
Showing posts with label graduations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graduations. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

We Graduate Every Day.

I have never felt more grounded as I feel now.
Golden days arrive as small surprises rather than big storms, in a grandchild's ebullient smile, in the play of shadows and colors I notice often as I am able to take a leisurely walk in the front yard, in the admiration I feel for the gift my granddaughter has been. My own children receiving gifts, and giving gifts.

These moments are both temporary and long in coming.
They are surprises and hopes anticipated for a lifetime.
And unlike big events like graduations and weddings, they may be forgotten tomorrow.
Yet, these are the moments that truly grace our human soul; these are the moments that tell us how beautiful and rich our lives are.

And we appreciate them simply because we see the end of our path approaching, a milestone that will be our last one.

We think of graduations as stepping off one stage and climbing up on another, all the while full of hope, cussedness, confidence. Each moment in the limelight feels like something we are entitled to, the fanfare, the adulation, the perfect rhythm of life just aligned for our pleasure. We hardly know anything about the stage we leave behind before entering another.

Life is full of mileposts, first graduation, first love, first marriage, first job, first child, first illness, first loss....

Each milepost allows us a day in the sun when the concert goes off without a hitch; when sights and sound, weather and transportation, food and entertainment all are delivered with a masterful hand as augury for an occasion everyone looks forward to.

Never do we think that  mileposts were also mothers' and fathers' and teachers' mileposts. They took all the right steps, paid all the costs, smoothed all the paths so these mileposts became full celebrations for us.

As I enjoy the smiles and giggles of a new grandchild, the beauty and talent of a graduating granddaughter, the gift of family, at these moments, aware of the intricacies of connections and experiences, I'm appreciative of all the gifts I have been bestowed in my lifetime.