
Monday, June 29, 2009


I want to acknowledge my 100 follower:


100 :That's more than I ever anticipated. How did it happen? What makes people jump in and follow you?
Now, you'd think I'm the only one out there surprised. I bet those of you with two-three-eight hundred followers are just smiling.

To my followers: thank you for adding your name and face to this blog. I hear from you now and then, sometimes never. I try to follow you also. We meet in places frequented by mutual friends. We begin to exchange comments, leave tokens for each other, begin to recognize patterns. Soon, we could finish each other's sentences.

Thank you for reading my thoughts, leaving me thoughts, sharing your lives with me. I wish you success in what you are pursuing at the moment.

We are all pilgrims here, making our way through brambles and clumps and tall grass that could hide dangers and disappointments. Some of us will retreat, too old, too tired to go forward. Some of us will scratch our way through. We will encourage others and show by our example that the road can be forged by anyone. It takes courage to share. It takes stamina and grit to continue doing something if nobody else cares about it.

So, for caring, for following, for leaving comments, these awards are yours to take, one and all.