Showing posts with label tagged. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tagged. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blogger Needs Glasses!

CC at Lace ‘n Ribbon Roses gave me the Gorgeous Blogger Award last Thursday. Clearly, CC has problems with her vision! She’s a blogger who is devoted to Sunbonnet Sue. Check her out.

For the award, I am to tell six things about myself and then pass the award on to six other people.

I have a twin brother. Some people are astounded when they learn this because they only understand identical twins. We are fraternal twins: two separate eggs and two separate saqs. No, we do not “look alike;” he was born with blue booties, while I was born with pink booties!

I was raised in Washington, D.C., and I have climbed up the Washington monument four times!

I smoked from the ages of fifteen through twenty-five. It was a very difficult habit to break, but I’m glad that I did break it.

I see nothing wrong with having a diet drink with a piece of pie.

I did not begin college until after my children married.

6. I bit my fingernails to the quick until around age forty-two. Then, I quit by applying one coat of clear nail polish every day. If you're a nail biter, try this; it really works!

The people that I tag (ahem, I mean, honor) are:

1. Elizabeth at Thoughts from an Evil Overlord
2. Kathleen at Focus on Interiors
3. Darlene at Darlene's Days
4. Joy at Joy's Web
5. Betsy at Joyful Reflections
6. Jeanne at Backyard Neighbor

Friday, July 10, 2009

Tulips, Award, & Tag

The Tulip Award

On July 7th, Ita at Something to Share shared this beautiful Tulip Award with her blogging buddies. It comes with a tag. Questions must be answered. I really love tulips, and I don't yet have this award, so here goes!

1. YOUR NICKNAME - Sally. My "real" name is Sara. Sally is the standard nickname for Sara. No one has ever called me Sara. The nickname my father gave me was "Sassy." Johnny calls me "Babe."

2. YOU ARE - a cheerful person who enjoys life and family.

3. YOUR MOST SPECIAL PERSON - Johnny, my husband.

4. YOUR FAVORITE SONG - It Is Well with My Soul especially the third verse:
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

5. YOUR FAVORITE FOOD/DISH - anything sweet ... particularly ice cream.

6. THINGS THAT MAKE YOU STRESS - anything I cannot physically accomplish. As I get older, I am less able to do what I used to do with ease.

7. YOUR FAVOURITE COLOR - blue, but you knew that. I think purple is a close second; actually, purple has blue in it.

8. THINGS THAT YOU MUST HAVE IN YOUR BAG - driver's license, lipstick, tissues, pen, paper, money, credit card.

9. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED - when I read the anniversary card Johnny gave me.

10. TAG SIX OF YOUR FRIENDS - I break rules, so I hereby tag everyone who reads this IF you choose to stop to smell the tulips!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Love, Beach, Tag, and Awards

Suzanne at Colorado Lady is hosting a photography meme for this month, and she's calling it Love on Wednesdays in February.

I have combined this meme with a thanks, a tag, and awards. It fits quite nicely, I think. See if you agree.

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Yesterday I got an answer to my problem of how to get my soap dispenser to pump. Several suggested that I dilute the soap. I've already got it more than half water, so I know that's NOT the solution I needed.

Blondie's Journal said: "Check to see if the plastic thingy is too long. If it is touching the bottom of the dispenser inside, you may not be getting enough air pressure to make it pump."

I cut ½ inch off at an angle, and IT WORKS! WOO HOO! Thanks, Jane!

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Diane from A Picture Is Worth A 1,000 Words tagged me to do a photo Meme. The directions are to look in the 6th folder and post the 6th picture and write about it.

I've done this with the fourth picture, but here's the sixth.

This summer, Johnny and I celebrated our 50th anniversary by renting a large house on Ft. Myers Beach for a week. We invited our children and their families to share it with us. This is a picture of our son, his wife, and their three daughters. What a special time that was! Thanks, Diane, for helping me think on it again.

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Chris at Chris’s Corner shared an award: You Are A Jewel. I love crowns! Thanks for being so generous and sharing, Chris!

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Charlotte at Chrlotte’s Weblog shared the Helping Hand Award.

This pretty red award is meant to encourage and uplift others in the blogging world. Here’s how it works: Select 10 bloggers: 5 you consider your blogging Helping Hand, then “Pay it Forward” by extending your “Helping Hand” to 5 additional new bloggers in support and encouragement for their efforts. Thanks, Charlotte; see how I reinvent these rules below.

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Melissa at Little Things in Life gave the Premios Daro Award to me. The meaning of the award is as follows. “The Dardos Award is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web.” I'm honored and grateful to her.

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Here's the part I like best! If you're on my blogroll, I already you! And, if you regularly visit and leave comments, I would LOVE to present you with one or more of these neat awards! Please tell me in a comment if you'll give me the pleasure of presenting you with one or all of these awards.

What do you think? Did I fit all of this within the meme Love on Wednesdays in February?

BONUS: I posted a review of a good book that I think you'll enjoy. Take a look.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm Tagged to Death!

Carol at Charli and Me has tagged me!

Here are the rules: Answer the following questions. Tag five other bloggers. Let the bloggers know they have been tagged.

1. Name five things in your purse.
  • wallet with some money :-)
  • lipstick and mirror
  • tissues
  • key
  • pen and paper

2. Name five things in your work room. (My work room is my home office.)
  • My beautiful new Mac computer with a 21" screen!
  • Stacks of books
  • Exceptional Teacher Award, 2000
  • "When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade" plaque and family pictures.
  • Telephone, pens, pencils, paper, files

3. Name five things you have always wanted to do.
  • See the Grand Canyon.
  • Take guitar lessons.
  • Learn floral arranging.
  • Speak Spanish fluently. (Yo hablo muy poqito espanol.)
  • ? ? ? -- Sorry, I'm drawing a blank here.

4. Name five things your into.
  • Blogging.
  • Reading.
  • Reviewing.
  • Keeping in touch with family and friends.
  • My faith and my church.

5. Pick five bloggers to do the tag


It seems that all of Blogland is DEMANDING that I play a new tag! I got three tags in one day! Suzanne at Colorado Lady, Heidi Pocketbook at Bargain Hunting in the Corn, and Patty at Pip Stitch tagged me for a "photo tag". The rules of this tag are quick and easy:

1. Go to the the 4th folder where you keep your pictures on your computer.
2. Post the 4th picture in the folder.
3. Explain the photo.
4. Tag 4 fellow bloggers to join in the fun!

I only have one folder because I delete pictures as soon as I've used them in a post. So here is my 4th photo in my only folder.

My husband plays golf every Wednesday morning, and I've talked him into creating a blog to keep a record of his time on the links. He took the camera and shot some pictures for his blog. This is the first hole. Notice the sun has not yet arisen. That's because my early bird husband tees off at 7:00 AM--or as soon as the sun pops up. It would please him if you would visit and leave a comment. Poor fellow is lonely in Blogland.


Judith at Judith on Sunday and Judith’s Quiet Moments has presented me with the Blog Love Award. Isn't this the cutest thing? I learned to type on a typewriter like this. I believe it was a Royal.
Here are the rules:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add the link of the blogger who shared the award with you.
3) Pass this award to bloggers whose blogs you love.
4) Add your link to the list of participants below.
5) Leave a message on the blog of the blogger who passed this award.

Now, this is a simple thing for me to do! If you're on my blogroll, I love you! And I would LOVE to present you with this neat award! Please tell me in a comment if you'll give me the pleasure of awarding you. (It IS more fun to give than to receive!)

(I wish I knew how to make those cute hearts to use instead of the word love. All I can come up with is this one that my granddaughter taught me: <3 Tip your head and you'll see a heart.


Friday, December 26, 2008

Lemons! I Got Lemons!

My philosophy has always been, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." In fact, many years ago, my daughter gave me a little sign with this saying on it; I still have that sign in my office, where I can see it every day. Here's a picture of it for you to see. No, my shelves are not this empty. I did not want to show you mess.

Charlotte at Charlotte’s Weblog gave me a Lemonade award a couple of weeks ago, and it seems to fit me. Look at this cute lemonade stand.

Here are the rules for this Lemonade award:

• Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!

• Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

• Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

• Share the love and link to this post to the person from whom you received your award.

Charlotte also presented me with a Friends Award.
“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find, and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”
I so appreciate Charlotte for these two awards. She has made my day!

Melissa from Little Things in Life tagged me by requesting that I list 7 Weird facts about myself. I've done this before, but since I am so VERY weird, I figure I can easily do it again.

1. My husband says to tell you that I sing LOUDLY whenever I have music on while blogging. (Note: he does not state that I sing on key!)

2. I can still touch the floor with my fingers without bending my knees.

3. I am a night owl; I love Jay Leno. Johnny is an early bird; he wakes at 5:00 AM each morning!

4. I'm married to a sport addict, and I really do not like sports. Therefore, we have two separate TVs. Mine shows interesting things; his is boring.

5. I still wear polyester. You want to hear weird? I like polyester!

6. I love, love, love to have my back rubbed; Johnny is nagged every night to give me a back rub.

7. I should have my first pair of custom made shoes soon. I will take pictures and post about them.

I'm supposed to tag 7 other bloggers and force them to reveal 7 embarrassing weird things about themselves. That plus the ten from Charlotte's Lemonade award and the ten from her Friends award make 27 bloggers. Hey folks, it's time for me to bust outta here. I'm breaking the rules before the rules break me. If you want to do this tag, go to it. If you are a visitor who leaves comments on my blog, I love ya; take an award or two. Have a blast!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ten Things That Begin with "B" & and Awards

Flip Flop Floozie played a letter game, and when I requested a letter from her so that I could play too, she assigned me the letter "B." I have to write about ten things in my life that start with the letter "B."

Then, Robyn at There’s Always Thyme for... tagged me with the Game of Addictions. I need to list five addictions and pass it on to five Bloggers. Andi at Andi's Everyday Adventures gave me a Fabulous award with the same requirement of listing five addictions.

I think I can get creative and combine these three. In fact, I'll top Robyn and Andi's request and make that ten addictions! So, following are ten addictions of mine that begin with the letter "B."

1. Brother- I have one brother--a twin! People often ask if we’re identical, and I tell them, “No. He was born with blue booties, and mine were pink.” Seriously, a boy and a girl can only be fraternal twins. That means we began with two separate eggs and two separate sperms and developed in two separate sacs. Yes, we do look alike; in fact, we look like brother and sister!

2. Babies- I had two: first a girl and then a boy. They call that the "millionaire's family" because you can't wear hand-me-downs; all clothing must be purchased new.

3. Butter- I prefer butter to margarine, and I can tell the difference!

4. Bed- There was a time in my life after spinal surgery when I was forced to remain in bed for over three months! I was so grateful for my love of reading, the telephone, and the television. Back in those days, Regis and I became close friends! (We visited every week day.)

5. Best friend- When I was younger, I loved Johnny, but I had other best friends. Now, I have other friends, but Johnny has become my best friend.

6. Balloons- There's something magical about balloons. They make me happy.

7. Barbecue- I make a good barbecue. Place a pork roast in a crock pot and cook it all day. Shred it, and dump in 1/2 bottle of Kraft's Honey Barbecue Sauce. Serve on soft rolls. Quick, easy, and good.

8. Brownies- I like mine with or without nuts, with or without icing, but without chocolate chips. I prefer Duncan Hines.

9. Burgers- Medium rare, please, with cheddar cheese, ketchup, a touch of mustard, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, pickle, and onion. I especially like the Old Timers Hamburger from Chili's. (The bun is unimportant.) Have you noticed that the last three items are food?

10. Blue- You just knew that with the letter B, I had to use blue since my favorite color is blue and Blue Monday has been so much fun.

If you would like to play the letter meme, just say so when you leave a comment, and I will email you a letter.

Here are five Bloggers I tag to play the Game of Addictions:

1. Charlotte

2. Baba

3. Beverly

4. Barbara

5. Carol

Bridget at My Silly Blog gave me the Butterfly award. She's so busy with decorating, shopping, and blogging that she's lost her mind! I can prove it: she's given me an award, "For the Coolest Blog I Ever Knew." Why, everyone knows that South Florida isn't cold! Humprh! However, I'll play along; I don't want to make her mad. (It is a pretty award.)

Here are the COOL rules:

A. Put the logo on your blog.

B. Add a link to the person who awarded you.

C. Nominate ten other blogs, add links to those blogs, and leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

1. Tassie

2. Diane

3. Melissa

4. Sweetie

5. Dawn

6. Colorade Lady

7. Ann

8. Elizabeth

9. Theresa

10. Diane

Now, I have to run along and tag all of these people!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Topic of Interest Tag

Donna at Shimmymom tagged me with the Topics of Interest Tag. There are no questions, just a list of topics that require you to say what you think about them. When I finish with this one, you'll know everything about me.

I like clothes and often wear them. In fact, I have a closet full. I wear mostly slacks and blouses. That's "shirts" to you youngsters. In MY day, a shirt was worn by a man, and since I'm definitely NOT a man, I still wear blouses.

I like furniture too, and have a house full of it. I have beds, chairs, and tables, and I use them every day. We were young and poor when we first married. We rented a furnished apartment. I bought my furniture a piece at a time, and I bought quality, so I still have it. And, it's still beautiful; traditional/classic does not go out of style. Every now and again, I do reupholster some things. The only furniture that I can see us replacing would be the sofa and chair set in our family room as it gets used the most. It took me eleven years to find the "right" coffee/end tables for that room, so you can understand that I'm not changing them. I will say, though that my favorite daughter-in-law has told me she wants those pieces when I'm finished using them! Now, don't go jumping on her; that's a compliment to me.

Now you're talking! I'm a sweetaholic. My favorite is Baskin Robbins Pralines 'n Cream ice cream. However, I'll enjoy cake, cookies, candy--oh you name it; I'll scarf it down. Funny, but I don't like chocolate (so I'm either not female or not alive.) Brownies are the exception; I do like brownies. Hmm. My loving sweets might just be the reason I'm not thin.

I am a city girl. I was raised in Washington, D.C. and have lived in a big city all my life. I'd go nuts in a small town or in the country. I need the lullaby of jets soaring overhead to fall into a peaceful sleep!

I am a teetotaler; I do not drink any alcohol. My father drank enough for the both of us, and my childhood was difficult because of it. I've heard that 1 oz. of alcohol kills brain cells, and I can't afford to give any away. My favorite drink is Diet Sprite mixed with Ocean Spray Light Cranberry Juice. Yum.

I love music and listen to it often. My favorite type of music is 50's, but I enjoy listening to most any. You ladies have good taste, as far as I'm concerned because whenever I click on your blogs I enjoy what's playing. I'm usually be-bopping around here while I'm trying to read your posts and leave a comment.

I'm addicted to it.
I like Dancing with the Stars, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Survivor, The Amazing Race, and Pushing Daisies. I no longer watch cops and robber shows.

I enjoy going to the movies, but I'm picky as to how I spend my time and money. Generally, I will not go to R-rated movies. Johnny likes action films--the kinds with cars flipping over. I prefer romantic comedies. We take turns tolerating the other's preferences. We've tried both Net Flix and Blockbusters, but ran out of films we wanted to view. I own no DVDs. I don't understand wanting to see something more than once. (I don't reread books either.)

I have two cups each morning with Creamora and Sweet 'n Low. If I drink any after noon, I don't sleep well. When I was younger, I drank the stuff whenever.

If you haven't done this one yet, you're tagged!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Tag from Dawn

Dawn from Dawn's Daybreak is a faithful blogging friend who teaches kindergarten. What a lucky group of children to have her for a teacher! Dawn tagged me with a book meme. I've actually done this before on my book blog, but I'm game to share again. The rules are:

1. Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

2. Share seven random and/or weird book facts about yourself.

3. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.

4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

My seven random book facts:

1. I got my first library card when I was five years old, after signing my name in cursive.

2. While in high school, I got in trouble when my mother caught me reading Peyton Place.

3. I’ve read all of Ernest Hemingway’s novels without like any of them.

4. I’ve read most of Ernest Hemingway’s short stories and loved almost all of them.

5. I served as a library aide when I was in junior high school.

6. As an adult, I worked as a Library Clerk in a public high school.

7. I established a church library from scratch, using the Dewey Decimal System and card catalog and grew the collection to over 1,000 volumes.

The seven fortunate people I choose to do this are:

Cathy at Melodies and Hymnsongs

Jeanne at Backyard Neighbor

Diane at A Picture Is Worth...

Chris at Chris's Corner

Squawmama at Our Adventures with Tassie

Shelia at Note Songs

Carol at Charli and Me

After you leave a comment, take a look at my sidebar. There are two make-up books I'm giving away.  If you win one and don't need it because you're so gorgeous, maybe you'll have another Christmas present to regift!