How do you travel? Do you plan ahead, reserve all your lodging, rest breaks, outings?
Or, do you just go?
Hubby and I do both.
But, we have been most amazed and surprised and enchanted when something we had not planned just popped up in front of us and stopped us cold.
Small towns don't have the budget to advertise in advance, to put ads in glossy brochures. They rely on word of mouth, casual acquaintances dropping in on their way to something else, and because they get this wow feeling, they might put the event on their future calendars.
Go on, get in the car and visit places on the way to something else.
The detour will enrich your days.
(This weekend, Port Orford is sponsoring a Wildlife Film Festival. Yes, a whole day of documentaries and short films dedicated to wildlife. Award winning directors and cinematographers will be available for photo ops and to autograph programs. I shall report on this on my next entry,)