I was actually thinking how to start this post. I wanted to say 'Hello!' to all the new readers who are visiting from Ellison Lane's blog, but also to all who already follow and read my blog regularly. So... I'd just say that I'm happy that you decided to drop by today to see what's new :)
When I first saw the info about this edition of Mini Quilt Challenge on Ellison's blog, for the moment I thought that I will not sew anything new, just add some previously made mini. I didn't have any good idea then, and to be honest, I didn't sew for quite a long time. What I haven't realise, was how long it has been since I've made a 'whole' project - quilted and bound. The last was the Dreamcatcher wallhanging and it was at the beginning of March. Initially, I thought to present it as a part of a challenge, but unfortunately it is too big, so I had two choices left - not to participate at all or to sew something new.
I guess a challenge should be challenging ;) After some hours of thinking and two more spent on choosing fabrics I started to sew. The mini measures 24" x 20" and I named it 'Wannabe Feathers' (well... the quilting was suppose to look like feathers ;) :
Nareszcie cos nowego :) Az sie sama przerazilam jak zobaczylam ile czasu uplynelo od mojego ostatniego skonczonego projektu (ostatni wypikowany i z lamowka byl Lapacz Snow, a to bylo na poczatku marca). Gdy zobaczylam pierwsza wzmianke o tegorocznym konkursie Ellison Lane myslalam, ze dodam po prostu jakis mini quilt, ktory juz wczesniej uszylam. Nie mialam pomyslu na nic nowego, a do maszyny nie zasiadalam od dosc dlugiego czasu. Niestety, ostatni mini jaki uszylam to byl wlasnie Lapacz, ktory jest za duzy, zeby wziac udzial w konkursie. Zostaly mi wiec tylko dwa wyjscia - albo nie szyc nic i nie brac udzialu w konkursie albo uszyc cos nowego.
Postanowilam chwycic byka za rogi i zmusic szare komorki do pracy ;) Kilka godzin myslenia, ze dwie godziny wybierania materialow i zaczelo sie szycie. W sumie przy maszynie siedzialam 3 dni (najdluzej wczoraj) i oto jest moj mini:
As I had a camera on my sewing table I made some WIP shots:
Akurat mialam aparat w pokoju, w ktorym szyje, wiec cyknelam kilka fotek podczas szycia:
Dobrze wrocic do szycia po dlugiej przerwie :)