Showing posts with label Forest QAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forest QAL. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Forest QAL contest winners!

I just received the email from our guest judge, Eleanor Grosch with the list of 3 winners of the Forest QAL contest. I was amazed by all the wonderful quilts which were submitted and I have no doubts that the judge had some difficult job to do, picking the top 3. Congratulations to all (and expect emails from me soon):

Sa juz wyniki konkursu Lesnego QALu! Wlasnie otrzymalam maila od jurorki Eleanor Grosch, ktora wytypowala 3 pierwsze miejsca (napisala tez male wytlumaczenie, czemu akurat te a nie inne prace wybrala). My u Julka wybralysmy zwyciezce na najlepszy uklad quiltu a Pan Random pomogl wybrac dodatkowe 3 nagrody. Serdeczne wszystkim gratuluje (maile powysylam jak wroce z pracy)!

#1 Grand Winner - Teje @ Nero's Post and Patch with her quilt 'Fantasy Forest'

Eleanor Grosch wrote: 'This one was my favorite overall because it broke out of the expected grid structure.  I love the creative use of space and color and the reference to the web of life.  The fabric choices are also really lovely and tonal.'

- $50 Fat Quarter Shop gift certificate
- $40 Marmalade Fabrics gift certificate
- $20 Pink Chalk Fabrics gift certificate
- 5 Kona cotton FQs from Szmatka Latka 

#2 place - Sarah @ {no} hats in the house with her quilt 'once upon a time... {in a forest}'

Eleanor Grosch wrote: 'The paleness of the quilt initially stood out as a detriment among so many colorful entries, but it has a lovely quiet beauty to it that allows me to see it as a whole first and then look closer.  Though it relies on the grid structure heavily, the muted tones let me see the abstractions used.'

- $50 Fat Quarter Shop gift certificate 
- $20 Pink Chalk Fabrics gift certificate
- 3 FQs from Flights of Fancy collection from Szmatka Latka

#3 place - Xementyna @ Robotkowy Kacik Doris with her 'Woodpecker tote'

Eleanor Grosch wrote: 'I love this sweet quilted tote bag design. The forest theme is carried out well throughout and the stitching looks really expert.  This one was hard to ignore as a quality item!  I love the clever and accurate use of texture and color in the fabric choices.'

- $50 Fat Quarter Shop gift certificate 
- $20 Pink Chalk Fabrics gift certificate
- Fiskars scissors from Szmatka Latka

# Best Quilt Layout (chosen by me and Julianna) - Kerry @ PennyDog
- $40 Marmalade Fabrics gift certificate
- $20 Pink Chalk Fabrics gift certificate
- set of Ariadna threads from Szmatka Latka 

3 random prizes (10% off coupons to Szmatka Latka and my PP pattern of your choice) go to:

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Forest QAL linky closed

I would like to thank all who participated in QAL, who were sewing with us and those who submitted all the amazing quilts to the contest.
Now it's time to show all the quilts to the judge and as soon as I will know the results I will let you know.

Wczoraj minal termin dodawania prac na konkurs z blokami Lesnego QALu. Chcialam serdecznie podziekowac wszystkim, ktorzy sie do nas przylaczyli, ktorzy szyli razem z nami (i nie poddali sie, choc niektore bloki byly naprawde trudne) i tym, ktorzy zglosili swoje prace do konkursu. Teraz czas na przeslanie prac do oceny naszej jurorce.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Link your Forest QAL contest entries!

Finally the time has come! After weeks of sharing PP designs with you it's time for you to show us your finished projects :)

Wreszcie nadszedl czas na konkurs! Przez kilka ostatnich tygodni dzielilysmy sie z wami projektami na bloki PP. Teraz wasza kolej, zeby pokazac, co uszylyscie z blokami z Forest QALu :)

* write a new post with at least one photo of your project and link back to Forest QAL (you can use link or a button - button HTML is on the right sidebar of my blog). Link the specific url to your post (not the general to the whole blog/website). You can also link photos from you Flickr stream.

* you have until Saturday 31.08.2013 (12:00 CEST) to link your project.

* the project has to be finished (quilted, bound, or any other kind of finish you planned; it cannot be just a block with raw edges or just a quilt top). Size of the project doesn't matter (it can be a pillow, a mini or a big quilt)

* you have to use at least one of 12 Forest QAL blocks (or as many as you wish, you can also combine other blocks within your design, but Forest QAL block(s) have to be there)

* only one entry per person 

Zasady konkursu:
* napisz nowy post na blogu z co najmniej 1 zdjeciem gotowego projektu. Zamiesc w poscie link do Forest QALu (link lub button - kod HTML jest w pasku bocznym mojego bloga). Zalinkuj url tego konkretnego posta, nie calego bloga. Zdjecia mozna tez linkowac z Flickr'a (dla tych, dla tych, ktorzy bloga nie maja)
* linky bedzie otwarty do soboty 31.08.2013 (12:00)
* zalinkowany projekt musi byc skonczony (przepikowany, z lamowka, jakkolwiek planujecie wykonczyc to, co szyjecie; nie moze to byc zdjecie samego uszytego bloku PP czy np. tylko gory quiltu). Wielkosc projektu nie ma znaczenia (to moze byc mini quilt, poduszka lub duzy quilt)
* w projekcie trzeba uzyc co najmniej 1 bloku z 12 prezentowanych podczas Lesnego QALu (mozecie uzyc ilu chcecie, mozecie tez dodac do projektu inne bloki) 
* jeden projekt na osobe

Ponizej nagrody. Miejsca 1-3 wybrane beda przez Eleanor Grosch, ja i Julianna wybierzemy najlepszy projekt quiltu (jesli takie zostana zgloszone), dodatkowo, nagrodzone zostana 3 losowo wybrane projekty.

Judges and prizes:

#1 Judge - Eleanor Grosch. 
- $50 Fat Quarter Shop gift certificate
- $40 Marmalade Fabrics gift certificate
- $20 Pink Chalk Fabrics gift certificate
- 5 Kona cotton FQs from Szmatka Latka 

#2 Judge - Eleanor Grosch 
- $50 Fat Quarter Shop gift certificate 
- $20 Pink Chalk Fabrics gift certificate
- 3 FQs from Flights of Fancy collection from Szmatka Latka

#3 Judge - Eleanor Grosch
- $50 Fat Quarter Shop gift certificate 
- $20 Pink Chalk Fabrics gift certificate
- Fiskars scissors from Szmatka Latka 

Best quilt layout (if there are suitable entries) - me and Julianna @ Sewing Under Rainbow
- $40 Marmalade Fabrics gift certificate
- $20 Pink Chalk Fabrics gift certificate
- set of Ariadna threads from Szmatka Latka

3x random prizes (chosem from all linked entries) 
- 10% off coupons to Szmatka Latka
- my PP pattern of your choice 

Monday, 3 June 2013

Trillium {Forest QAL}

Dzis ostatni block w Lesnym QALu. Tutorial i wzor znajduja sie na blogu Teri.

Remember, that next week the linky for the contest starts!
Pamietajcie, ze od nastepnego poniedzialku bedzie mozna zglaszac swoje prace na konkurs (szczegolowe informacje jeszcze w tym tygodniu). 

Don't forget to show us your block in Forest QAL Flickr group!
Nie zapomnijcie pokazac swoich blokow w naszej Flickr'owej grupie

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Pine Marten {Forest QAL}

Sorry for the delay with the next Forest QAL block. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to finish sewing my block. I will edit the post and add the photos when I'm done.

Przyznam sie, ze pomylilam daty i zapomnialam, ze to moja kolej. Bloku jeszcze nie skonczylam szyc i wyedytuje post, jak juz bede miala gotowy. To juz ostatni blok mojego autorstwa w Lesnym QALu. Za tydzien jest kolej Teri, a potem juz tylko linky i konkurs. Jak ten czas szybko leci... 
Jako moje ostatnie zwierze wybralam kune lesna. Kuna lesna (tumak; fot. ponizej) jest bardzo podobna do kuny domowej (kamionki), z tym, ze lesna ma jedna zoltawa plame na piersi:

That's my last block for Forest QAL. Next week it's Teri's turn and then we are done and the linky will start. My, how fast the time runs. For my last animal I chose pine marten (European pine marten, Martes martes). There are two very similar marten species - pine marten and stone marten. Pine marten has yellowish marking only on the chest:

and stone marten white marking on the chest and paws. I had more to do in my life with stone marten. I raised one from a pup :) and I have to say that it was the most amazing animal I've ever worked with. Those weeks until he grew up were really special (later he was released in his natural habitat). Martens are amazingly inteligent, charming and playful animals (below are my old scanned photos):

a kuna domowa ma biala plame na piersi, ktora rozwidla sie na gorna czesc lap. Ja mialam podczas pracy w ZOO wiecej do czynienia z kuna domowa (wychowalam jedna od maluszka; to moje stare zeskanowane zdjecia; po odchowaniu zostala nauczona jak zyc na wolnosci i wypuszczona). Kuny to niesamowite zwierzeta. Inteligentne, lubiace sie bawic, przepiekne, zwinne... Kunun (bo tak mial na imie) byl najcudowniejszym zwierzeciem, z jakim kiedykolwiek mialam do czynienia:

And for you I have a pine marten block:
A do quiltowego lasu dolaczy kuna lesna:

*you can download it from GoogleDocs or Craftsy for free*
*blok mozecie sciagnac z GoogleDocs lub Craftsy za darmo*

Block measures 12" x 12" finished: 
Blok ma 30 cm x 30cm:

* here is the mirrored image of the block:
 * tu jest lustrzane odbicie bloku:

*Important!* The templates in pdf are mirrored, so to get the correct direction in the block (marten facing left), you have to sew with printed-side of the paper up and the fabric is on the non-printed side of the paper, with the wrong side of the fabric facing the paper.
*Wazne!* Zeby otrzymac dokladnie taki blok jak pokazalam na pierwszym obrazku (kuna zwrocona w lewa strone), musicie szyc strona zadrukowana do gory, a material ma znajdowac sie pod spodem, lewa strona zwrocony do papieru. 

And a blank picture for those who want to play with colours before sewing:
Tutaj obrazek bez kolorow, zebyscie mogli wyprobowac zestawienia kolorystyczne zanim zaczniecie szyc:

* assembling parts:
* kolejnosc zszywania elementow bloku:

Don't forget to show us your block in Forest QAL Flickr group!
Nie zapomnijcie pokazac swoich blokow w naszej Flickr'owej grupie

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Forest QAL update

Look at those fabulous blocks! This is just a part of what you can find in Forest QAL Flickr group.Thank you all for joining us in sewing, and remember that you can join us whenever you want :)

Mala aktualizacja naszego Lesnego QALu. Popatrzcie tylko na te sliczne bloki, ktore zostaly uszyte przez osoby szyjace razem z nami (dla tych, ktorzy nie szyli, a chcieliby - mozecie do nas dolaczyc kiedy tylko chcecie)! Pokazane tu bloki to tylko namiastka tego, co znajdziecie we Flickr'owej grupie Forest QALu.

1. Woodpecker (Forest QAL), 2. Forest QAL, 3. ForestQAL_woodpecker, 4. Woody Woodpecker, 5. feathers FOREST QAL block 2, 6. ForestQAL_feathers, 7. Feathers (Forest QAL), 8. March 2013 - Forest QAL Block 2, 9. Forest QAL Block 3 Aspen Grove, 10. Block 3- Aspen Grove, 11. March 2013 - Forest QAL block 3, 12. ForestQAL_aspen grove, 13. Maple fox, 14. Maple Fox, 15. Katrins Maple Fox, 16. lisek PP panel, 17. My "Eurasian Jay" #forestqal block, disguised / modified as a Western Tanager. I think this is my favorite one so far!, 18. April 2013 - Forest QAL block 5, 19. Blue Jay, 20. Eurasian Jay, Forest QAL, 21. roaring deer, 22. April 2013 - Forest QAL block 6, 23. Deer / elk #forestqal block. This would be my husband's favorite block :-)., 24. elk, 25. Forest QAL - slow coming spring, 26. Leberblümchen, 27. 001, 28. Slow coming Spring

I want to remind you about the linky party (for the contest), which will be open on my blog from 10.06.2013 till 31.08.2013. All you need to do is to sew something (only finished projects will count) using one or more blocks from Forest QAL and the guest judge Eleanor Grosch will choose the winners. More details about the contest rules you can find in THIS post.   

Chcialam wam tez przypomniec o konkursie, ktory rozpocznie sie linky party trwajacym od 10.06.2013 do 31.08.2013 a potem wyborem zwyciezcow przez Eleanor Grosch. Do konkursu mozna zglosic cos uszytego (wazne tylko, aby to byl skonczony projekt) z uzyciem przynajmniej jednego bloku z Forest QALu. Wiecej informacji o konkursie i zasadach znajdziecie w TYM poscie.   
Oczywiscie nie byloby konkursu bez nagrod, a nagrod bez sponsorow - Marmalade Fabrics, Pink Chalk Fabrics and Fat Quarter Shop! Jesli ktos jeszcze chcialby dolaczyc do grona sponsorow w Forest QAL, to bedzie nam bardzo milo :)

Of course the contest would not take place without our wonderful sponsors. 

*If there is someone our there who would also like to sponsor Forest QAL's prizes, just let us know :) That would be great!*


*I'm away for holidays till 22.05. It might be that I'll not have the internet connection there. If you will have any questions about Forest QAL, please contact Julianna @ Sewing Under Rainbow. *

*maly P.S. Wybywam na wakacje do 22.05 i moze sie zdarzyc, ze nie bede miala internetu. Jesli bedziecie mialy/mieli jakies pytania dotyczace Forest QALu, kontaktujcie sie prosze z  Julianna @ Sewing Under Rainbow*

Monday, 6 May 2013

Red Panda {Forest QAL}

Today we have quite an exoctic accent in our Forest QAL. Red Panda block designed by Amy (there is also a great post with lots of cute photos :) 

Dzisiaj dosc nietypowy akcent w Lesnym QALu - Panda mala (zwana tez Firefox'em).
Co prawda Panda mala w naszych lasach nie wystepuje (mozna ja spotkac w poludniowo-wschodniej Azji) ale w koncu nikt nie powiedzial, ze Lesny QAL to tylko europejskie lesne zwierzeta :) Raz udalo mi sie jedna zobaczyc w ZOO w Kolonii. Niestety, pogoda byla bardzo kiepska i nie mam stamtad zbyt wiele ladnych zdjec.
Blok zostal zaprojektowany przez Amy. Ponizej jest link do postu Amy. Znajdziecie tam opis spotkania Amy z pandami i link do sciagniecia wzoru.

You will not find Red Panda (which is also called Firefox) in european forests (Red Pandas are native to southeastern Asia - Himalaya Mountains in Nepal, southern Tibet China, Bhutan, etc.) but it sure is a cutie :D I've seen Red Panda once in ZOO in Köln (Cologne; DE), but the weather wasn't the best and I didn't make any good photos.

Don't forget to show us your block in Forest QAL Flickr group!
Nie zapomnijcie pokazac swoich blokow w naszej Flickr'owej grupie

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Slow coming Spring {Forest QAL}

I'm late, I know...  I was away for the weekend and I guess I will sew this week's block next weekend. Julianna designed this beautiful flower block for Forest QAL. You can get the tutorial and the templates on Julianna's blog

Opoznienie tym razem mam straszne. Nie bylo mnie przez weekend, nie szylam ostatnio i wyglada na to, ze blok bede szyla dopiero w weekend. Wzor na blok z przylaszczka mozecie znalezc na blogu Julianny.

Don't forget to show us your block in Forest QAL Flickr group!
Nie zapomnijcie pokazac swoich blokow w naszej Flickr'owej grupie

Monday, 15 April 2013

Roaring Deer {Forest QAL}

Another Monday and another animal in our Forest QAL. 'Roaring deer'. The block is freshly finished as I started sewing today (the weather during the weekend was so nice that I was outside for the best part of those days and not thinking about sewing :) ). Hope you'll like the deer!

Kolejny poniedzialek i kolejny zwierzak w lesie :) Szylam dzisiaj, jak zwykle na ostatnia chwile, bo w weekend byla taka ladna pogoda, ze czas spedzilam poza domem (dzis jest tez bardzo ladnie ale szyc w koncu kiedys trzeba ;) ). Mam nadzieje, ze spodoba sie wam Ryczacy Jelen!

Block measures 12" x 12" finished: 
Blok ma 30 cm x 30cm:


* here is the mirrored image of the block:
 * tu jest lustrzane odbicie bloku:

*Important!* The templates in pdf are mirrored, so to get the correct direction in the block (deer facing right), you have to sew with printed-side of the paper up and the fabric is on the non-printed side of the paper, with the wrong side of the fabric facing the paper.
*Wazne!* Zeby otrzymac dokladnie taki blok jak pokazalam na pierwszym obrazku (jelen zwrocony w prawa strone), musicie szyc strona zadrukowana do gory, a material ma znajdowac sie pod spodem, lewa strona zwrocony do papieru.
And a blank picture for those who want to play with colours before sewing:
Tutaj obrazek bez kolorow, zebyscie mogli wyprobowac zestawienia kolorystyczne zanim zaczniecie szyc:

* assembling parts:
* kolejnosc zszywania elementow bloku:

Don't forget to show us your block in Forest QAL Flickr group!
Nie zapomnijcie pokazac swoich blokow w naszej Flickr'owej grupie

Monday, 8 April 2013

Eurasian Jay {Forest QAL}

I haven't shown much except Forest QAL blocks lately, but that will change soon, I promise. Last 2 weeks I wasn't sewing almost at all (Easter, driving to Poland, visiting family) and now, slowly, I'm starting sewing again. I have few WIPs to finish.

Today I'm sharing next Forest QAL block - Eurasian Jay. I have to admit that this block is very difficult and tricky to sew (for a 12" x 12" block; it would be much easier if it would be bigger) and I spent quite a time sewing all those little pieces together (still, some points do not meet, but it has to stay as it is at this point).

Niewiele sie szylo przez ostatnie prawie 3 tygodnie. Troche siedzialam przy komputerze i poprawialam stare wzory PP, a teraz czas najwyzszy odkurzyc maszyne i wziac sie do roboty ;) 
Dzis kolejny blok w Forest QALu - nasza europejska sojka. Blok (przyznam bez bicia) bardzo trudny. Gdyby byl w wiekszej wersji (niz 12 cali x 12 cali) to byloby znacznie latwiej bo i czesci do zszywania bylyby wtedy wieksze, a tak trzeba sie potrudzic z malutkimi papierkami i duza iloscia zachodzacych na siebie zapasow na szwy:

Block measures 12" x 12" finished (EDIT: I corrected labelling on the pic): 
Blok ma 30 cm x 30cm:
*here is the mirrored image of the block (EDIT: I corrected labelling on the pic):
* tu jest lustrzane odbicie bloku: 

*Important!* The templates in pdf are mirrored, so to get the correct direction in the block (jay facing right), you have to sew with printed-side of the paper up and the fabric is on the non-printed side of the paper, with the wrong side of the fabric facing the paper.
*Wazne!* Zeby otrzymac dokladnie taki blok jak pokazalam na pierwszym obrazku (sojka zwrocona w prawa strone), musicie szyc strona zadrukowana do gory, a material ma znajdowac sie pod spodem, lewa strona zwrocony do papieru. Jesli chcecie, mozecie oczywiscie uszyc blok w odbiciu lustrzanym; mysle, ze nie robi to zbyt wielkiej roznicy :)

Here's a blank picture, so you can play a bit with colour choices before sewing:

Tutaj obrazek bez kolorow, zebyscie mogli wyprobowac zestawienia kolorystyczne zanim zaczniecie szyc:

Assembling parts:

That's how my sewing looked like:
A tu kilka etapow z mojego szycia:

Don't forget to show us your block in Forest QAL Flickr group! I hope you will not get discouraged by the difficulty of the block :)

Nie zapomnijcie pokazac swoich blokow w naszej Flickr'owej grupie! Mam nadzieje, ze nie zniechecicie sie trudnoscia bloku i wkrotce pokazecie swoje uszyte sojki :)

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Maple Fox {Forest QAL}

I'm again later than I suppese to be, but I'm happy that I found the time on Sunday to sew next block in Forest QAL (after Easter I will have more time to sew). 
This time it's Maple Fox designed by Julianna @ Sewing Under Rainbow. Go HERE to see the tutorial, download the block templates and see Julianna's amazing version of the Fox. Don't forget to show your block in Forest QAL Flickr group!
I made mine in very traditional colourway:

Znowu z opoznieniem ale ciesze sie, ze udalo mi sie znalezc czas w niedziele na uszycie kolejnego bloku w naszym Forest QALu. Tym razem to przesliczny 'klonowy' lis zaprojektowany przez Julianne @ Sewing Under Rainbow.
W TYM poscie znajdziecie tutorial i wzor bloku oraz niesamowita wersje lisa, ktora uszyla Julianna. Nie zapomnijcie dodac swoich blokow do Flickr'owej grupy Forest QAL!
Moj lisek jest w tradycyjnych kolorach (tak jak i reszta moich blokow):

Up to now I have 3 Forest QAL blocks:


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