Showing posts with label in the news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label in the news. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

sketching john edwards' jury selection

Greensboro is in the national spotlight this week as jury selection begins for the trial of former presidential candidate John Edwards. I took the ten minute trip from my studio to the courtroom this morning to observe and sketch this stage of the judicial process.

Friday, August 19, 2011

watch what you sketch!

I received this article via a google alert this morning. I thought it was too funny to pass up sharing:
[Click on image to see larger.]

Friday, April 29, 2011

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Edgar doesn't like me telling this lets hope he doesn't read this... One day early in the summer we were driving through downtown Greensboro when a lady on the sidewalk started yelling towards our car "Barack!, Barack!" Evidently, she thought Edgar was running for president or looked as though he should a 1993 Honda Civic nonetheless. It embarrassed him, but I got a good laugh.

This was drawn from a striking photo by Platon of Barack Obama in this week's Time Magazine.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

storytelling magazine - call for entries

I want to pass the word along about a terrific illustration opportunity... Storytelling Magazine, a nationally distributed publication for people who are interested in listening and telling stories, commissions different artists to illustrate each issue's COVER. Currently, the art director for the magazine, Betsy Austin (who, I might add, also happens to be my sister), is looking for new artists interested in submitting samples of their work for consideration.

For more details check out this post over at Illustration Friday. And please, if you have any questions I can answer, feel free to ask.

I was lucky enough to be able to work on the latest issue and illustrate the "Spanish Moss Legend" by Mary Gene Cotten.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

creative overload

First off, let me preface this monologue by saying I feel truly blessed to be doing what I do. There is absolutely, without a doubt, no career or hobby I would rather have. HOWEVER, lately I've been wondering if there such a thing as too much creativity?I had an interesting conversation last night with my friend Kristie about creative energy. She was asking me if I experienced creative lulls in which I found it difficult to work. My answer, of course, was "YES!...all the time." In fact, more and more (take this particular drawing for instance) I feel I am forcing myself to be creative even at moments when I don't have to be, which, in turn, leads to creative burn-out. My teaching job requires that I use my brain to help my students become better designers. My freelance career mandates that I always try to think of innovative solutions to design challenges and, on top of that, my favorite hobby, drawing, asks me once again exercise creative muscle. Is it all too much?

Kristie and I recently started taking a pottery class. At first I thought this would be a great thing for me. I've had hardly any experience throwing clay and therefore I thought it would invigorate me to do something art related where I wasn't expecting to achieve particular results. However, despite how much I like messing around with clay and spending time with my friend (yes Kristie...this is true), I find myself anxious about attending class rather than looking forward to it. I'm feeling as though I have a limited amount of creativity and I need to be turning off its valve rather than keeping it on.

Hmmm...I wonder what you all think... Is it possible to do what one loves too much? Any suggestions for me?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

pick a spice, any spice

I really don't like to get on a soapbox, but today I am afraid I have to. The subject: Victoria Beckham.

You can hardly turn the TV on these days without being bombarded with images and news of the Beckham's arrival in America. Ok, he's a gigantic soccer star....awesome....but what's the big deal about Posh? Is she really that newsworthy? I am so over it all, especially the fact that she never, NEVER, smiles. Evidently its her gimmick, but really, isn't there a better one?

Quite unexpectedly, Posh also made an appearance in my sketchbook this afternoon. She's such a character already that the doodle came quite naturally. Once I finished with her, I moved on to a sketch of me with, um, Posh's assets.

In other news, if you haven't already, don't forget to sign up for the *time for presents* giveaway. Currently, your chances of winning are 1 in 30, better than the lottery and equally as gratifying!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

headline news

Images that struck my eye as I flipped through this week's Time at the pool. Sorry it posts so small, but as always, you can click to enlarge.

I was deeply saddened to read of Doug Marlette's death. I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Marlette when I was an editorial cartoonist and student at UNC-CH. He was, and will continue to be, an inspiration in my life.