lot of smut), and Maggie Shayne (for paranormal fun)

So give me a good Harlequin or any other brand of romance novel and I'll be happy as can be. Romance is the way I escape into fantasy. What way do you escape into a fantasy world?