Do you find pictures of yourself you don't remember anything about?
This is me, or a woman with the same stride, hair color, size and general build.
It must have been taken a few years back, when Brian was still alive. The clue is my son's dog, Butters, behind me, stopping to sniff another dog. My son must have taken this picture with his phone, when I wasn't watching, his object to chronicle Butters's better pursuits.
Butters was just a year old or so.
(I found this photo as I perused the downloads from his phone after his death.)
I can tell you that we walked, Brian and I, all through his neighborhood, and with his dog. I remember attempting to hold on to her leash with determination because she had a habit of grabbing the leash and playing tug with me. It was not a game I enjoyed with such a strong young dog. My son, on the other hand, enjoyed his dog's strength, agility, playfulness.
I worried out loud about this habit. He reassured me that he had all under control.
Grown up children don't know everything, I thought.