I Spoke were a four-piece screamo band from Toronto, Ontario that were active from 2002 to 2005, with reunion shows occurring in 2012. Their output was fairly limited, though thankfully documented via their Bandcamp. They put out two EP's in 2003, though recorded more material that went unreleased for years (
Destroying A Masterpiece,
The Forgotten EP). The band underwent a change in vocalist at the end of that year, with no new material surfacing until 2005. They put out splits with Panserbjorne and Beaumont Hotel. All their material on those splits and more culminated in the release of
Autobiography. Sonically, the band made frequent use of subdued, melancholic arpeggios with sporadic breaks of all-out tremolo-heavy emoviolence assault. This was paired with a screamed, forlorn vocals, often delivering lyrics that touched upon some overt politial subject matter. They can be loosely compared to bands such as City Of Caterpillar, I Would Set Myself On Fire For You, and Cease Upon The Capitol, though with significantly shorter song runtimes. Enjoy.
1. You Broke My Heart... So I Cut Your Breaklines
2. Why Make Sense, When Art Is Dead?
3. Lies My Parents Told Me That I Still Believe To This Day
4. The Demons That Live Inside My Statue Of The Virgin Mary
5. Returning The Bullets Once Lodged In My Body To Wal-Mart
6. Random Beatings By Lee Majors
1. Destroying A Masterpiece
1. The Firefly Tree
2. Instrumental One
1. That Which Divides Us
2. Friends Not Fans
3. Untitled
4. Selling The Myth Of Nationalism
5. Ideology Of The Cancer Cell
6. Forgotten Histories, Stolen Lives
7. Exclusion By Language
8. Whose Voice?
29. Is Dead
1. 13 Ways To View A Cardboard City
2. An Obvious Statement
3. Rapid Eye Movement
4. Stepping Through Consciousness
Note: Recorded in 2003 but unreleased until 2012