Showing posts with label Stay Inside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stay Inside. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 November 2020

Stay Inside

Stay Inside are a four-piece post-hardcore band from Brooklyn, New York that began in 2016. After a few releases, they dropped their debut full-length earlier this year via No Sleep Records. Viewing is a heavy record, in terms of potent emotional weight. It's a record that exudes catharsis, with a natural and genuine delivery. Sonically, they can be loosely compared to bands such as Balance and Composure, Have Mercy, and Daisyhead. It keeps its sound fresh and varied, from the mewithoutYou-influenced opener "Revisionist" to the sombre exit music of "Leave". In between is a slew of dynamic shifts, from quiet arpeggios to screamo-ridden peaks (with "Veil" being a notable highlight). Outside of their LP, they've also released two fantastic splits with other great bands, Dad Thighs and Good Looking Friends, so be sure to check those out as well. Enjoy.

1. Advice From A Caterpillar
2. Reconstruction
3. (fishtank)
4. Fever and Jealousy
5. Your Guardsmen Swarm Like Locusts
6. We Look On In Echoes

1. Good Looking Friends - The Rope
2. Good Looking Friends - Bodega Cat
3. Stay Inside - FOIA
4. Stay Inside/Good Looking Friends - Testimonial
5. Stay Inside - The Fall

1. Offseason

1. Dad Thighs - iwrotehaikusabouttheladsinyouryearbook
2. Great Weights - 490
3. Stay Inside - Puritans

1. Revisionist
2. Void
3. Ivy
4. Monuments
5. Silt
6. Divide
7. Wake
8. Veil
9. Verdict
10. Leave

1. Eraser
2. Hollow
3. Fracture
4. Spore
5. Dissolve

1. Bon Zs
2. Learn To Float
3. A Backyard
4. An Invitation
5. A Town To Give Up In
6. My Fault
7. When's The Last Time?
8. Sweet Stripe!
9. Steeplechase