Showing posts with label mini quilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mini quilt. Show all posts

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Wannabe Feathers {Modern Mini Quilt Challenge}

I was actually thinking how to start this post. I wanted to say 'Hello!' to all the new readers who are visiting from Ellison Lane's blog, but also to all who already follow and read my blog regularly. So... I'd just say that I'm happy that you decided to drop by today to see what's new :)

When I first saw the info about this edition of Mini Quilt Challenge on Ellison's blog, for the moment I thought that I will not sew anything new, just add some previously made mini. I didn't have any good idea then, and to be honest, I didn't sew for quite a long time. What I haven't realise, was how long it has been since I've made a 'whole' project - quilted and bound. The last was the Dreamcatcher wallhanging and it was at the beginning of March. Initially, I thought to present it as a part of a challenge, but unfortunately it is too big, so I had two choices left - not to participate at all or to sew something new. 
I guess a challenge should be challenging ;) After some hours of thinking and two more spent on choosing fabrics I started to sew. The mini measures 24" x 20" and I named it 'Wannabe Feathers' (well... the quilting was suppose to look like feathers ;) :

Nareszcie cos nowego :) Az sie sama przerazilam jak zobaczylam ile czasu uplynelo od mojego ostatniego skonczonego projektu (ostatni wypikowany i z lamowka byl Lapacz Snow, a to bylo na poczatku marca). Gdy zobaczylam pierwsza wzmianke o tegorocznym konkursie Ellison Lane myslalam, ze dodam po prostu jakis mini quilt, ktory juz wczesniej uszylam. Nie mialam pomyslu na nic nowego, a do maszyny nie zasiadalam od dosc dlugiego czasu. Niestety, ostatni mini jaki uszylam to byl wlasnie Lapacz, ktory jest za duzy, zeby wziac udzial w konkursie. Zostaly mi wiec tylko dwa wyjscia - albo nie szyc nic i nie brac udzialu w konkursie albo uszyc cos nowego.
Postanowilam chwycic byka za rogi i zmusic szare komorki do pracy ;) Kilka godzin myslenia, ze dwie godziny wybierania materialow i zaczelo sie szycie. W sumie przy maszynie siedzialam 3 dni (najdluzej wczoraj) i oto jest moj mini:

As I had a camera on my sewing table I made some WIP shots:

Akurat mialam aparat w pokoju, w ktorym szyje, wiec cyknelam kilka fotek podczas szycia:

Thank you again for visiting and I hope you liked what you saw ;)
Dobrze wrocic do szycia po dlugiej przerwie :)

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Dreamcatcher mini quilt finished

I finished it at the end of the last week. Now it will hang in my sewing room...
I quilted it simply, with black thread on the background and variegated green thread on leaves. I didn't want to mess with the dreamcatcher's design as I think that design should be the main focus of this mini, not quilting; you have to look in the right angle to see the quilting on background at all:

Lapacz snow skonczony. Teraz pozostaje mu tylko wiszenie w moim szyciowym pokoju... Pikowalam prosto, czarna nitka w tle, zielona na piorach, zeby nie odciagac wzroku od samego lapacza, bo to w koncu on ma byc w centrum uwagi, nie pikowanie :)  Zeby w ogole zobaczyc pikowanie w tle, trzeba spojrzec pod odpowiednim katem:

Some micro stippling with variegated green thread for the corner patterns:

Wzory w rogach wypikowalam cieniowana zielona nitka:

and a bit of quilting play with the feathers:

I pobawilam sie troche z pikowaniem pior:

I'm completely out of such shades of green fabric. I even had problems to find some piece which would fit as binding. Finished mini measures 15" x 30":

Zuzylam wszelkie zapasy tego odcienia zielonego. Mialam nawet problem, zeby znalezc cos choc troche pasujacego na lamowke. Skonczony mini mierzy 38 cm x 76 cm.

Linking to:
2013 Emerald Quilt Challenge

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Prism Star mini quilt

Last UFO which I finish this week (last days were really busy sewing and now I have to finally clean the room from all the fabrics). 

Not long time ago while writing emails with Julianna from Sewing Under Rainbow I wrote her, that I will not sew another mini quilt... I wouldn't have a place to hang it anywere and actually I have absolutely no use for it (except for the pleasure of creating it). But I had to sew this one, seems like. The colour wheel, or star (using modified dresden templates). I designed PP pattern and used Kona cotton charm squares which I had left (don't ask me which colours I used as I have absolutely no idea; I had all charm packs available mixed together and some squares were already used for another projects). 

Ostatni uszytek w tym tygodniu. Dokonczylam rzeczy, ktore czekaly na skonczenie i teraz zostalo mi posprzatanie pokoju, ktory wrecz tonie pod nawalem materialow porozrzucanych dookola ;)

Jeszcze nie tak dawno temu, podczas pisania maili z Julianna z Sewing Under Rainbow napisalam jej, ze juz nie uszyje zadnego mini quiltu... Bo nie mam miejsca, zeby go powiesic i tak naprawde, to nie mam zadnego pozytku z takich mini quiltow (poza przyjemnoscia uszycia). Ale widac ten musialm uszyc... 
Rozrysowalam wzor PP, wyszukalam kolorow z charm pack'ow Kony cotton (nie bylo latwo wybrac po siedem odcieni z kazdego koloru, zwlaszcza, ze nie mialam wszystkich kolorow Kony, bo czesc kwadratow zuzylam do innych projektow; nie wiem dokladnie z jakich charm pack'ow sa materialy uzyte w tym mini quilcie, bo mam kilka pomieszanych ze soba) i tak powstal mini:

I used hand writing prints from Etchings collection for pieces of background. Cream one on the warm part of the circle (where yellows, oranges and reds are) and grey one on the cool part of the circle (with blues and violets). I also combined different pieces of fabrics for binding. I used variegated Aurifil thread to quilt the mini:

Do uszycia tla uzylam materialw z kolekcji Etchings z nadrukiem recznego pisma. Po cieplej stronie kola (tam, gdzie sa zolcienie, pomarancze i czerwienie) uzylam materialu z bezowymi napisami, a po chlodnej stronie (niebieskosci i fiolety) - z grafitowymi. Lamowke uszylam z kawalkow kolorowych tkanin, a calosc przepikowalam cieniowana nicia Aurifil:

Submitting to:

Sunday, 4 March 2012

'Around the world' - a modern circles MQ

My entry for the Modern Mini Challange:

Modern Mini Challenge  

'Around the world'. Started it yesterday and finished today. Same pattern as I made on solid circles pillow, but this time I used fabrics with prints (tute for sewing circles and some templates will follow soon; I just have some problems with managing my time lately):

EDIT: templates are available HERE.

Friday, 6 January 2012

'Koi Pond' wall hanging

I had those photos ready for some time now, just didn't find the right moment to post. This is the purpose of making the fabric water liles - koi pond wall hanging. I made koi PP pattern and wanted to add some 3D details. I wanted it to look like there would be a real fish under the water and some liles floating on the surface. I added one lily leaf (it's attached only in one place and free motion quilted).
I'm finishing writing the pattern for the MQ (both liles and koi). It should be ready sometime next week.

Zdjecia juz mialam zrobione dawno temu, tylko jakos nie mialam sie kiedy zebrac, zeby napisac post. To wlasnie dlatego robilam lile z materialu. Oto mini quilt z karpiem koi. Nie wiem, czemu akurat koi, tak mnie kiedys naszlo (z regoly moje pomysly to takie 'nachodzenia', bez jakiegos konkretnego powodu). Chcialam, zeby ryba wygladala jakby faktycznie plywala w wodzie, a lilie jak lilie, plywaly po powierzchni. Dodalam jeden lisc, zeby zlamac troche monotonie obrazka (tez jest przestrzenny, przyszyty tylko w jednym miejscu).Jeszcze mysle nad tym, czy napisze wzor do quiltu czy tutek, tak czy siak, cos w nastepnym tygodniu sie pokaze:

I quilted koi with a golden thread:

Karpia przepikowalam zlota nitka (taka tam, duza zlota rybka): 

Sunday, 18 September 2011

'Jar shelf' MQ and a free PP pattern

I made it some time ago. A mini quilt for my kitchen. 

First draft of the pattern was already made ages ago (the idea came from a honey jar) but I didn't have time to sit and sew something out of it. I was atracted by the idea od the jars on the shelves, so I've sewn nine jars in rainbow colours and placed them on three shelves. I aded little satin bows to each jar (except the dark grey one, this one has a button; reason for it is simple - I don't have dark grey satin ribbon :) ) and hand stitched around each jar with different embroidery threads.

Mini quilt do kuchni. Wzor mialam juz przygotowany wieki temu (inspiracja byl sloik z miodem z jakiegos zdjecia). Kazdy sloik ma mala satynowa kokardke pod zakretka (tylko ciemny siwy sloik nie ma kokardki, tylko guziczek; powod jest najprostszy z mozliwych - nie mialam ciemnej siwej tasiemki). Kazdy sloik jest recznie przepikowany dookola kolorowa mulina. 

You can downlowad the free pdf file with the jar pattern HERE.
I also uploaded it on google docs HERE

[sorry for the previous link which needed login on scribd web. I changed the link now - should work fine]

Darmowy wzor w formacie pdf mozna sciagnac TUTAJ.
Plik jest tez dostepny przez Google docs TUTAJ

[przepraszam za poprzedni link - wymagane bylo zalogowanie na stronie scribd, zeby sciagnac plik; zmienilam strone, teraz powinno dzialac bez problemu]

(the pattern slightly changes in the upper part from the jars on the pictures ; I corrected it after sewing this mini quilt).

The jar pattern is perfect for the kitchen items - MQ, potholders, coasters, tea towels, etc. I would love to see what you have created using this pattern - if you will have any photos you can email them to me, or link to your post in a comment or upload them to my flickr group pool.

Wzor rozni sie odrobine od sloikow pokazanych na zdjeciach (po uszyciu tego quiltu poprawilam go troche w gornej czesci). Z jego uzyciem mozna uszyc rozmaite kuchenne drobiazgi - mini quilty, podkladki, lapki, etc. Bardzo bym chciala zobaczyc rzeczy uszyte z wykorzystaniem tego wzoru (jesli sie na uszycie czegos zdecydujecie) - bede wdzieczna za zdjecia albo link do postu na blogu.

Friday, 16 September 2011

FTLOS MQ received

The titles looks like some kind of a code, LOL. 

I received today two packages. One with a wonderful mini quilt and a zipped purse from For the Love of Solids flickr swap. MQ was one of my favourites in the swap. Love the grey shades and that red square. It was made by Claudia from 'Machen und tun' blog. Thank you Claudia!

And long awaited (very long) fabric from Hawthorne Threads:

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Star rainbow quilt

I just cleaned my PC and found out a folder with photos which I supposed to show you long time ago... seems like I forgot about it. 

I made this quilt for a flickr swap about two moths ago (I guess). It was my first attempt to hand sew diamonds (until now I only sew hexies on a paper foundation). There is a great web where you can generate the templates for triangles/diamonds and so on, but I forgot the name and now I can't find the link any more. If somebody knows/remembers I would be grateful for the info :)

EDIT: Thank you Beezus, that's what I was looking for. HERE is the web.

The back:


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