Showing posts with label Don Martin Three. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Don Martin Three. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Don Martin Three

Don Martin Three were a three-piece emo/hardcore band from St. Augustine, Florida that were active from 1993 to 1996. Their output was typically small for a band of their nature ( with only one LP, a split, and an EP), but they made some crushing music in their time. They're an incredibly underrated "emocore" (for lack of a better term) band, playing with a similar spoken-word and arpeggiated guitar mix that made legends of Moss Icon, Indian Summer and Policy Of 3. Songs would build and fall, with the lows being serenely melodic and the highs being octave chord-bashing screamfests. I cannot recommend them enough for fans of the aforementioned bands, since they deserve way more attention than they get. Plus, that split is three tracks of pure perfection so I'd suggest starting there, but it's absolutely all solid. Enjoy.

1. Katahdn
2. Inefficient Engine

1. Don Martin 3 - Transistor
2. Moonraker - White Christmas
3. Hope Springs Eternal - Drone

1. Untitled 1
2. Untitled 2
3. Untitled 3
4. Untitled 4
5. Untitled 5