Tessa from An Aerial Armadillo has tagged me for this Meme of the Moment.
1. What is your current obsession?
Staying healthy, getting back the use of my arm which became waylaid during a bout of bursitis.
2.Which item of clothing do you wear often?
Rain gear, followed by sturdy shoes and wind/chill repellents. I do "dress up" when I chair the local Board of Education. That's when I bring out my business suits, and my dressy shoes. You wouldn't recognize me.
3.What's for dinner?
We are on our third week of re portioning and recalibrating our food, since hubby has been declared diabetic and our diet must change or else. I cook by impulse, making something with whatever is available, but I do stock a big freezer and a walk-in pantry. For tonight's dinner we'll be having roasted citrus halibut with wilted greens from the garden and a fruit/ricotta compote for dessert. The halibut will have been just a few hours off the Pacific. Our fishing fleet sometimes has extra fish they sell locally. The rest is sold live, yes LIVE, to restaurants.
4.What are you listening to?
I'm a blues/jazz lover. I just put Ella Fitzgerald on. My daughter and her husband are in the music business. For Christmas, I used to ask for collections, and they would make it happen for me, selecting and mixing in their studio. Of course, I listen to their own group, The Comforters, in live concert situations as often as I can. ( check them out at http://www.feelthecomforters.com/)
5.Say something to the one that tagged you.
Tessa, I'm honored for this activity, and I'm pleased to know you and the blog mates you and I have encountered. I met you through Angela, I think. I admire your spirit, your taste, and the enchanting power of your storytelling. Thank you for your interest in my life.
6.Favorite vacation spot?
Venice. It has mystique, history, intrigue, art, architecture, music and fashion to dazzle the eyes and the soul. It is truly a one of a kind spot on earth.
7. What I'm reading right now?
Anne Michaels, Fugitive Pieces; and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. A Life in The 20th Century. I tend to have a fiction, and a non fiction by my bedside.
8. Four words to describe myself.
Curious, adventurous, caring, stubborn.
9.Guilty pleasure.
I'm dreaming of owning a sport car. In the meantime, I scour adv. pages, looking for such a deal. My ideal: a 450 SL Mercedes convertible, red, hardtop and soft top.
10. First Spring thing?
Working in the garden that is not soaked. This week we got the tiller out and work done to prepare our vegetable garden.
11. (This is question I've reworked) What do you look forward to?
I have been writing memoir pieces. My wish is to get something ready for publication, and see something in print before I die. I know people in their eighties busy with their writing, too. I hope not to get discouraged by the lovely competition.
Now it's my turn to tag 8 others to do the same; respond to the questions,rework those you need to rework, replace, add, and tag 8 others.
Lola-from Aglioolioepeperoncino
Thanks again, Tessa, for this opportunity.