Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Thursday, November 21, 2013

filled with wonder

I can hardly believe it's been three years since Edgar and I shared this happy announcement:

We could never have predicted all the joys these two little acorns were going to bring us.


We've been working overtime the past few weeks to prepare for the holiday season as we've taken on more jobs.  But as I sit and write today, I want to make sure that we do exactly as our cards suggest---and take time to fill our children's Christmas with wonder.  We wish you the same!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

what will our babies look like?

Over the weekend, I was doing a deep clean of the house and ran across this collection of clippings I'd gathered over the years of what I thought Edgar's and my children might one day look like. These kids [along with the ones I regularly picked out in public...yes, that's me, Creepy McCreepyton] are all adorable, but I never could have imagined my boys as they are!


I did, however, come pretty close: at least in the case of Miles.  Here's another advertisement I'd saved and below it, an outtake from Miles' workin' it for the camera as a model himself.  I can't help but wonder if someone will clip Miles out of a circular thinking perhaps their baby will look like him?


6632 Holiday 7104

Did anyone else do this or something similar during pregnancy?  If so, I'd love to hear about it!

[bottom image courtesy of Perry Roach of Albion Associates]

Monday, June 06, 2011

best birthday present ever!

I know it's been a while since we last posted anything. We are happy to announce that Maxwell Brady and Miles Morgan are safe and sound at home. They were born last Wednesday, June 1st (not that is a big deal, but it was on my birthday). Suzanne is doing wonderful and I have to say, I did not know how strong she was until I saw the ease at which she handled the delivery. Here are some facts.

Maxwell Brady :: 4:52 pm :: 5 lbs. 12 oz.
Miles Morgan :: 4:55 pm :: 5 lbs. 15 oz.

Suzanne will be back very soon with a more detailed report on the babies.

Thank you all so much for checking in!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

i'm still standin'

Yeah, yeah, yeah!
My hands and feet may be swollen; and, to steal an expression from my friend Jen, my toes may look like 'sausage links'...but life is good! A visit with the doctor yesterday confirmed that the babies are healthy, happy and will definitely be here within the week!

Thanks for hanging in there with us! Edgar and I certainly appreciate all your well-wishes and advice!

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Screen shot 2011-05-26 at 3.05.10 PM

Side Note : Not only does Jen come up with great expressions, but she and her business partner Michelle run a super-cool company, Six Chicks Designs. If you aren't familiar with their work, or are hosting a party in the near future, I suggest you check out their creative portfolio here. Cheers to Jen and Michelle!

Monday, May 23, 2011

high school reading meets pregnancy

Still no babies. Five days past the anticipated due date...not that I'm counting.


Anytime I find myself in a lull [though never quite like this], I'm reminded of the title of one of my favorite high school reads: All Quiet on the Western Front. Today this led to some searching of the various book covers associated with the text. I find it very interesting seeing different artists' interpretations of the same title/concept and speculating about which one I'd purchase if given the opportunity.

I tend to like the ones that focus on a small, but important element from the book.



[illustration by Beat The Pulp]

...though I do like the somberness of this one...

albert nguyen
[illustration by Albert Nguyen]
book cover 2

Can't you hear the art director on this next one? 'Sure it may be the 'greatest war novel'...but sex sells! Put a girl on the cover!


All in all, I'm ok with things being quiet on this front. However, I am praying that the boys don't decide to take a page from another literary classic, Henry David Thoreau's Walden and stay indefinitely.


"Hey little guys! This is your mom. I like to rest as much as anyone, but there is more to the world than undisturbed solitude! Come out and play!"

Sunday, May 15, 2011

brown knight + pf changs

In the last two months, Suzanne's mom broke her ankle...bummer; and my mom broke her wrist...double bummer. As they both recover, they deserve extra care and attention. On Tuesday, Suzanne and I decided to give my mom a surprise visit in Raleigh along with takeout from P.F. Changs. She was so pleased! and so were we.

Friday, May 06, 2011

heartburn hotel

And after a small break, The Heart Burners are back on tour....and like any respectable rock band, they love trashing their hotel room in the midnight hours.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

35 weeks

growing 35
This isn't exactly the piece of cake it used to be. Though in an attempt to see the glass half-full, at least I can't see how swollen my feet are.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

counting down

During my last visit to The Salvation Army Select I stumbled upon this handsome pair of books published in 1960. You know how I love a good vintage illustration...and the timing and subject-matter of these couldn't be any more perfect.

This pretty much sums up the anticipation I'm feeling these days. My official due date is even the same as the one marked on the calendar, June 9. However, because we're having twins, the babies are predicted to come about three weeks earlier. Oh...and that look of nighttime discomfort...I'm totally, totally there!

Edgar, on the other hand, is busy making arrangements for the babies' arrival...

...and coming to the realization his space in the house is getting smaller and smaller by the moment.

He is ahead of the game in the sense that he already has his clothes picked out in the case of a mid-night run to Labor and Delivery. He had this task complete several days before I had my own bags packed :)

Despite all the planning, I'm sure we'll look more like this when the time finally comes. Afterall, can you ever be truly ready?

[books written and illustrated by Dick Barry, copyright 1960 by Ink-A-Toon, Boonton, NJ]

Monday, April 04, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

seeing double

This past weekend marked the first of two baby showers thrown in the boys' honor. All three of us (me plus the two little ones currently taking up residence in my belly) felt very loved as I opened present after present filled with matching clothes and gear. I have a feeling this sketch is the first of many pairs in my future.

Thanks so much to the friends and family responsible for such a sweet party!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

in need of a simile

hot flash
Today I'm having hot flashes like ___________________________.

Please help me fill in the blank. I've over-heated and I have zero cleverness to spare.

Monday, March 14, 2011

while i was out

So I've been a bit neglectful...but with good reason.

First there has been a great deal of traveling with work.
Second, home improvements are needed everywhere!
And finally, there is all the loving I've been giving to babies and mama-to-be.
Hope to be more present very soon. Until then, thanks for tuning in!

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

status report

This afternoon I am:
so sleepy
I think the babies must have slipped something into my amniotic fluid. No kidding.

It doesn't help matters that this evening is to consist of the fun tasks of car alignment, computer repair and taxes. Ugggggggh. Try to contain your jealousy.

Friday, February 25, 2011

lists upon lists upon lists

It seems as though my head is everywhere these days except work. I'm having such a hard time focusing. Case in's what 5 minutes in my mind looks like.
baby list
Why do I have the feeling this list isn't going to get any shorter anytime soon?!?

Friday, February 11, 2011

sour and sweet

The same holds true for blueberries; green apples; red, blue and pink flav-or-ices; and sour gummy worms.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

On a less sour note, my friend MaryBeth is running a fun giveaway over at her blog A Yankee in Rebel Clothes. MaryBeth has been spending a lot of time behind a camera lately and you're invited to stop by and reap the fruits of her labor. Check out the full details here.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

looking forward

A little something-something from Edgar's sketchbook...

pregnancy stork

With about three months to go until delivery, the babies seem to be getting bigger [and heavier] by the day minute second! So far, so good for me. Not so sure the same can be said for Edgar's stork!