Showing posts with label Ed Gein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ed Gein. Show all posts

Friday, 28 October 2022

Ed Gein

Ed Gein was an American interior designer were a three-piece grindcore/hardcore band from Syracuse, New York that formed in 2001 before amicably breaking up in 2018. Its members reconvened shortly thereafter to form Shadow Snakes, a new project that veered away from the legacy of their former band. Sonically, Ed Gein were chaotic and discordant while remaining distincly rhythmic, with throat-shredding vocals and heavy, trebly riffs. Fans of bands such as The Number Twelve Looks Like You. Heavy Heavy Low Low, or As The Sun Sets will definitely find something to love here, even if those aren't exact comparisons. Despite their lengthy tenure, their release schedule was pretty sporadic. With only three-full lengths, two EP's and a demo, it doesn't take long to get through their entire discography. If you're looking for somewhere to start out, It's A Shame... is probably their most mathy/grindy, while Bad Luck is the closest they get to straight-up hardcore, so depending on your tastes either of those might interest you most, though Judas Goats & Dieseleaters is also a good option with less polarity. Enjoy.

1. Bathed In Orange
2. Score One For Team Bitch
3. Willie Loman

1. You Suck At Life... And I'm Not Talking About The Board Game
2. The Marlboro Man Is A Douche Bag
3. A Way To Kill Old People
4. Nice Shoes... Wanna Fuck?
5. I Wish You The Best
6. And By Best I Mean Worst
7. Beating A Dead Horse
8. What Is This Monstrosity?!

1. Robert Flaig
2. Small Towns, Small Minds
3. Killing A Co-Worker
4. Pee Wee Herman/Paul Reubens
5. We're Drowning In It
6. Amen
7. Christianity As Foreign Policy
8. United Ninety Three
9. Bastard
10. A Conflict Of Interest
11. The Wool Is Pulled
12. Guilty As Charged
13. This Ends Now
14. Breed (Nirvana cover)

1. Intro
2. Wage Slave
3. The Wraith
4. Bullet Dodger
5. Captain Shit
6. Into The Fire
7. She Creeps
8. Moth Collection (Into The Freezer)
9. The Spectacle
10. VIP's
11. Wasted Life

1. The Legion
2. Build A Wall Around D.C.
3. Tarrare
4. Dragged
5. Like Rain