Showing posts with label in the mail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label in the mail. Show all posts

Friday, March 16, 2012

fresh from the farm

thankyou_blackberriesNow this is something that doesn't show up in your mailbox everyday.

Last spring when my college friend Awena posted a photo of the blackberries she'd just picked from her farm on Facebook, I left a comment regarding my craving for berries. Two days later, this package landed at my doorstep.

This February Awena welcomed her own little baby boy into the world. While I don't have any blackberries to send in celebration, I hope I can eventually come up with something just as sweet.

Friday, September 17, 2010

some much needed perspective

It's a big day around these parts. The latest issue of Perspective magazine is out and guess whose hands are on the cover?!?
And more importantly, whose friends are too?!?! From left to right, my partners in Community by Design : Edgar, Matt Jones, Addie Brown, Patrick Lee Lucas and Debbie Nestvogel.
Layout by Creative Director for Perspective : Tiffany Mehnert

As I was sharing with a friend earlier today, the opportunity to work on this magazine came at a very low-point for me early in the summer, when my confidence and motivation levels were practically non-existent. However, completing this project, and, much to my surprise, having my initial rough sketch accepted as the final cover art, marked a significant turning point for me. This experience has helped me build the confidence to say, 'I can do this...I can make a living doing what I love." It's truly poetic that the name of this publication is 'PERSPECTIVE' as that was just what it gave me.

P.S. And one more reason why this blog is my friend...I can travel back in months ago to the day...and see how much things have changed. I am so, so fortunate.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

thank you for thanking me

If you've followed this blog for any time, you probably know that I am obsessed with all things mid-century modern---but particularly the designs of the Eames---and even more specifically, the molded plastic chairs.

Last year, when I won a teaching award, I put the money I received towards the purchase of four of these beauties for our dining table. Since we don't have children yet, I consider these my babies. Well, it seems my students had been paying attention to this infatuation as well, because at my surprise going-away party they presented me with this poster.

eames chair poster

But here's the real kicker....not only did I receive this incredibly thoughtful poster, but the chair as well!!!!! The students pooled together their money to buy me a new baby, Andy Aqua. I was speechless then, and am still in awe of their generosity today. What a present!!!!!!!

The reason I am sharing this news now, nearly three months after the event, is because I finally received the real chair, which had been on backorder, this week! It is going to work great with a new desk Edgar has been busy making me this summer.

To all who contributed, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Photos of the chair [and desk] soon to come.

Friday, May 15, 2009

labor was a breeze

Woowhoo! The stork just delivered the first of my babies!!!!!!
And she's perfect!!!!


Wynonna will be an only child until late June when her sisters (and brother?!?) arrive. Hope we don't spoil her too much in the meantime.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

a case of the beanies

Over the weekend I received three issues of Michael Nobbs' journal The Beany. It's official. I'm a fan!
a case of the beanies
I'm captivated by the honesty with which Michael writes...and draws. I also appreciate the humorous lens through which he views life. In one issue Michael writes that as a child he played the trombone. He goes on to say "I don't think trombones are a good look for slightly plump ten year olds." This made me laugh out loud. Having also been a slightly plump ten year old who played tried to play the flute, I think it goes both ways. One is better off with an in-between sized instrument. Trust me. See more of Michael's work here.

In addition to reading, I've also been drawing! As a result, I have an arsenal of ideas for upcoming posts, including:

-all that glitters isn't gold-
-buy that fish a drink-
-the friendship fish-
-a logo for moppy-mop-
-taking a bite out of life-
-good riddance-
-self reflection-

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

sending beauty

So as I was saying...I couldn't help but feel giddy as I was arranging the beautiful bounty of treats I received in the mail this week.

First up were these terrific cards from Fifi Flowers

fun mail

...and the wonderful photos that inspired them by Cindy of Quaint Handmade. I could take a bath in the colors :)

fun mail

Then an adorable print of the Pokey and Reilly portrait I mentioned a couple of days ago by Wendy of 2 Dog Studio. Love it!

fun mail

And last, but not least, the super cute artwork by Aimee of Artsyville. I have at least one...if not a dozen..."I can't believe I just said that" moments a day. This is perfect.

fun mail

Thanks to all of you for sharing their talents with me. My walls are thanking you as well.

Speaking of mail and thanks, I want to thank my 200th follower! Jax (and her squad!). Look for your own dose of fun mail in the next week!

channeling cindy

I couldn't help feeling like I'd stepped out of Quaint Handmade as I collected the mail I've received this week for a photo shoot. I'm so lucky! More details later today tomorrow...