Dear White House,
You asked what makes Port Orford special. You can walk these beaches and marvel at the sights. You'll pinch yourself for finding such beauty as you spot a whale spout in the distance, or a surf rider at the edge of the sand. You won't ever tire of these walks.
Later, you'll stop at our eateries and order fish, or local game. Yes, the food is fresh, the water is fresh, the air is the freshest, and the chefs will surprise you with their magic.
Don't forget to visit our galleries and studios. Award-winning writers, filmmakers, glass artists, potters, painters, musicians, people working with iron, scrimshaw, textile, living secluded lives unless they teach a class or get together to raise funds for the local library or pantry.
We have the bare necessities here, in case you want to spend a week or two to feel totally at peace with natural forces.
As winds howl and bluster, and rivers overflow their banks, we sit at our windows and watch Pacific storms bring rain to the Northwest. All this green around us is the result of all that rain! When people visit in winter, decked with rain gear and sturdy shoes, they will enjoy storm parties with neighbors and visitors alike.
Storms have forged a deep bond among the residents. Lewis and Clark were stumped during their first winter on the Pacific at Cape Disappointment. They voted, including Sacajawea and York in that vote, to spend their winter at Fort Clatsop by Astoria. They needed help from the native population to stay alive.
It is this frontier spirit that has kept the Far West vigorous and strong.