Showing posts with label Anasarca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anasarca. Show all posts

Friday, 5 October 2018


Anasarca were a six-piece screamo band from Cockeysville, Maryland that formed in 1994 and broke up in 1997. They put out a very limited amount of recorded material, with only 7 songs spanning a demo, a 7", and a split. Thankfully, these were all compiled in 2002 to document this band's legacy. Sonically, they are comparable to early progressive screamo acts such as Portraits Of Past, who pushed the fury and intensity of hardcore into new, instrumentally more chaotic and intricate, while drawing songs out past the two minute mark. Anasarca are highly recommended for fans of the early Ebuillition/Gravity Records roster, despite having never put out a release with either label. Enjoy.

1. East Bunk Hill
2. Eugene Debs
3. Everything Was Beautiful And Nothing Hurt
4. Stationary People
5. Enginize
6. You Know
7. So Tell Me