Curl Are Up And Die Are a four-piece metalcore band from Las Vegas, Nevada that formed in 1998, broke up in 2005, and reunited in 2019. The band went through a number of line-up changes in their early years, and were at one-time a five-piece. As a result, their sound changed and evolved quite a bit. Their early material is a lot scrappier, with sharp shifting riffs and very throaty vocals, if that makes any sense. They signed to Revelation Records in 2001, and released their debut full-length the following year. Sonically, it contained quick, thrashy bursts of dissonance and a more guttural, visceral vocal howl. It wouldn't be a surprise if this band was paying close attention to things like early Converge and Botch. They released a series of two EP's in which they really hit their stride as a band, both of which I highly recommend starting with if you're new to this band.
Their final album, The One Above All, The End Of All That Is was released in 2005 and is decidely more matured and nuanced in sound. It's got massive riffs, and hits heavier with a slower pace, taking it's time to blend in more melodic elements and build up its tracks. The energy is still there, just used sparingly to really drive home the effect. It's an incredible record and one of metalcore's more underrated, so do yourself a favour and check that out as well. Enjoy.
1. Watch Your Face
2. How About I Eat Your Kids
3. Worn
4. Wanted Shit
1. Hella Vegas Kids Say Hella
2. If I Wanted Shit Out Of You I'd Squeeze Your Neck
3. Kissing You is Like Licking an Ashtray
4. The Only Good Bug Is A Dead Bug
5. How About I Eat Your Kids
6. Bullet (demo)
7. Hardcore Since 10
1. And Then The Robots Were Killed
2. Absolute Denial Of The Ultimate Nullifier
3. Hella Vegas Kids Say Hella
4. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start
5. Proclaimed Bat Hunter
6. Nest Of The Face Hugger
1. If I Wanted Shit Out Of You, I'd Squeeze Your Neck
2. Watch Your Face
1. We
2. Are
3. All
4. Dead
5. 100 M.P.H. Vomit Dedicated to Jon
6. On the Run from Johnny Law Ain't No Trip to Cleveland
7. Ted Nugent Goes AOL
8. Total Pandemonium
9. Doctor Doom, a Man of Science, Doesn't Believe in Jesus, Why the Fuck Do You
10. You'd Be Cuter If I Shot You in the Face
11. Make Like a Computer and Get with the Program
12. Your Idea of Fascism and Global Intervention Makes Me Puke
13. I Lost My Job to a Machine
14. Kissing You Is Like Licking an Ashtray
15. Rich Hall (Runner Up in a Carson Daly Lookalike Contest)
1. I Hate Almost Every Person I Come in Contact With
2. Damn Girl, That Shit Is Deep Like the Ocean
3. China Part Breakdown
4. .. - ... .- ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --. - .. -- . -- .- -.-. .... .. -. .
5. Utah: The Whoopie Cushion of America
6. I Don't Give a Shit If I'm in Outer Darkness, I'll Make Friends
1. Nuclear Waste? Bring That Shit. (We Want A State Full Of Radiated Super Heroes)
2. If This Band Thing Doesn't Pan Out We're Joining the Army
3. .. - ... . - ..-. ..- -.-. -. - .. -. --. - .. -- . -- . - -.-. .... ..
4. God Is in His Heaven, All Is Right With the World
1. An Uncomfortable Routine
2. Antidepressants Are Depressing
3. Ultra Carb Diet Carpooling Stupid Fucking Life
4. The One Above All, The End of All That Is
5. Instrumental
6. Black Out
7. There Ain't No Can't in American
8. Zero MPH Fallover
9. There Is Never Enough Time to Do Nothing
10. I'm Trying To Fly To The Moon
11. Blood Mosh Hips Hair Lips Pills Fuck Death