Their final release, Quien Encuentra La Madre Conoce A Los Hijos (translated to Who Finds The Mother Knows The Children) was released two years after their debut, in 2006. It's immediately evident that the sound here is much more polished from the clean, delayed guitars of the first track. The post-rock elements is a lot more prominent on this album, and when paired with the screamo-influenced peaks, can almost be comparable to Envy. Never being a band to shy away from experimentation, they end the album on an entirely electronic track. Between the two albums it's hard to pick a favourite; I'm partial to their debut but both are highly recommended. Enjoy.
1. Cuando El Mar Pierde Las Conchas
2. La Muerte Fosiliza El Recuerdo, El Grito Cristaliza La Agonia
3. Ofelia
4. Eterno En La Garganta Del Tormento
5. Interrupciones
6. Siete Kilometros
7. 1000 Millones De Cuervos
1. El origen devuelve la calma
2. Lo que está quieto es fácil de retener; lo que todavia es débil es fácil de romper
3. Sin forma no hay deseo
4. Las trincheras del Ivan
5. Lo rigido y firme pertenece a la muerte
6. Porque todos consideran bello lo bello; asi aparece lo feo
7. Voy a morir como nunca ha muerto nadie antes