Showing posts with label client work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label client work. Show all posts

Friday, February 03, 2012

a southern treat

We're very pleased to have our work featured in two North Carolina-centered magazines this month: O.Henry, a beautiful publication new to Greensboro, and Pinestraw, its older, but equally lovely, sister in Southern Pines.


This assignment was especially fun for me as its not everyday I get to draw some of my favorite 'good-bad foods' (as Edgar describes them) for a client! So glad my years of research eating biscuits and wings is finally paying off.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

On another note, if you're in the area and looking for something to do tonight, we hope you'll join us downtown at Just Be for First Friday. We are so happy to be February's featured artists and will be drawing on location tonight!

Friday, December 02, 2011

'tis the season eat within reason...


Now its your turn! Fill in the blank!
'Tis the season to ___________.
[Clever responses may very well merit clever illustrations!]

Monday, February 21, 2011

illustrated wedding vows

Update : Since it's original posting, we've received many requests for similar work.  If you're interested in having your own vows or any other writing that is important to you illustrated, email us at for a quote!  We'd love to hear from you!

Good afternoon! I don't know about you, but I'm having a hard time getting back into work today. Edgar and I took a mini-vacation here this weekend [it may be a while before we have another!] and I'm still in relaxation mode.
illustrated wedding vows | an open sketchbook With that said, I'm very pleased to present you with some work I completed a while back. You may remember that Jen had asked me to illustrate hers and her husband's wedding vows as a gift to him on their first anniversary. Jen was kind enough to share with me photos of the finished piece as it now hangs in their home.
illustrated wedding vows | an open sketchbook

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

please mr. postman

peabody bridge
A few weeks ago I completed a spot illustration for the spring issue of UNCG Magazine. I was pleasantly surprised to receive an email over the weekend letting me know the piece was also featured on the University's home page.

uncg homepage screenshot

If you're a romantic like me, you're sure to enjoy reading the true love story of Susan and Jim Boone that inspired the illustration.

Monday, October 04, 2010

excerpts from the world wide web of love

Addie's and my work was featured in two love-inspired blog posts this past week!

First up, Claire and Patrick's big day at Elizabeth Anne Designs! Check out the fabulous shots of the bridal party's ride from church to reception via the Marta. They are soooo good and the perfect contrast to the couple's rustic wedding.

Screen shot 2010-10-04 at 3.54.47 PM

Regrettably, Edgar and I didn't get to ride the subway at our wedding, but we did pose in front of an eighteen-wheeler. That counts for something, right?


In hindsight, though, I'm not sure how I feel about WIDE LOAD...think I prefer this instead:


It just so happens that this photo was taken by our very talented friend Jen Yuson, who also happens to be responsible for the second blog feature!

Screen shot 2010-10-04 at 4.08.28 PM

Jen and her equally-creative-husband Shawn celebrated their one-year anniversary yesterday [Big congrats!] with the traditional gift of paper. Jen was kind enough to allow me to lend my hand to her gift with an illustration of their wedding vows. The sentiments are so sweet and so true to the kind hearts of Jen and Shawn.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

aia : designs for our community competition

A few days ago I shared these thumbnail sketches for a competition poster I was working on for AIA Piedmont.aia poster thumbnails

After speaking more with my clients and ironing out several details, I ended up with this as the finished piece:

aia designs for community poster

One of my biggest challenges in making this graphic was the large amount of detailed information that needed to be included. My goal was to integrate the text in such a way that it reads clearly, while not losing the energy of the initial sketches.

In addition to this poster, I'll continue working on the competition's print collateral : including newspaper inserts, invitations and awards. And fortunately, now that the brand has been established, I have a clear path for the rest of the project.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

some much needed perspective

It's a big day around these parts. The latest issue of Perspective magazine is out and guess whose hands are on the cover?!?
And more importantly, whose friends are too?!?! From left to right, my partners in Community by Design : Edgar, Matt Jones, Addie Brown, Patrick Lee Lucas and Debbie Nestvogel.
Layout by Creative Director for Perspective : Tiffany Mehnert

As I was sharing with a friend earlier today, the opportunity to work on this magazine came at a very low-point for me early in the summer, when my confidence and motivation levels were practically non-existent. However, completing this project, and, much to my surprise, having my initial rough sketch accepted as the final cover art, marked a significant turning point for me. This experience has helped me build the confidence to say, 'I can do this...I can make a living doing what I love." It's truly poetic that the name of this publication is 'PERSPECTIVE' as that was just what it gave me.

P.S. And one more reason why this blog is my friend...I can travel back in months ago to the day...and see how much things have changed. I am so, so fortunate.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ideating for AIA

I think if I had to spend the rest of my life creating thumbnail sketches, and only thumbnail sketches, I'd be quite happy.
aia poster thumbnails
I love the sense of instant gratification that comes from these guys. And luckily, I've had the opportunity to swim in thumbnails [eww!] all this week. See more here.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

excuse my french

Last month I collaborated with some friends [who I'll share more about in the future!] and my sister to create a special birthday party for my niece Wren. The cosmopolitan girl she is, Wren wanted a Paris-inspired party. We were happy to oblige, with a special hand-written invitation:
a fabulous outdoor boutique

all the jewels a girl could ask for
a fashion show like no other
and sweet treats at an outdoor cafe.
When all was said and done, despite a sweltering heat wave in Paris, I think Wren and company had an excellent afternoon.
And based on this kind note from the guest of honor, I consider it a job well done!

Friday, January 15, 2010


I'm working on illustrations for a workbook for teen mothers. This is Jasmine, the main character of the narrative.
that's me
The workbook details Jasmine's experience coming to terms with being pregnant, accepting changes to her body, her life and learning to care for her newborn.
life is about to change
I feel lucky to work on a project of this sort.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

translating mosquitoes

The environmental design studio I am team-teaching this semester began with a project entitled "Found in Translation". One of the goals of the project was to have students read a story (in their case, a Grimm's fairytale) and "translate" it into both two-dimensional graphics and three-dimensional artifacts and spaces.

Serendipitously, this project mirrored what I was doing outside the classroom: working on an illustration for UNCG's Alumni Magazine, reading and drawing from/on Mosquitoes, a beautiful short story of Elizabeth Hudson.

Like my students, I created a series of thumbnail sketches exploring a variety of ideas before deciding on a final design. These sketches represent my initial ideas as I read the story for the first time. Elizabeth's story is chocked full of vivid imagery, which made this step really easy.
mosquitoes beginning ideas
After receiving feedback from the art director and reading the story a few more times I went on to create more developed thumbnails exploring color. In all, it was important to me that I capture the intensity of summer heat.
mosquitoes thumbnail 1
mosquitoes thumbnail 2
mosquitoes thumbnail 3
mosquitoes thumbnail 4
mosquitoes thumbnail 5
The end result, while based primarily off one thumbnail, combines ideas explored in all. I would never have been able to get to this result without the process that led to it.

mosquitoes final illustration
I'm going to go ahead and say it...this work makes me happy. I hope you enjoy it too. Visit this link to read the wonderful story that inspired it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

tulips : take one

Hope your day has gotten off to a sunny start!
tulips take one
I'm on spring break this week, which means I'm getting to spend some quality time at home in my studio. This morning I'm having fun listening to NPR and working on a special project for some special friends. I'll be sure to share more details as they....grow.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

shiny red shoes

I always feel very honored when one of my friends asks me to help with a design related project. To me there really couldn't be a higher compliment. This was especially true when my multi-talented friend Megan approached me to assist with the branding of her new concierge business, Shiny Red Shoes. What a dream assignment! [ =] Learn more about Megan and the story behind the Shiny Red Shoes here.

On a side note: Is it just me, or are shoes taking over this blog? It may be time for me to step out of the closet :)